- Course
- Archaeology and history of art
- Study-unit Code
- A001919
- Curriculum
- Generico
- Teacher
- Donatella Scortecci
- Teachers
- Donatella Scortecci
- Hours
- 42 ore - Donatella Scortecci
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali
- Academic discipline
- L-ANT/08
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course has as its objective the achievement of basic knowledge of
the most up-to-date trends of research in the field of Medieval
archaeology and contemporary near eastern (Byzantine and Islam) with
particular attention to the phenomena relating to the formation of the
medieval culture. Specifically, the course will address all issues
characterizing the discipline, methodological issues, such as theoretical
archaeology, broad spectrum aspects of research, such as urban
archaeology and town planning; the transformation of rural areas and the
phenomenon of incastellamento; funerary archaeology with its
implications on the anthropological level; Christian cult buildings and
large monastic complexes; the archaeology of architecture and
archaeology and artifacts. - Reference texts
- A.Augenti, Archeologia dell'Italia Medievale, Bari, Laterza, 2016.
Tin-depth studies on the themes will be available to
ONLINE students on the e-learning platform
(www.unistudium.unipg.it) - Educational objectives
- The course has as its objective the achievement of basic knowledge of
the most up-to-date trends of research in the field of Medieval
archaeology and contemporary of the Near East. The student will prove
like he acquired the ability to develop independently and developed
critical sense and speculative the definition of a "cultural object",
according to institutional policies: from concepts of integrity and
authenticity that relate to preservation and veracity of information,
descriptive capacity, constitutive elements analysis, comparison of
homogeneous types, sessions, diachronic variations, cultural contribution. - Prerequisites
- It is essential that the student has acquired methodological skills and a
solid foundation in the knowledge of historical and archaeological
disciplines of classical and medieval historian, with particular regard to
late Antiquity and the early middle ages. - Teaching methods
- Subject to teaching changes in presence
- Other information
- Attending students will have the possibility of individual programs agreed
with the teacher - Learning verification modality
- The assessment provides a test whose objective is to make the learning
of fundamental issues of discipline and the ability to establish
comparisons, synchronic criteria diacronici and surveying
instruments.The student will demonstrate that it can process the matter
through a rigorous scientific methodology, which takes account of the
proper use of documentary sources and materials.The test consists of an
oral interview and the presentation of individual seminars by the students
on the course topics. The timing see a first stage of verification issues
and a second job verification indiviale. The duration is not more than 30
minutes, 15/20 reserved general verification and ten to the report of the
seminar.The type of test is represented by a stimulus with a reply. The
final measurement examination test gives two-thirds of the General test
score and a third working seminar.For information on support services for students with disabilities: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa - Extended program
- The program includes a first part of a general nature dedicated
to the fundamental problems of Christian and medieval archaeology and . Let's get started
from the history of postclassical archaeological research, from the age of
positivism to move on to the fundamental contribution of Paolo Orsi and the
episodes of Torcello and Castelseprio, in the second post-war period and the theme of
abandoned villages. The recent definition of medieval archaeology
as an autonomous discipline requires a dutiful reflection on its
meaning and areas of research. Part of the course is reserved for
relations with architecture and institutions. We then review the
more significant Italian archaeological contexts, according to a thematic criterion.
The relationship between medieval archaeologist and history of the city refers to
numerous problems, from those related to prevention and
drafting of archaeological risk maps, to those of a more
legal-institutional and economic, until the most recent debate
on urban archaeology, with the examples of Brescia and Verona for the
north; of the Crypta Balbi and the excavations of Naples for the center and south
Italy.From urban contexts we move on to the study of castles,
of the fortification and of the rural population. To the study of the
rural population concerns the important theme of monastic complexes,
centers of culture, power and generators of inhabited areas. The most important examples
the Lombard monastery of San Salvatore in Brescia and San Vincenzo al
Volturno. The archaeology of churches is one of the most important themes
investigated by medieval archaeology in terms of sequence
architectural, burials, materials, settlement. Examples:
the building of Santa Maria foris portas in Castelseprio, San Lorenzo di
Altavilla Silentina. Also residential and structural archaeology
housing occupies the research in particular to the type of structures, the
material used and the forms of reuse, with the examples of Brescia, Luni,
Classe, Pisa. Finally, one of the most innovative aspects of Archaeology
medieval concerns the archaeology of production and artifacts such as
knowledge of subregional sequences, diachronic reading of certain
phenomena, the productive aspects and the organization of work, the
problem of technological transmissions. Examples in ceramics, glass,
wood, metals