Sciences and tecniques of sports and preventive and adapted physical activity
Study-unit Code
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Coorte 2020
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Code GP004547
Teacher Antonella Piccotti
  • Paola Virginia Gigliotti
  • Antonella Piccotti
  • 16 ore - Paola Virginia Gigliotti
  • 24 ore - Antonella Piccotti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline motorie e sportive
Academic discipline M-EDF/02
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction ITALIAN
Contents Sport and physical and recreational activities are a fundamental tool for
training and personal health. The course aims to educate and train
to an operational methodological approach capable of making equestrian
sports an integrated physical, emotional, intellectual and social
development tool. One of the most complete naturalistic sports, in which
contact with nature takes place in the company of a noble animal: the horse
Reference texts -Italian Equestrian Sports Federation: "Guide text for professional
- Italian Equestrian Sports Federation: "Riding Manual"
- COSSILLA G .: Superior riding of the riding instructor "(Sports Library)
- Lecture notes and notes made available by the teacher
- Other texts can be indicated at the request of the student, based on the area of interest
Educational objectives - Making contact with equidae - Knowledge of the horse and its world -empowerment - first rudiments of autonomous handling of a horse with the saddle - learning the basic technical elements
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of activities in the natural environment and related
Teaching methods Lessons in DAD or Mixed Didactics (as indicated by the University) -
Participated lessons
- Laboratory exercises in the riding school -
Lessons of Guided Practice and Free Practice
Expression of Cooperative Learning
-Presentations in
power point - Video - Seminar Activities
Other information Attendance is required, also considering the laboratory activities
Learning verification modality The assessment procedures will verify the outcome of the activities carried out
in terms of participation, insight, connection skills among the topics covered. Verification of the achievement of objectives
will include an ongoing assessment and oral exam for whom
deemed suitable
Extended program * Theoretical part:
Sport and motor and recreational activities as a fundamental tool for the training and health of the person
-A correct relationship between sport and the environment as a resource for those who play sports
-Horse riding combines education, sport and health as benefits for the body and mind
-Equestrian Sports: One of the most complete naturalistic sports, in which contact with the
nature takes place in the company of a noble animal
-Historical origins of equestrian sports
- Multiple values ¿¿of the use of horses (travel - trade - war use -
hunting - sport, etc)
-Horse ethology: gregarious behavior - Systems of communication with
other horses and with man - Grooming - The government of the hand
- Food - Hygiene and Prophylaxis - Apparatus and main pathologies affecting them
-Coats, identification marks and breeds - Biotypology of the horse
-Power and different types of stables
-Finishes and Harnesses: Headboards and mouthpieces - Saddles - Protection Systems
- The federal organization of equestrian sports: Olympic and non-Olympic disciplines (main characteristics of some of them)
-Differences between the old horse riding and the new Caprilli "natural system"
-First stages of education: confidence - empowerment - minimum management -
section work
- The gaits
-Position and set-up - Aids - - Basic principles of horse riding and training ladder
- Youth training
-The equestrian vaulting: educational values; main features such as sports of
team and as an individual sport - competitive aspects
- Motor education in equestrian sports - Motor skills and horse
- Teaching - Learning
-Means / Equipment / Work areas
- Lesson, Shooting, Training session
- Horse riding and equestrian activities in relation to sex
-Ethology - The work of the unmounted horse - Work on the string
Horse riding - first rudiments of autonomous riding of a horse with a saddle
Equestrian vaulting: approaching the horse harnessed with a vaulting band;
learning the basic technical elements


Code GP004546
Teacher Francesco Coscia
  • Francesco Coscia
  • Marco Quarato
  • 24 ore - Francesco Coscia
  • 24 ore - Marco Quarato
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline motorie e sportive
Academic discipline M-EDF/02
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Prof. F. Coscia: The various individual and group sports activities will be taken into consideration, especially carried out in the environment that can intervene in the field of motor reconditioning and physical and sporting activity.¿The indication of physical exercise in the different age groups and in some pathophysiological states will also be taken care of.¿Prof. M. Quarato: To make the school sports world known and to acquire skills in the planning and programming of curricular and extracurricular school sports activities in relation to age, gender differences, performance levels in an inclusive perspective.
Reference texts Prof. F. Coscia: Manual of hiking and safety in the mountains D. Zangirolamini, and other authors ed. Priuli & Verlucca Turin. P. Cerretelli Exercise Physiology sport, environment, age, gender Publishing Company Universe Rome¿Prof. M. Quarato: Slide¿¿Book: "Training the athlete" manual of sports training methodology by G. Brunetti Edizioni SDS 2010¿¿CAPDI magazine¿¿sites:¿¿www.ufficioeducazionefisicaumbria.it¿¿http://www.sportescuola.gov.it/¿¿http://www.scuoleaperteallosport.it¿¿http://www.progettosportdiclasse.it/¿¿http://www.isfsports.org/¿¿http://www.capdi.it/¿¿mobilesport.ch
Educational objectives Prof. F. Coscia:¿It is considered important to acquire the learning of the physiological state applied to practitioners and athletes of the various sports disciplines covered.¿The learning of the study of physical abilities according to the training schedule.¿Prof. M. Quarato: To make the school sports world known and to acquire skills in the planning and programming of curricular and extracurricular school sports activities in relation to age, gender differences, performance levels in an inclusive perspective
Prerequisites Axuological knowledge of the adolescent period.¿¿Knowledge of the various sports disciplines.
Teaching methods Prof. F. Coscia: Organization of teaching (lessons, exercises, practical activities, laboratory)¿The teaching activity will take place through cycles of lectures / internet Unistudium platform, as well as practical exercises to be carried out in an environment suitable for each specific sports activity,¿The Laboratory activity will be carried out at the Gigliotti-Coscia Sports Physiology laboratory both in the fixed location and with the mobile structure in the various locations where the activities will take place. The course will deal with the sports and physical activities that take place in the environment, the changes induced by the environment on humans, the assessments of physical abilities in sports carried out in the environment. We will deal with various sports such as sport climbing in collaboration with the Italian Sport Climbing Federation, mountaineering, mountain biking and Nordic walking in collaboration with ANWI, Aainball in collaboration with the International Aainball Federation.¿The course develops on a training itinerary that harmonises theoretical knowledge and practical exercises.¿The course ends with a final exam and the issue of a certificate of attendance signed by the President of ANWI, by the National Coach Silvia Porzi, by Prof. Francesco Coscia
Other information Course unit THEORY, TECHNIQUE AND DIDACTICS OF SPORTS ACTIVITY 11 credits¿First semester module: THEORY, TECHNIQUE AND DIDACTICS OF SPORTS ACTIVITY IN EVOLUTIONARY AGE, ADULTS AND ELDERLY 6 credits¿First submodule prof. F. Coscia: "Planning of preparation in sports" 3 CFU 24 hours¿Second sub-module prof. M. Quarato: "Theory, technique and didactics of school sports in developmental age" 3 credits 24 hours
Learning verification modality Prof. F. Coscia: Final oral exam / also on the Unistudium online platform.¿Prof. M. Quarato: Evaluation of individual work uploaded in Unistudium with production of lessons using the lesson planner site https://www.mobilesport.ch/it/
Extended program Prof. F. Coscia: The various individual and group sports activities will be taken into consideration, especially carried out in the environment that can intervene in the field of motor reconditioning and physical and sporting activity.¿The indication of physical exercise in the different age groups and in some pathophysiological states will also be taken care of.¿Teaching organization (lessons, exercises, practical activities, laboratory)¿The teaching activity will take place through cycles of lectures / internet Unistudium platform, as well as practical exercises to be carried out in an environment suitable for each specific sports activity,¿The Laboratory activity will be carried out at the Gigliotti-Coscia Sports Physiology laboratory both in the fixed location and with the mobile structure in the various locations where the activities will take place. The course will deal with the sports and physical activities that take place in the environment, the changes induced by the environment on humans, the assessments of physical abilities in sports carried out in the environment. We will deal with various sports such as sport climbing in collaboration with the Italian Sport Climbing Federation, mountaineering, mountain biking and Nordic walking in collaboration with ANWI, Aainball in
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile This teaching contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
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