Unit Rituality, Religious Practices and Material Culture

Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesco Marcattili
  • Francesco Marcattili
  • 72 ore - Francesco Marcattili
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to the History of Religions - Magic and Religion
Reference texts
6 Course Credits:
- G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di storia delle religioni, Roma–Bari 1998 (Laterza) (pp. 5-287, 439-567).
- G. Guidorizzi, La trama segreta del mondo. La magia nell’antichità, Bologna 2019 (Il Mulino).

9 Course Credits:
- G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di storia delle religioni, Roma–Bari 1998 (Laterza) (pp. 5-287, 439-567).
Students must also choose ONE of the following books to read:
- E. de Martino, Il mondo magico. Prolegomeni a una storia del magismo, Torino 2007 (Bollati Boringhieri).
- E. de Martino, Sud e magia, Roma 2015 (Donzelli).

12 Course Credits:
- G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di storia delle religioni, Roma–Bari 1998 (Laterza) (pp. 5-287, 439-567).
The students of the course of Philosophy and Ethics of Relationships (12 CFU) shall select further textbooks in addition to the Manual in agreement with the teacher.
Educational objectives
The course aims to introduce the students to basic issues related to the ancient and modern religions; furthermore, with this course, the students can improve their knowledge on the subject of magic and religion.
Basic knowledge of the historical and/or anthropological topics.
Teaching methods
Face to face lectures, PPT presentations.
Other information
Students are expected to attend class regularly.
Learning verification modality
The evaluation process provides an oral exam (duration: about 20 min.) on topics discussed in the lectures.
Extended program
The first section of this course will survey major themes related to the History of Religions. In the second part of the course, we will focus on the great topic of the magic.
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