- Course
- Safety engineering for the territory and the built environment
- Study-unit Code
- A000931
- Curriculum
- Territorio
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A002271 |
CFU | 5 |
Teacher | Carla Saltalippi |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Ingegneria della sicurezza e protezione civile, ambientale e del territorio |
Academic discipline | ICAR/02 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course is organized in different units as follows. •Hydraulics of flow in river channels •Physical properties of sediment •Scour criteria and scour related problems •Flow in curved river channels •Alluvial bed forms and flow resistance •Sediment movement in rivers •Design of stable alluvial channels •Bank protection •Flood control alternatives |
Reference texts | •A. Armanini, Principi di Idraulica Fluviale, Editoriale BIOS, Cosenza, 1999. •V. Ferro, La Sistemazione dei Bacini Idrografici, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2002. •G. Benini, Sistemazioni idraulico forestali, Ed. UTET, 1992. •Didactic material available in APE-LEARNING or UNISTUDIUM website |
Educational objectives | The main expected learning results will be: •knowledge and understanding of flow resistance in the two components of grain roughness and form roughness to be introduced in the flow-resistance formulas to determine the normal depth in a channel at a given discharge; knowledge and understanding of the hydrological cycle and key hydrological processes, rigorous or simplified approaches in estimating river erosion and flooding process. The main competence (i.e., the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be the identification and evaluation of proper approach for a wide range of problems in river engineering, i.e. in estimating sediment transport and bed load formulas to design hydraulic infrastructures proper technical solution to reduce erosion or flood impact on urbanized territories. |
Prerequisites | In order to deeply understand mathematical models involved in the program of the course and to reach the expected learning results the following elements are required: •Hydraulics: elements of Hydrostatics, open channel flow and pressurized flow. •Hydrology: main components of hydrological cycle (precipitation, runoff, infiltration)and basic hydrological modeling. •Structural Mechanics and Strength of Materials: materials mechanical response, elements of structural analysis. |
Teaching methods | The course is organized as follows: •lectures on all subjects of the course; •exercises on all subjects of the course; •seminars. |
Other information | For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa. |
Learning verification modality | The exam of the course consists of two oral discussions (Exam Mode 1) or one oral discussion (Exam Mode 2) over the contents of the two parts of the course program. Exam Mode 1 The oral exams, each one lasting 45 minutes, to be performed separately or in the same exam session, are directed to check out the knowledge level over the course contents related to River Engineering and Flood Control Alternatives , the ability to apply the studied models and techniques and the ability to select the proper methodology by self-judgement. Furthermore, the oral exams have also the objective to evaluate communication skills and the usage of an appropriate language about the theoretical and practical subjects of the course. The grade of the exam is certified with the local grade system, which is a number on a scale from 18 to 30. The exam mark will be provided by a weighted average of the results obtained in the separate tests. Exam Mode 2 The oral exam, lasting 1 hour, is directed to check out the knowledge level over the course contents related to River Engineering and Flood Control Alternatives, the ability to apply the studied models and techniques and the ability to select the proper methodology by self-judgement. Furthermore, the oral exam has also the objective to evaluate communication skills and the usage of an appropriate language about the theoretical and practical subjects of the course. The grade of the exam is certified with the local grade system, which is a number on a scale from 18 to 30. |
Extended program | The course is organized in different units as follows. •Hydraulics of flow in river channels •Physical properties of sediment •Scour criteria and scour related problems •Flow in curved river channels •Alluvial bed forms and flow resistance •Sediment movement in rivers •Design of stable alluvial channels •Bank protection •Flood control alternatives |
Code | A002272 |
CFU | 4 |
Teacher | Francesca Todisco |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | AGR/08 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Hydraulic and hydrologic risk at the watershed level. Watershed morphometry Hydrological variables and measurement instruments Drainage systems Soil water erosion processes and models for the processes assesment and estimation Bioengineering methods and techniques Watershed reclamation by bioengineering measures. |
Reference texts | Set of university lectures. FERRO V. (2006), La sistemazione dei bacini idrografici – seconda edizione. Ed. McGraw-Hill, Milano, 848 pp. BENINI G., Sistemazioni idraulico-forestali, UTET, Torino FERRO V., DALLA FONTANA G., PAGLIARA S., PUGLISI S., SCOTTON P.M, Opere di Sistemazione Idraulico-Forestale a bassa impatto ambientale McGraw-Hill, Milano BAGARELLO V., FERRO V. (2006). Erosione e conservazione del suolo. McGraw-Hill, Milano, 539 pp., ISBN 88-386-6311-4 (for further informations) |
Educational objectives | KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Learning the basic methodologies to deal with the problems of hydraulic risk, hydrographic catchment restoration and soil erosion and conservation. Ability to understand text and professional books. CAPACITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Ability to programming and independently conduct the surveys necessary for hydrological studies aimed at hydrographic catchment restoration and soil conservation programs. Faculty of autonomously planning soil conservation and hydraulic-forest restoration works. JUDGMENT AUTONOMY: Ability to identify the most appropriate methodologies to find the data necessary to solve the technical problems related to hydraulic risk, hydraulic-forest restoration and soil water erosion works. Ability to identify the different implications of the planned interventions in the specific professional activity of competence. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to exhibit technical studies even to an untrained public. To be able to sustain the importance and highlight the environmental repercussions of the interventions of conservation of the soil and of the forestry and hydraulic remediation works. LEARNING SKILLS: Ability to update with the consultation of scientific publications of the forest hydrology sector, soil science and hydraulic-forest restoration and to follow specialist seminars. |
Prerequisites | Mathematics, physics, hydraulic and hydrology basic knowledge |
Teaching methods | Lectures and numerical applications. Set of university lectures on UNISTUDIUM, books |
Other information | Professor address: Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie. Alimentari e Ambientali (DSA3); Borgo XX Giugno 74. Perugia; Phone: 075 5856052 e_mail: francesca.todisco@unipg.it Reception time-table dependent on the semester: see http://www.unipg.it/personale/francesca.todisco or http://www.dsa3.unipg.it/ A student may be also received by appointement, via e_mail application to francesca.todisco@unipg.it |
Learning verification modality | Oral exam aimed to verify the student knowledge, his discussion capacity, his applicative capacity related to solve some problems of water resource management. The exam consists in a discussion of about 30-45 minutes on 3 questions at least. The questions are related to different topics of the program illustrated during the lectures of the two units (Irrigation systems and Rehabilitation hydraulics) composing the teaching. |
Extended program | LECTURES recalls of hydrographic basin, precipitation, measurement of precipitation, areal rainfall, rainfall data analysis, intensity-duration-frequency curves. Runoff process. Rainfall-flow relationship. Features of a hydrograph. Base flow. Peak flow. The rational formula. Time of concentration. Unit hydrograph theory. Streamflow. Measuring and recording streamflow. Hydrological droughts, Minimum instream flow Watersheds morphometry Drainage systems. Design criteria Soil erosion process. Mathematical models processes assesment and estimation of soil losse and sediment yield. Concentrated and distributed models. Measuring erosion. Impact of land use change on surface erosion. Watershed reclamation by bioengineering techniques and measures. PRACTICE Watershed morphometry Soil water erosion models application Design of drainage systems |