Sustainable agriculture
Study-unit Code
Mariano Pauselli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002206
Teacher Daniela Farinelli
  • Daniela Farinelli
  • 27 ore - Daniela Farinelli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The module is divided into the following parts:
1) Cultivation of Minor Fruit Trees (such as pomegranate and sour cherry) of greater interest for alternative food supply chains, for the production of agri-food products with high nutraceutical value, and for the preservation and enhancement of arboreal biodiversity;
2) cultivation of "small fruits" (such as raspberry and blueberry) of greater interest for food supply chains in the circular economy;
3) agroforestry (associated cultivation, case study: olive, asparagus and poultry farming) as a model of sustainable agricultural development, capable of improving the environmental performance of the production process.
Reference texts Bounus Giancarlo. Piccoli frutti e altri superfrutti. Edagricole. 2017
Book of slides by teacher and scientic papers from teacher
Educational objectives To provide students with in-depth knowledge of tree crop production systems that are innovative and of great interest for the agro-industrial sectors. The main eco-sustainable production techniques will be described and suitable for the production of plant products with high nutraceutical value and that contribute to the recovery of the biodiversity of conventional production systems.
In addition, all aspects relating to the recovery and enhancement of co-products resulting from the transformation of the main products in a circular economy perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisites no one
Teaching methods theoretical and practical lectures
Learning verification modality oral exam
Extended program The module is divided into the following parts:
1) Cultivation of Minor Fruit Trees (such as pomegranate and sour cherry) of greater interest for alternative food supply chains, for the production of agri-food products with high nutraceutical value, and for the preservation and enhancement of arboreal biodiversity;
2) cultivation of "small fruits" (such as raspberry and blueberry) of greater interest for food supply chains in the circular economy;
3) agroforestry (associated cultivation, case study: olive, asparagus and poultry farming) as a model of sustainable agricultural development, capable of improving the environmental performance of the production process.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 12


Code A002205
Teacher Michela Farneselli
  • Michela Farneselli
  • 27 ore - Michela Farneselli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course deals with the main innovative cultivation systems for herbaceous crops of interest to the agro-industry. Cultivation systems will be analyzed both in a protected environment and in the open field. The most innovative species useful for completing the different sources of food supply both for the fresh market and for the agro-industry will be also illustrated. For each innovative cultivation system will be illustrated the diffusion, the technical aspects, the main management problems, the peculiarities of the product obtained and the future perspectives.
Reference texts - slides,
- scientific and technical papers,
- A. Pardossi, G. Prosdocimi Gianquinto, P. Santamaria. Orticoltura. Principi e pratica. Edagricole-New Business Media, 2018
- R. Tesi. Colture protette. Ortoflorovivaismo in ambiente mediterraneo, Edagricole-New Business Media, 2008.
- G. Baldoni. Coltivazioni erbacee. Libreriauniversitaria.it ed., 2021.
- Toyoki Kozai. Genhua Niu, Michiko Takagaki. Plant Factory: An Indoor Vertical Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production. Academic Press, Elsevier, 2019.
Educational objectives Provide students with in-depth knowledge on innovative herbaceous production systems of relevant interest for agro-industrial chains. The course will describe the main eco-sustainable production techniques and the most suitable technique for obtaining plant products with high nutraceutical value and which contribute to the recovery of the biodiversity of conventional production systems. In addition, all aspects relating to the recovery and enhancement of co-products that derive from the transformation of the main products in a circular economy perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisites Topics covered in the module “Herbaceous crops” requires basic knowledge of agronomy and agricultural ecology. The knowledge of the main field crops is also required.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures concerning all the subject of the course: 18 hours;
- Practices in laboratory (6 hours) dedicated to the analysis of the main management parameters (light, water, macro and micronutrients) of the cultivation systems: operation of growth cells, management of light radiation (intensity, wavelength, etc), management of air conditioning systems, management of crop nutrition in a controlled environment, also through the use of dedicated management software. These practical lessons can be carried out at the FitoLab laboratory of the Department.
- Periodic field trips to farms and / or experimental station of the Department (3 hours) where students can see the plants included in cropping systems in order to facilitate direct knowledge of cultivation techniques.
Other information Learning means (besides attendance to lectures):
Study on reference books and drafts
Reading of technical and scientific papers provided by the teacher
Practicing for technical abilities on field crops
Practicing for technical and professional abilities on hypothetical farm contexts
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and understanding capability acquired by the student on program contents. The questions will focus on three among the following subjects: innovative crops (vegetables, industrial crops, biofortificated crops); innovative cropping systems, agronomic issues of the recovery of co-product. The oral exam will also test the student communication skills and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
Extended program The aim of the course is to provide students with specific knowledge on
arable field brewing crops.
- Innovative indoor cultivation systems: general information and
technological solutions that can be adopted for different production
- Current dissemination and future employment prospects
- Control factors for cop growth: light, temperature, humidity, irrigation,
- Artificial lighting systems
- Climate control in a protected environment
- Technical elements of fertilization for indoor systems
- Substrates and recycling solutions for indoor growing systems
- Species of interest for innovative indoor crops: sprouts, functional foods,
officinal crops.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The contents of the course are related to some objectives set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Code A002207
Teacher Mariano Pauselli
  • Mariano Pauselli
  • Bernardo Valenti (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore - Mariano Pauselli
  • 9 ore (Codocenza) - Bernardo Valenti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/19
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents To provide knowledge aimed to qualify the products of animal origin taking in account of the follows factors:
critical issues of current livestock systems;
the evolution of the market of animal origin animals;
chemical and nutritional characteristics of animal origin foods;
low environmental impact farming systems;
farming systems aimed to the animal welfare safeguard and to the conscious use of the drugs.
use of co-products of agro-food industry in animal feeding;
how to design a production specification;
the role that can play by the livestock farming to the territory valorisation including the protected areas as Natural Parks.
Reference texts Various material (papers and ppt) showed during the course and available on Unistudium
Educational objectives Knowledge:
Livestock products market evolution.
Criticism of current livestock farming systems (environmental impact, efficiency and integration with the agricultural systems).
Chemical and nutritional characteristics of livestock products (meat, milk and dairy products).
Sustainable Livestock farming systems (organic, semi-extensive, extensive)
Evaluation of the main parameters of animal welfare according to the different livestock production systems.
The concept of “edible feed efficiency” and the utilisation of agro-food industry co-products as livestock feed.
The livestock systems and their involvement in the territorial valorisation.
Knowing how to design a sustainable production model (organic, semi-extensive, extensive) and draw up a technical report.
Knowing how to assess the main parameters for the animal welfare, evaluation, identify the critical points of the system and draw up a technical report.
Knowing how organise, under a technical point of view, a herding system aimed to valorise a territory enclosed the protected areas and draw up a technical report.
Interpersonal skills:
To be able to work in group.
Prerequisites The ability to perform simple mathematical calculation and the basic knowledge of biology, physiology, ruminants farming systems and basis of agronomy and forage systems, are required.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follow:
Classroom lectures.
Classroom practical lessons for the planning a sustainable livestock farming systems using satellite imagines from terrestrial remote sensing.
Classroom and field practical lessons aiming to assess the welfare status of farm animals.
Classroom practical lessons aimed to develop a production specification design.
Classroom practical lessons for planning an intervention aimed to valorized livestock products in a territory enclosed protected areas.
Field practical lessons for evaluate different livestock management strategies.
Seminars from sector experts.
Classroom discussion about material previously delivered by the teacher.
English language activities.
Other information The course will be held in DSA3 classrooms.
Frequence is facultative but recommended
Learning verification modality The exam consists in an oral examination, based on the discussion of a group technical report and answers to questions aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge and understanding acquired by the student on the subjects of the course.

As a whole, the test will evaluate the students' communication and language skills, the ability to apply the acquired skills, and work out solving problems and solutions.

For information on support services for students affected by disabilities and SLD visit the webpage: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Frontal lessons and seminars.
Introduction (0,2 CFU Valenti B.)
Critical elements of animal production systems and their analysis.
The request for animal products and its evolution at global and national level.
Chemical and nutritional characteristics of the animal products (0,8 CFU Valenti B.).
Fatty acid composition of meat and dairy, aromatic compounds, and shelf life.
Relationship between livestock farming systems and quality of their products.
emi-extensive and extensive livestock farming systems (0.6 FCU Pauselli M)
Organic livestock production systems.
Grazing strateges.
The use of agro-food industry co-products in animal feeding.
Dairy production in semi-extensive farms.
Grass-fed beef production strategies.
Sheep farming.
Free-range pig farming.
Animal welfare assessment (0.2 FCU Pauselli M)
Basis on animal welfare.
Farm animal welfare assessment.
Welfare management at farm level.
Livestock production systems and.
Livestock production systems and territory valorisation.
Livestock production systems in natural park areas .
Livestock production systems in mountain areas.

Practical Lessons (1 CFU Pauselli M.):
A sustainable livestock farming design (case study)
Assessment of welfare parameters and evaluation of the critical points (case study)
A production specification design (case study)
A livestock production systems planning aiming to valorise a territory.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development traceable to the Course can be summarized as combating poverty and hunger and producing quality food that ensures the well-being of populations while respecting environmental protection and the welfare of farmed animals
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