Italian, classical studies and european history
Study-unit Code
Letteratura e filologia italiana
  • (Codocenza)
  • 36 ore (Codocenza) -
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
This teaching, entrusted by agreement to the F. Morlacchi Conservatory (Perugia), is divided into monographic courses (the student will choose one) on different topics in the history of Western music. The single course can concern a composer, or a repertoire, a genre, a stylistic or aesthetic field. The specific titles of the courses, with a brief explanation of the contents and the registration form, will be available in January 2024 on the Conservatory website, “Didattica/Attivazione corsi” https://www.conservatorioperugia.it/attivazione-corsi/
Reference texts
Informations concerning the reference texts will be provided during the course by each teacher. The information will be available also on the Conservatory website https://www.conservatorioperugia.it/attivazione-corsi/
Educational objectives
The teaching represents the only opportunity during three-year degree period to deepen aspects and authors of the history of Western musical culture and to implement a listening method aimed to discern stylistic and expressive contents related to a specific era or style. Through this course students will acquire informations on the historical and cultural context of the authors and works analyzed, on the most important features of the musical genres analyzed and on the most relevant stylistic elements of the pieces listened to. The main skills, which students will acquire, will be ability in historical and aesthetic collocationy of the musical pieces in reference to the history of music and in connection with the general cultural history, and use of minimal technical musical terminology to describe a piece or a section of it.
In order to understand the lessons, students must possess general knowledge relating to the historical context and aspects of cultural life. These notions should have already been acquired during school years. No special musical knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures in the classroom (at the Conservatory), supported by multimedia tools (audio and video). The course may include tutorials, carried out in the classroom with the help of the teacher, designed to recognize the musical pieces listened to during the course (in preparation to take the exam).
This teaching is divided into monographic courses (the student will choose one):
1) Movimenti artistici del Novecento. Il lato musicale degli –ismi
2) Esotismo in Italia e in Francia nel primo Novecento
3) Ludwig van Beethoven, vita e opere
4) I Fiamminghi, il contrappunto e gli “altri” tra medioevo e età moderna
Other information
Attendance is compulsory.
Learning verification modality
The exam includes a final test which consists of a discussion concerning the topics covered during the course and deepened on the recommended texts. The test is useful to verify the level of knowledge and the ability to understand and synthesize which students achieved. The discussion will allow to verify also the student’s ability to communicate by method and language and exposure property what he/she purchased. The exam may include recognition test of the musical
pieces listened to during the course. For dates and exam registration form, consult the Conservatory website, “Didattica/Attivazione corsi” https://www.conservatorioperugia.it/attivazione-corsi/
Extended program
The program is different in the several monographic courses. More detailed informations will be provided by each teacher.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
According to the topics covered, there may be references to the following Objectives: Quality education; Gender equality; Disparity reduction.
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