Italian, classical studies and european history
Study-unit Code
Storia europea
Erminia Irace
  • Erminia Irace
  • Stefania Zucchini (Codocenza)
  • 24 ore - Erminia Irace
  • 12 ore (Codocenza) - Stefania Zucchini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Discipline storiche, filosofiche, antropologiche e sociologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course is intended as an introduction to the main lines of research that have thematised the history of women and gender. The subject will be addressed: a) by analysing some of the most important historical research methodologies that have investigated the history of women; b) by illustrating specific case studies, which in particular concern the issue of violence against women in the medieval period and in the centuries of the early modern age.
Reference texts
1) Ermanno Orlando, Cultura patriarcale e violenza domestica, in Violenza alle donne. Una prospettiva medievale, a cura di Anna Esposito, Franco Franceschi e Gabriella Piccinni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, pp. 13-36;

2) un contributo a scelta tra i seguenti due:

a) Didier Lett, Violenza e dipendenza. Il regime di genere nei registri della giustizia criminale di età comunale (secc. XIV-XV), in I registri della giustizia penale nell'Italia dei secoli XII-XV, sous la dir. de Didier Lett, Rome, Publications de l’École Française de Rome, 2021, pp. 347-371; 
b) Carol Lansing, Aspettative di genere nei tribunali dell’Italia tardo medievale, in I registri della giustizia penale nell'Italia dei secoli XII-XV, sous la dir. de Didier Lett, Rome, Publications de l’École Française de Rome, 2021: pp. 393-423; 

3) Gabriella Zarri, La formazione della “storia delle donne”, in Gabriella Zarri, La memoria di lei. Storia delle donne, storia di genere, Torino, SEI, 1996, pp. 26-58;

4) Laura Schettini, L’ideologia gender è pericolosa, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2023, capitoli 2 e 3;

5) Simona Feci, Laura Schettini, Storia e uso pubblico della violenza contro le donne, in La violenza contro le donne nella storia. Contesti, linguaggi, politiche del diritto (secoli XV-XXI), a cura di
Simona Feci e Laura Schettini, Roma, Viella, 2017, pp. 7-39;

6) Elizabeth S. Cohen, The Trials of Artemisia Gentileschi: A Rape as History, in “The Sixteenth Century Journal”, 31, 2000, 1, pp. 47-75:

7) Artemisia Gentileschi, Lettere. Precedute da Atti di un processo per stupro, a cura di Eva Menzio, Milano, Abscondita, 2004, pp. 11-22 e 77-83.

Papers 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 are available in pdf format on the Unistudium platform;
paper 2 a) is published at the following link:
I registri della giustizia penale nell’Italia dei secoli XII-XV - Violenza e dipendenza - Publications de l’École française de Rome (openedition.org);
Paper 2 b) is published at the following link: I registri della giustizia penale nell’Italia dei secoli XII-XV - Aspettative di genere nei tribunali dell’Italia tardo medievale - Publications de l’École française de Rome (openedition.org).

Students with disabilities and / or with SLD, after consultation with the teacher, can request any didactic materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts, exercises), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons, as well as the use of other facilitating technological tools in the study phase. For general information, consult the University Services on the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Department Coordinator (prof.ssa A. Di Pilla).
Educational objectives
The teaching (which is carried out in co-teaching mode: 24 hours by Prof. E. Irace and 12 hours by Prof. S. Zucchini) enriches the didactic offer of the CdS due to its interdisciplinary organization and the topics addressed, concerning the history of women and the gender history. Students will deepen their historical and historiographic knowledge and skills by learning to move with a transversal approach. The main knowledge acquired will concern the main issues concerning the history of women and gender in the medieval age and the early modern age. The main skills acquired will be the ability to develop logical-critical and historiographic reasoning in a diachronic manner, which will also enable them to develop awareness of the issues concerning the current position of women in society.
It’s very important the good knowledge of the medieval and early modern history of Europe and also high standards of argumentative skills.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons accompanied by use of powerpoint.
Other information
a) further information will be provided during lessons;
b) information and materials useful for exam preparation can be found on the Unistudium platform: https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/login/index.php on the page dedicated to this teaching.
Learning verification modality
Oral exam that lasts about 20 minutes around the course topics. In particular, the critical-interpretative skills of the students will be evaluated, attesting to the good understanding and the ability to expose the subject matter of analysis in a complex and arguable way.

Attention: students who cannot attend lessons (e.g. working students) and students with disabilities and / or SLDs must contact the teachers via email (at the address stefania.zucchini@unipg.it and erminia.irace@unipg.it) at the beginning of the lessons in order to agree on the procedures for carrying out the exam.
Extended program
The course intends to represent an introduction to the knowledge of the main lines of research that have themed the history of women and gender. First, some of the most important historical research methodologies that have investigated the history of women will be analyzed. Secondly, specific case studies concerning Europe in the Middle Ages and the early modern age will be illustrated.
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