Unit Pedagogy of Inclusion

Educational counselling and coordination of pedagogic practices
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata

Special Didactics and Inclusion Tecnology II MOD.

Code A002536
Teacher Roberto Orazi
  • Roberto Orazi
  • 36 ore - Roberto Orazi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Academic discipline M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction to inclusion.
Assistive technologies for different disabilities
Text to Speech
Digital Usability and Accessibility
Communication tools
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
Technologies for personalized learning.
Online learning platforms.
Reference texts 1. Calvani A., (2020), Tecnologie per l’inclusione. Quando e come avvalersene, Roma: Carocci.
2. Fogarolo F., Scapin C., (2010), Competenze compensative. Tecnologie e strategie per l'autonomia scolastica degli alunni con dislessia e altri DSA, Trento: Erickson.
3. CAST (2011), Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Guidelines version 2.0, Wakefield, MA: Author. Trad. IT (2015) a cura di Giovanni Savia e Paolina Mulè
Educational objectives The educational objectives are aimed at developing an in-depth understanding of the available technologies and their applications to promote educational inclusion:
understand the concepts and principles of inclusive education: gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of inclusive education, including the challenges people with disabilities face in learning and participation, as well as the benefits of inclusion for all learners.
Learn about assistive technologies: Learn about the different types of assistive technologies available, such as physical access devices, learning assistance software, augmentative and alternative communication tools, and understand how these technologies can support people with disabilities in the educational setting.
Explore technologies for digital accessibility: acquire skills in the design and development of accessible digital content, understanding the guidelines and best practices to ensure that digital learning materials are accessible to people with disabilities.
Prerequisites In order to better understand and be able to deal with the topics of the course, male and female students must possess the knowledge of general teaching.
Teaching methods The course will be organized as follows:
1. Lectures in the classroom on topics, issues and problems relating to all topics of the course.
2. Practical exercises on compensatory and/or dispensatory software and on graphic organizers.
Other information Location:
Florenzi palace, Department of Philosophy, Human and Social Sciences and Education
For the timetable of lessons see http://www.fissuf.unipg.it
Learning verification modality In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.

The exam includes an oral which consists of a discussion-interview on the topics covered during the course and deepened on the recommended texts. The test serves to ascertain the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Furthermore, this interview will allow to verify the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired with method, properties of language and exposure. The duration of the exam varies according to the progress of the test itself.

The program is identical for attending and non-attending students.

For information on support services for students with disabilities, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Introduction to inclusion: overview of the fundamental principles and concepts of educational inclusion, the challenges and opportunities that technologies can offer to promote inclusion.
Assistive technologies to help people with disabilities overcome barriers to learning and participation: physical access devices, screen readers, alternative keyboards, text-to-speech software.
Digital accessibility: an overview of the guidelines and best practices for the design and development of accessible digital content: the design of accessible interfaces, text formatting, access to images and videos, document accessibility.
Tools for Communication: The exploration of tools and technologies that support augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for people with communication difficulties: text-to-speech software, symbol communication programs, messaging applications, and more.
Technologies for personalized learning: the use of digital technologies and tools to tailor learning to fit students' individual learning needs and styles: online learning platforms, adaptive assessment tools.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile One of the main objectives of the 2030 Agenda is inclusion and equity, with the aim of "leaving no one behind". While the 2030 Agenda does not explicitly mention "technologies of inclusion", related goals can be applied in the context of technologies to promote inclusion. The following is an Agenda 2030 goal relevant to inclusion technologies:
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
This objective aims to ensure that all people have access to quality education and that learning is inclusive, equitable and accessible to all sections of society. Inclusion technologies can play a significant role in achieving this goal by offering tools and resources to overcome barriers to learning and to promote an accessible and inclusive learning environment.

Inclusive designs in learning environments I MOD.

Code A002535
Teacher Moira Sannipoli
  • Moira Sannipoli
  • 36 ore - Moira Sannipoli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Academic discipline M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
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