Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesca Blasi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000524
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Francesca Blasi
  • Francesca Blasi
  • Francesca Blasi
  • 42 ore - Francesca Blasi
  • 8 ore - Francesca Blasi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline farmaceutico-alimentari
Academic discipline CHIM/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Food constituents and nutrients. Chemical composition of animal and vegetable foods. Alteration and adulteration of foods. Composition, property, legislation, and use of dietetic products.
FSG (Food for Specific Groups).
Foods subject to notification: FSG, food additives, food supplements, gluten-free foods specifically formulated for celiacs.
Mannina, Daglia, Ritieni (Zanichelli Editore)

PRODOTTI DIETETICI Evangelisti e Restani (Piccin Editore)

Novellino, Iadevaia (Edizione Punto Effe srl)

Updated teaching material, available on the Unistudium platform.

Lecture notes.
Educational objectives The course of “Foods and Dietetic Products” is part of the teachings dealing with the course area “Food Sciences”.
The main objective of the course is to provide students with the bases needed to address the study of foods and dietetic products, and to provide adequate knowledge regarding:
*chemical structure and properties of food constituents;
*mechanisms of the main reactions of alteration;
*different types and uses of dietetic products (FSG, ADAP, baby food, gluten-free foods).
Main knowledge acquired will be:
* food composition;
* structure of food constituents;
* modification of food;
* composition and use of dietetic products.
The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge, with the following competences:
* ability to assess food quality, based on the data of the composition and on eventual alteration and adulteration;
* ability to interpret, for the purposes of a correct use, the composition of dietetic products.
Prerequisites For an optimal understanding of the contents of the course and for the achieving of the planned goals, the students must have general knowledge on:
inorganic chemistry; organic chemistry; biochemistry.
Furthermore, it is necessary to have successfully passed the Biochemistry exam (mandatory prerequisites), as the student must also be able to write, explain, and recognize simple structural formulas of the main nutrients.
Teaching methods The course is based on lectures face to face (42 hours) on all topics of the course (see "Contents"), with 8 hours of theoretical-practical activity.
Other information Course attendance is strongly recommended.

For information on student support services (disability and/or DSA): http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality The learning of the contents and the notions of the course will be obtained after passing an oral examination (30-40 minutes), which aims to:
* verify the knowledge acquired by the student in the field of food chemistry and dietetic products;
* verify the learning ability achieved by the student on the topics presented in class and listed in the program;
* verify the communication skills of the student with language properties and autonomous organization of the exhibition in relation to the topics (theoretical/practical content) foreseen in the teaching program;
* check the ability to apply the skills acquired.
The questions will focus on:
*structure of food constituents;
* mechanisms of modification of these components;
* composition of the main animal and vegetable foods;
* evaluation of food quality;
* composition, properties, legislation, and uses of dietetic products (FSG, ADAP, baby food, gluten-free foods).
Extended program Constituents of food and nutrients.
Nutritional label (Reg. UE 1169/2011) and shelf-life of foods.
Nutritional and health claims (Reg. UE 1924/2006).
Food frauds: adulterations, sophistications. Food quality and safety. Free and bonded water in foods. Activity water and modification of foods.
Carbohydrates in foods/dietetic products: generalities, classification, structure. Functional foods: probiotics, prebiotics.
Proteins in foods/dietetic products: generalities, functions, structures.
Lipids: generalities, classification and structure. Adulterations/modifications of lipid, protein, carbohydrate fractions of foods/dietetic products. Natural and synthetic antioxidants, structure and mechanism of action. Composition, preparation, conservation, modification of some foods: milk, fat and oil, cereals and derivatives.
Food additives.
Food supplements.
Novel food. Functional food.
FSG (Food for Specific Group): Reg. UE 609/2013. Dietetic products.
Baby food.
Gluten-free foods (Reg. UE 828/2014).
UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: Goal 3
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Goal 3: Good health and well-being


Code 50124005
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Gina Cavaliere
  • Gina Cavaliere
  • 42 ore - Gina Cavaliere
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Human body composition and nutritional requirements in the different ages and physiological conditions. Food nutritional quality and recommended daily servings/food pyramid. Rational diet, health promotion and major disease prevention. Nutritional status assessment.
Reference texts Costantini Mariani A., Cannella C., Tomassi G. Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana. 3°Edizione. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2016.
Debellis L., Poli A. Alimentazione, Nutrizione e Salute. EdiSES, 2019.
Educational objectives
The teaching objective is the acquisition of knowledge of food science, specifically the nutritional needs of individuals at various ages and physiological conditions, in order to educate people to adopt healthy and correct lifestyles.
To better understand the content and to achieve the objective of teaching, it is desirable that, at the beginning of the lessons, the student already possess the basic knowledge of General Biochemistry and Physiology that it is advisable to acquire however.
Teaching methods
The course (6 CFU) consists of 42 hours of face-to face lessons on the program topics .
Other information
The course attendance is recommended
Learning verification modality The teaching exam consist of an oral session of 20-30 minutes, aimed at ascertaining the knowledge acquired on the nutritional needs of the human organism and the nutritional characteristics of food groups.
Extended program Meaning of the term "diet". The diet as healthy determining. Nutritional glossary. Macronutrient (protein, lipid and carbohydrate) requirements and their nutritional quality assessment/estimate.
From food to nutrient: macronutrient digestion and nutrient absorption. Dietary fiber: components, chemical-physical property and physiological effects. Human body nutritional requirements in the different ages and physiological conditions (child and adult hood, pregnancy and nursing, sporting and elderly) and their fulfillment adequacy. Nutraceuticals and functional foods. Control mechanisms of hunger and satiety. Rational diet: from scientific bases to criteria for daily energy distribution among macronutrient. Dietary calcium and iron bioavailability: dietetic strategies for their optimal absorption. Major food groups chemical composition, nutritional quality and recommended daily serving: milk and dairy products, eggs, meats and fish, cereals and legumes, fats and oils, vegetables and fruit. Food pyramid as means of education and prevention. Body composition: age, sex and physiological condition changes, major methods assessment.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and Wellness
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