Pharmaceutical biotechnologies
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesca Marini
  • Francesca Marini
  • 42 ore - Francesca Marini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Discipline di base applicate alle biotecnologie
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Bioorganic chemistry applies the principles of organic chemistry to interdisciplinary topics related to biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and biotechnology. The main purpose of this course is to provide knowledge on the catalytic mechanisms of enzymes and their applications in bioconversions from an organic chemistry perspective. In the first part of the course, the similarities between organic reactions and biochemical transformations are highlighted and the catalytic mechanisms of certain classes of enzymes and the role of some coenzymes discussed. In the second part, an introduction to the use of enzymes in organic synthesis (biocatalysis) and in production of some enantioenriched molecules is provided.
Reference texts
Lecture slides complemented by assigned additional readings.
For further readings:
Bugg "Introduction to Enzyme and Coenzyme Chemistry"3° Edition John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.
K.Faber Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
J.J. E. McMurry, T.Begley The Organic Chemistry of Biological Pathways, Roberts & Co. 2005P.
Silverman, R.B., "The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action", Academic Press. Y. BRUICE, Chimica Organica, Ed. EdiSES.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course students understand how the principles of mechanistic organic chemistry can be applied to the study of biological pathways, drug design and biocatalysis. Students will acquire knowledge on catalytic mechanisms of certain classes of enzymes and different aspects of biocatalysis. They are able to discuss chemical aspects of biological transformations and apply the acquired knowledge to the discussion of examples from scientific literature.
In order to understand the course contents and achieve the learning outcomes students should have basic knowledge of Organic Chemistry.
Teaching methods
Lectures covering all the subjects of the course.
Other information
The attendance is strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality
The oral exam (approximately 30 minutes) is addressed to verify the understanding and the ability to clearly communicate the topics covered in the course. The ability to apply acquired knowledge to the discussion of enzymatic mechanisms and biocatalytic transformations, also selected from literature, will be evaluated. For information about support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
Introduction to bioorganic chemistry. Acidity and pKa in bioorganic chemistry. Stereochemistry and chirality. Stereogenic and prostereogenic units. Enantiomeric excess. Similarities between organic reactions and biochemical transformations. Common Organic Mechanisms in Biological Chemistry. Biosynthesis of terpenes and polyketides. Chemical catalysis and enzymatic catalysis: general principles. Acid catalysis and base catalysis, nucleophilic catalysis, metal catalysis. Effects of proximity, orientation and distortion. Catalytic perfection. Catalytic mechanisms of some classes of enzymes: protein kinases, serinproteases, cystein proteases, aspartate proteases, metal proteases and glycosidases (lysozime). Aldolases. Enzymes as drug target. Coenzymes. NAD and FAD in redox processes. Roles in catalytic mechanisms of biotin, K vitamin, thiamine pyrophosphate, S-adenosylmethionine and pyridoxal phosphate. Introduction to biocatalysis: use of microrganism and isolated enzymes in the production of organic molecules. Enzymes in organic solvents. Immobilized enzymes and modified enzymes for performance optimization. Enzymatic kinetic resolutions. Dynamic kinetic resolutions. Examples of application of hydrolytic enzymes in the production of enantioenriched amino acids and intermediates of pharmaceutical interest. Enantioselective synthesis. Use of dehydrogenases in biocatalysis and recycling of the cofactor. Catalytic Antibodies.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
The course contains topics related to sustainability (biocatalysis)
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