- Course
- Mechanical engineering
- Study-unit Code
- 70091209
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Franco Cotana
- Teachers
- Franco Cotana
- Hours
- 81 ore - Franco Cotana
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2019
- Offered
- 2020/21
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ingegneria energetica
- Academic discipline
- ING-IND/10
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course of Applied (Technique) Physics offers learners teaching units aimed at learning the basic principles of classical thermodynamics, thermal machines and their thermodynamics cycles, the main modes of heat transmission and related applications in the mechanical field. The course also proposes the study and analysis of thermo-hygrometric well-being in a confined environment with particular reference to the main causes of discomfort for occupants and the treatment of the main types of air conditioning and air conditioning systems, also powered by renewable energy sources. There will also be an outline of the main thermal machines and related thermodynamic cycles. Finally, the main theoretical aspects related to the acoustics and lighting technology will be discussed.
- Reference texts
- • Mauro Felli, Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica I, Termodinamica, macchine, impianti
a cura di Francesco Asdrubali, Ed. Morlacchi
• Mauro Felli, Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica II, Trasmissione del calore, Acustica, Tecnica dell'Illuminazione, a cura di Federico Rossi, Ed. Morlacchi.
• Slides from the lessons - Educational objectives
- The course of Applied (Technique) Physics combines theoretical knowledge concerning thermodynamics, engines, acoustics and lighting technology and the related practical skills consisting in the ability to evaluate the main environmental phenomena of heat transmission, acoustic wave and light in the environments of life.
The main objective of the course is to provide learners with theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the analysis of these phenomena and the recognition of the effects they cause on human health.
The main knowledge (Dublin Descriptor 1) acquired will be:
- theory of thermodynamics and heat transfer
- theory of thermal machines and their thermodynamic cycles
- theory and technique of air conditioning
- theory and phenomenology of the internal and external microclimate of buildings
- basic elements of the different environmental phenomenologies and their effects on human health
- techniques of acoustic analysis and lighting in interiors and exteriors of buildings.
The main skills acquired (ability to apply the acquired knowledge, Dublin Descriptor 2, and to adopt with appropriate judgment the appropriate approach, Dublin Descriptor 3) will be:
- evaluate the principles of thermodynamics and the related application consequences
- analyze the main heat exchange mechanisms
- analyze the thermal machines and their thermodynamic cycles
- assess the quality of the internal environments and the microclimatic characteristics of the same
- evaluate the characteristics and the main acoustic and lighting engineering parameters and their effect on human health. - Prerequisites
- As for recommended preparatory steps
- Teaching methods
- The course is divided into:
1) Theoretical lessons
2) Application exercises - Other information
- n.a.
- Learning verification modality
- The exam will be divided into 4 written questions, 2 of which are general and 2 specifics. Later, an oral final test.
- Extended program
- Fundamentals of thermodynamics
Units of measurement of the international MKS system. Thermodynamic quantities. Closed and open thermodynamic systems. State quantities. Phase rule. Plan of Clapeyron P-v. Principles of thermodynamics. Zero principle and temperature concept (thermal equilibrium). First principle and conservation of energy. Cars. Earnings. Second principle and energy quality. Entropy. Entropic plane T-s. Enthalpy. Exergy.
Thermal machines and their energy and exergetic efficiency. Mechanical components and technology. Construction of thermodynamic transformations on T-S and P-v graphs. Otto cycle, Diesel, Brayton, Rankine, Rankine-Hirn, reverse Rankine. Compression and absorption refrigeration machines.
Heat transmission
Heat transmission mode. Conduction. Convection. Irradiation. Adduction. Thermo-insulating materials. Application examples to cases of civil construction (single-layer, multilayer wall, with and without internal heat development, glass walls).
Thermo-hygrometric well-being
Thermo-hygrometric balance of the human body. Metabolism. Clothing thermal resistance. Global well-being indexes: PMV and PPD. Causes of local discomfort.
Air conditioning
Psychrometric quantities: specific humidity, relative humidity, dew temperature and wet bulb temperature. Measurement instrumentation: psychrometer. Psychrometric chart. Air treatments: summer treatment and winter treatment of humid air in an all-air system. Description of an air conditioning system. Environmental phenomena and main effects on human health.
Lighting and colorimetry.
Visual well-being. Lighting project: objectives. Notes on street lighting. Indoor lighting project: total flow method. Notes on the point-to-point method. Natural lighting: average factor of daylight. Lighting measures: checks of average daylight factor, limits and uniformity of illuminance, color temperature and luminance distribution. Measurement instrumentation: luxmeter-colorimeter and luminance meter. Legislation and technical regulations.
Acoustic quantities and relative levels. Acoustic spectra. Frequency bands: octaves and thirds of octaves. Sound propagation. Reverberation. Absorption, reflection and transmission for acoustic energy. Sound absorption method: porous sound-absorbing panels, absorbent resonant perforated panels and vibrating panels. Soundproofing method: sound insulation and mass law. Sound and noise. Qualitative aspects of auditory sensation. Evaluation indexes of noise disturbance. “A” weighted sound pressure level LpA (t). Normal audiogram. Weighting curve "A". Equivalent continuous sound level "A" weighted LAeq, T. Elements of psychoacoustics: effects of noise on humans, shifting of the threshold of audibility. Measurement instrumentation: sound level meter. Legislation and technical regulations.