Mechanical engineering
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fernanda Pambianco
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004944
Teacher Anna Rita Sambucini
  • Anna Rita Sambucini
  • 54 ore - Anna Rita Sambucini
Learning activities Base
Area Matematica, informatica e statistica
Academic discipline MAT/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction italian
Contents Partial differentiation, direction derivatives. Extreme of functions of two or three variables. Parametric curves and arc length. Polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Line integrals, multiple integrals, Green formulas. Potential. Function series.
Reference texts Calogero Vinti - Lezioni di Analisi Matematica II - COM Ed.

The slides of the lessons are published weekly on Unistudium
Educational objectives the course goal is to enable students to develop the concepts acquired with the pourpose of being able to use them to interpret and describe problems of applied sciences and in particular of engineering.
Prerequisites In order to understand and know how to apply the topic of this course it is important to follows/ have followed the course Mathematics I.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:

-lectures on all subjects of the course

-exercises in classroom.
Other information The examination involves passing the exams of two modules: Geometry and Analysis.
Learning verification modality The method of verification of the learning results of the Analysis module is divided in two phases:
a written exam of 3 hours and an oral examination of more or less 40 minutes.

For both modules the written test includes the solution of three exercises on topics covered in the program and is designed to verify the ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge, the understanding of the exercices proposed and the ability to communicate in writing language. The oral test is designed to assess the level of knowledge and the understanding reached by the student on the contents listed in the program, this test is also used for verifying the presentation skills of the student.
The final score of Mathematics II will be given from the average of the scores of the two modules and it is necessary to have passed the exam of Mathematics I.
The two tests together allow to ensure the ability to:
- knowledge and understanding,
- apply the skills acquired,
- exposition,
- develop solutions.

Students with disabilities must inform the teacher of their status with a note when booking the exam (at least one week before) in order to allow for an appropriate organization of the written test
Extended program Partial differentiation, direction derivatives. Extreme of functions of two or three variables. Parametric curves and arc length. Polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Line integrals, multiple integrals, Green formulas. Potential. Function series.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile istruzione di qualità


Code GP004943
Teacher Fernanda Pambianco
  • Fernanda Pambianco
  • 54 ore - Fernanda Pambianco
Learning activities Base
Area Matematica, informatica e statistica
Academic discipline MAT/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction italian
Contents Complex numbers. Vector spaces. Bases and dimension. Linear transformations and isomorphisms. Matrices. Determinants. Linear systems. Autovalues and Autovectors.
Geometric vectors. Affine space and parallelism. Euclidean space and orthogonality. Projective space. Conics. Quadrics (samples).
Educational objectives Knowledge of basic mathematical language and of foundamental concepts of linear algebra and Cartesian geometry.
Prerequisites No prerequisites except the basic knowledge of arithmetic and algebra.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:

-lectures on all subjects of the course

-exercises in classroom.
Learning verification modality The method of verifying the learning outcomes consists of an oral test initially consisting in the setting and discussion of some exercises that are the application of the theory addressed in teaching.
Then we move on to questions relating to theoretical aspects inherent to the issues addressed and aimed at ascertaining their knowledge and understanding by the student, as well as the ability to present their content.
Extended program Elements of Logic. Relations and Partitions. The field Z_P. Complex numbers. Roots of complex numbers.
Vector spaces. Generator systems. Linear dependence. Bases and vector's coordinates. Bases in generator systems. Exchanging theorem and dimension. Linear transformations. The space Hom(V,W). Definition of a linear transformation on the vectors of a basis.
Kernel and Image of a linear transformation. Relation between their dimension. Isomorphic vector spaces and their dimension.
Vector spaces of matrices. Row-column product. Matrix of a linear transformation. Matrix of a composed linear transformation. Matrix of a bases exchange.
Calculus of a matrix determinant. Transpose of a matrix, product of matrices, their determinant. Invertible matrices, their determinant, linear dependence of the columns.
Linear systems. Cramer's systems. Rank of a matrix and its determination. Homogenehous linear systems and the space of solutions. General case and theorem of
Rouché-Capelli. Autovalues and autovectors.
Orientate lines and segments. Cartesian reference systems. The space of geometric vectors. Coordinates of a vector
and coordinates of the extreme points of its representative segments. Parallel vectors, complanar vectors and conditions on their coordinates.
Affine Space. Parametric representation of lines and planes. Cartesian equation of a plane. Bundles of planes and lines. Cartesian equations of a line.
Conditions of parallelism. Exchanges of affine reference systems.
Euclidean Space. Definitions of angles. Scalar product. Distance between two points and sphere. Orthogonality conditions.
Projective space. Homogeneous coordinates. Representation of planes and lines in homogeneous coordinates.
Algebraic curves (samples) Theorem of Bézout. Classification of conics. Bundles of conics. Configuration of basic points and reducible conics in a bundle.
Quadrics (samples).
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