Environmental engineering
Study-unit Code
Ambiente e energia
Marzio Rosi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002598
Teacher Marzio Rosi
  • Marzio Rosi
  • 48 ore - Marzio Rosi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria per l'ambiente e territorio
Academic discipline CHIM/12
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Atomic structure and chemical bond. Combustion processes. Chemistry of the atmosphere; natural cycles of ozone, nitrogen oxides and carbon bioxide in the atmosphere. Quality and potability of the water. Heavy metals pollution. Nuclear chemistry and radioactivity. Radon. Nuclear risk. Nuclear accidents. Chemical risk. Evaluation of the chemical risk.
Reference texts David W. Oxtoby, H. P. Gillis & Laurie J. Butler, Chimica Moderna, EdiSES, Napoli

Colin Baird, Chimica Ambientale, Zanichelli, Bologna

Ian Williams, Environmental Chemistry, Wiley, Chichester

Stefano Falcinelli, Franco Vecchiocattivi, Radiochimica ambientale, Aracne Editrice

Fulvio D'Orsi, Giacomo Guerriero, Eva Pietrantonio, La valutazione del rischio chimico, EPC Libri, Roma

Notes provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives Environmental chemistry; environmental pollution. Chemical risk. At the end of the course the student should be able to perform an evaluation of the chemical risk in a working laboratory, provided all the necessary information.
Moreover, the student at the end of the course will know all the following topics: combustions, atmospheric chemistry, water pollution, heavy metals, environmental radioactivity, chemical risk and related legislation.
Prerequisites Knowledge acquired during the Chemistry course. It is necessary in particular a good knowledge of the atomic structure, of the periodic properties of the elements and of the chemical bonding. For this reason, in the first part of the course we will dedicate few lessons to a review of these topics.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons. Seminars
Other information There are eight sessions of examinations: June 2024 (2 dates); July 2024; September 2024; January 2025; February 2025; April 2025. The dates can be found in the site:
Learning verification modality Written examination lasting 90 minutes followed by a discussion of the written test. The written test is divided into 10 questions, which can be numerical problems or theoretical descriptions. To each question answered correctly and completely are attributed 3 points; the score decreases if the response is only partial. The absence of a response is not penalized. The questions cover all the topics of the program: combustions, atmospheric chemistry, water pollution, heavy metals, environmental radioactivity, chemical risk and related legislation. During the test it is possible to check books, computer and student's notes. The oral examination is only a revision of the written test.

For information relative to students with disabilities or specific learning disorders see the WEB page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Atomic structure and chemical bond.
Combustion processes and main fuels.
Chemistry of the atmosphere; natural cycles of ozone, nitrogen oxides and carbon bioxide in the atmosphere. Sulphur and nitrogen oxides; hydrocarbons; carbon oxides; ozone; metals; particulate; VOC; asbestos.
Water. Quality of the water. Potability of the water.
Heavy metals pollution.
Nuclear chemistry and radioactivity. Environmental radioactivity in buildings. Radon. Nuclear risk. Nuclear accidents. Chernobyl.
Chemical risk. Bhopal and Seveso accidents. Evaluation of the chemical risk. Italian legislation. Models for the evaluation of the chemical risk in Italy.


Code A002599
Teacher Marzio Rosi
  • Marzio Rosi
  • Stefano Falcinelli
  • 40 ore - Marzio Rosi
  • 6 ore - Stefano Falcinelli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline CHIM/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Atomic structure and chemical bond. General principles of the instrumental chemical analysis for environmental pollutants.
Spectroscopic analysis: IR and UV-Vis, Mass spectrometry. Cromatography. NMR spectroscopy. Nuclear chemistry and environmental radioactivity.
Reference texts David W. Oxtoby, H. P. Gillis & Laurie J. Butler, Chimica Moderna, EdiSES, Napoli

Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, Chimica Analitica strumentale, EdiSES, Napoli

Colin Baird, Chimica Ambientale, Zanichelli, Bologna

Ian Williams, Environmental Chemistry, Wiley, Chichester
Notes distributed on web
Educational objectives The student will be able to perform an evaluation of the analysis of pollutants. At the end of the course, the student should be able to analyze IR, UV-VIS and NMR spectra in order to understand which chemical species are present.
The student should be able to know all the following topics: error theory, optical spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, nuclear chemistry and radioactivity.
Prerequisites Knowledge acquired during the Chemistry course. It is necessary in particular a good knowledge of the atomic structure, of the periodic properties of the elements and of the chemical bonding. For this reason, in the first part of the course we will dedicate few lessons to a review of these topics.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons and laboratory demonstrations
Other information There are eight sessions of examinations: June 2024 (2 dates); July 2024; September 2024; January 2025 (2 dates); February 2025; April 2025. The dates can be found in the site:
Learning verification modality Written examination lasting 90 minutes followed by a discussion of the written test. The written test is divided into 10 questions, which can be numerical problems or theoretical descriptions. To each question answered correctly and completely are attributed 3 points; the score decreases if the response is only partial. The absence of a response is not penalized. The questions cover all the topics of the program: error theory, optical spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, radioactivity. During the test it is possible to check books, computer and student's notes. The oral examination is only a revision of the written test.

For information relative to students with disabilities or specific learning disorders see the WEB page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Atomic structure and chemical bonding.

General principles of environmental chemical analysis. Methodology, instrumentation, precision and accuracy of measurements, standard deviation, and reliability limits, detection limits.

Principles of the optical spectroscopy; absorption and emision spectra, molecular spectroscopy, UV, visible and IR.

Applications of spectroscopic techniques to the pollution control of atmosphere, water analysis, ozone analysis, nitrogen oxides analysis, CO analysis, SO2 analysis.

General principles of mass spectrometry. Types of ionization, dispersion systems, detection of gaseous ions. Some applications to pollutant analysis.

Few notes about the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its application to the chemical analysis.

Nuclear chemistry and radioactivity. Environmental radioactivity in buildings. Radon. Nuclear risk. Nuclear accidents. Chernobyl.

General considerations about problems on the pollution control.
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