Environmental engineering
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Piergiorgio Manciola
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP006032
Teacher Francesco Di Maria
  • Francesco Di Maria
  • 48 ore - Francesco Di Maria
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline ING-IND/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Principle and legislation of waste managment, main treatment and facilites for waste disposal and recycling
Reference texts Lesson minutes
Educational objectives Ability in understanding and sizing of waste managment systems and related treatment and disposal facilities
Prerequisites The required prerequisites are shown in the Integrated Course Sheet (Sanitary Engineering and Techical Facilities for Waste Treatment).
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons
Practical training
Field visits
Other information Office hours
-monday 8:30am 11:30am
-wednesday 3:00pm 6:00pm

Room n.38
Dipartimento di Ingegneria

Statistic data about marks are shown in the Integrated Course Sheet.
Learning verification modality Oral and written

More information on learning verification methods are shown in the Integrated course (Sanitary Engineering and Techical Facilities for Waste Treatment) tab.
Extended program Introduction to waste management:
- General principle
- Legislation
Waste managment
- collection
- recycling
Waste treatment:
- Incineration
- Mechanical and Biological treatment
- Composting and anaerobic digestion
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile N. 12, N. 13 and N. 7


Code GP006033
Teacher Piergiorgio Manciola
  • Piergiorgio Manciola
  • 64 ore - Piergiorgio Manciola
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria per l'ambiente e territorio
Academic discipline ICAR/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Aquatic ecosystems assessment. Urban wastewater Treatments: flow diagrams; wastewater flow estimation; wastewater characteristics; physical treatment processes; outline of chemical treatment processes; biological treatment processes; bacterial growth, biomass yield, microbiological kinetics, rate of utilization of soluble substrates, rate of biomass growth; biological organic removal, biological nitrification/de-nitrification, rate of O2 uptake; advanced wastewater treatments. Treatment and disposal of sludge: anaerobic digestion process; properties of the sludge, thickening devices; sludge stabilization. Case Study: design of an extended aeration wastewater treatment plant.
Reference texts SUGGESTED TEXTS:
Duplicated Lecture notes
A. Misiti, Fondamenti di Ingegneria Ambientale, NIS - La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma
L. Bonomo, Trattamenti delle acque reflue, McGraw-Hill
L. Masotti, P. Verlicchi, Depurazione delle acque di piccole comunità, Hoepli Editore.
Metcalf & Eddy, Ingegneria delle acque reflue. Trattamento e riuso, McGraw-Hill
Educational objectives Provide the theoretical, methodological, technological and regulatory frameworks (legislative knowledge) for the design and operation of civil wastewater treatment facilities
Prerequisites Mathematical analysis: analytic functions, differential and integral calculus of functions of single and several variables, partial differential equations.
Physics and Rational Mechanics: vector calculus, cardinal equations of statics and dynamics.
Hydraulics: elements of Hydrostatics, open channel flow and pressurized flow,
Chemistry: chemical reactions and redox reactions
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training. Classroom lectures on all subjects of the program with interactive involvement of students. Classroom exercises performed on the blackboard. Seminar frontal lessons with projector support.
Other information The Sanitary Engineering Environmental module is co-ordinated and preparatory with the Module for Technical Facilities for Waste Treatment. The assessment of acquired skills is carried out at two different times after class of each module.
Statistical data on student exam results:
Students sample: 80; Average grade: 27.07/30; Standard Deviation 1.50/30
Percentage of students who obtained an exam mark included in the range
18 - 21: 2.5 %
21 - 24: 6.3 %
24 - 27: 38.8 %
27 - 30: 52.4 %

The schedule of the exams is available at the following link:
The teaching materials provided by the teachers is available in https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/

The course is divided into two coordinated modules: i) Sanitary Engineering Environmental ii) Technical Facilities for Waste Treatment. The assessment of acquired skills is provided at two different times after class of each module
Reception hours: Wednesday, 15:30 - 17:30. Venue: Office of Prof. Manciola Piergiorgio, Water Engineering Section, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Via G. Duranti, 93 Perugia (tel +393356209101).
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality La verifica degli obiettivi formativi (esame) prevede una prova per ciascuno dei due moduli dell’’insegnamento (Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale e Impianti tecnici per il Trattamento dei Rifiuti). Per entrambe i moduli la prova consiste in una prova scritta ed in due prove orali. La prova scritta, per esigenze logistiche, potrà essere svolta in modo separato rispetto alle prove orali.

La prova scritta, della durata di circa 30 minuti, prevede 10 quesiti a risposta multipla riguardanti i principi e le tecniche della depurazione delle acque reflue e i principi e le tecniche per la stabilizzazione dei rifiuti solidi. La prova ha lo scopo di verificare la capacità di comprensione delle problematiche proposte durante il corso e la capacità di applicare correttamente le conoscenze teoriche acquisite.
La prima prova orale, della durata di circa 15 minuti, consiste nella discussione dei casi di studio sviluppati durante il corso. La seconda prova orale, della durata di circa 30 minuti, consiste in una discussione finalizzata ad accertare:
- la conoscenza dei contenuti teorico-metodologici del corso
- la conoscenza dei modelli adottati per simulare i diversi processi fisico-chimici su cui è basata la depurazione delle acque e dei rifiuti solidi;
- la conoscenza di soluzioni impiantistiche per la rimozione degli inquinanti dalle acque reflue, per la stabilizzazione dei fanghi di risulta e per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti solidi;
- la competenza nelle procedure computazionali proposte per il dimensionamento dei impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue e per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti solidi con particolare riguardo ai casi di studio sviluppati durante il corso;
- l’autonomia di giudizio nel valutare le diverse strategie progettuali.
Le prove orali hanno anche l’obiettivo di verificare la capacità dello studente di esporre con proprietà di linguaggio i temi proposti dalla Commissione, di sostenere un rapporto dialettico durante discussione e di riassumere i risultati applicativi delle procedure di calcolo studiate.
La valutazione finale verrà effettuata dalla Commissione in trentesimi mediando i risultati di ciascuna prova con i seguenti pesi: Modulo “Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale” peso = 4/21; Modulo “Impianti Tecnici per il Trattamento dei rifiuti” peso = 1/7.
Extended program Aquatic ecosystems
1. sources and effects of pollution;
2. aquatic ecosystem self-purification;
3. oxygen balance in lakes and rivers
4. eutrophic assessment and water quality.

Urban wastewater Treatments
1. Flow diagrams wastewater treatment plants (primary, secondary and tertiary treatment systems).
2. Wastewater flow estimation: i) average dry weather flow, average wet weather flow; ii) peak factor, peak flow.
3. Wastewater: i) general characteristics and key design parameters (TS, VS, TSS, VSS, BOD, COD, TOC, ThOD, TKN; ii) correlation between BOD, COD and TOC; iii) wastewater loading rates.
4. Physical treatment processes: i) grid screening, grit chamber, equalization basin, mixing and flocculation, energy requirements; ii) gravity separation (Newton's law, Stokes' law), mass sedimentation, hydraulic loading surface, detention time; iii) primary and final sedimentation tank design, efficiency of sedimentation, flotation, aeration systems.
5. Chemical treatment processes: fundamentals of chemical coagulation, fundamentals of chemical processes for phosphorus removal, chemical precipitation for removal of heavy metals, chemical oxidation from COD/BOD and ammonia removal.
6. Biological treatment processes: i) role of microorganisms, types of biological processes used (attached and suspended biomass); ii) bacterial growth and biomass yield; iii) microbiological kinetics (Monod's law, Michealis & Menten's law); kinetics terminology, rate of utilization of soluble substrates, rate of biomass growth, effect of temperature; iv) biological organic removal, biological nitrification, biological de-nitrification, , rate of O2 requirement; v) fundamentals of biological phosphorous removal; fundamentals of anaerobic treatments; biosolids management.
7. fundamentals of advanced treatments: filtration, disinfection (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, peracetic acid, ozone, UV).

Treatment and disposal of sludge:
1. Anaerobic digestion process: hydrolysis, fermentation, acetogenesis, methanogenesis, reaction rate, design criteria separate reactors and combined, biogas production and energy balance;
2. properties of the sludge: dry portion of the sludge, humidity, specific weight;
3. thickening devices: gravity thickening, dissolved air flotation, gravity belt thickening and rotary drum thickening, centrifuge thickening;
4. sludge stabilization: aerobic stabilization; psychrophilic and mesophilic anaerobic stabilization.

Case Study - Design of an extended aeration wastewater treatment plant: 1. technical legislation, design data, warranties epurative; 2. plant layout and standard structures; 3. intake structure and sewage pumping station; fine screening and grit removal; 4. biological treatment: pre-denitrification, oxidation and nitrification; nitrate recirculation; 5. aeration system: O2 required, O2 dissolving standard capacity, air volume O2 equivalent, sizing compressor system; 6. sludge recirculation and final sedimentation; 7. advanced wastewater treatments: phosphorus chemical removal, final filtration, PPA disinfection 8. sludge management: stabilization, thickening, dewatering and transport to landfill;. 9. construction details, performance characteristics of electromechanical equipment, energy use
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile This teaching contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Objective code: 3, 6, 11
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