Environmental engineering
Study-unit Code
Ambiente e energia
Lucio Postrioti
  • Lucio Postrioti
  • 56 ore - Lucio Postrioti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course goal is giving the student competences on the fundamental characteristics (in terms of thermodynamics and environmental impact) of the most diffused power plants based thermal machinery:
Internal combustion engines.
Steam turbine power plants (based oin fossil fuels, nuclear and geothermal source).
Gas turbine power plants and gas-steam combined power plants.
Reference texts
Lecture notes in .pdf format on the Unistudium website.

Textbooks suggested are:
- C.Caputo: Gli impianti convertitori di Energia - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
- V. Dossena et al.: Macchine a fluido. CittàStudi Edizioni
Educational objectives
The main goal of the present course is giving the Student a basic knowledge about the most diffused energy conversion systems in terms of application, energetic efficiency and environmental impact. The following energy production systems will be discussed and analyzed:
- internal combustion engines;
- Rankine cycle-based systems (steam turbine power plants);
- Brayton cycle-base systems (gas turbine power plants).
The student will gain the knowledge base required for the design and operation analysis of the basic components of the above-mentioned power plants, with adequate competences about technologies and design criteria used for the energy efficiency improvement and for the environmental impact mitigation. Consequently, the student will be able to analytically evaluate the characteristics of the different energy systems with respect to the type of service required and of the plant size.
The topics covered in the module require the student to have adequate competences normally acquired in the courses of General Physics and Technical Physics in the Bachelor degree course. In particular, an adequate knowledge of Thermodynamic basics is required so to solve simple mass and energy balances; further, basics about the motion of fluids (compressible and non-compressible) are required as long as an adequate knowledge of thermal exchange mechanisms.
Teaching methods
All the topics of the course will be faced in classroom lessons for the analysis of the thermodynamic basics and for design strategies and technologies used for the different types of power plants.
Other information
Learning verification modality
The final exam is based on an oral 30-40 minutes long colloquium about the topics discussed during the course. The colloquium goal is verifying
- the competences gained by the student about the theoretical characteristics (thermodynamic cycles, efficiency analysis) of the power plant types examined during the course (steam-based power plants fed by fossil, geothermal and nuclear energy; gas turbines; internal combustion engines).
- the knowledge of the specific technologies (operational circuits, functional topics) used in the different power plants
- the knowledge level about the potential environmental impact of the different energy systems and of about the design criteria and technologies used to mitigate it.
Globally, the final exam is intended as a way to verify both the knowledge level of the basic characteristics typical of the different power plants and the capability of the student to carry out an appropriate comparison among the different technologies in terms of efficiency and environmental impact.
The exam will finally have also the scope of measuring the capability in using a technically appropriate language as long as ability to synthesize when discussing about the topics on the present course.
The final evaluation will be expressed by the Commission as a vote out of thirty.
Extended program
The Course final goal is offering to the student competences about the environmental impact of the main energy systems based on thermal machinery on the basis of their theoretical characteristics and actual operation. Specific attention is devoted to the analysis of the energy efficiency and of pollutants formation and emission for different thermal machines.
Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)
- Typical fields of operation for Internal Combustion Engines;
- Thermodynamic reference cycles for ICEs and effective thermodynamic cycles; the power formulation for ICSe
- Two- and four-stroke ICEs
- The phase diagram for ICEs
- Injection and combustion sub-systems for ICEs
- Pollutants formation mechanisms and aftertreatment systems
- Powertrain hybridization for efficiency improvement.

Steam Turbine-based power plants
- Elementary cycle analysis
- Improvements to the elementary cycle to increase efficiency: repeated overheating, thermal regeneration.
- Description of the steam system: fume and steam- water circuits. Emissions from steam plants and emission control technologies
- Geothermal Power Plants: plants design and environmental impact.
- Nuclear power plants: basic concepts and environmental issues.

Gas turbine-based power plants
- Elementary cycle analysis.
- Improvements to the elementary cycle: thermal regeneration, inter-refrigerated compression, post-combustion,
- injection of water and / or steam. Polluting emissions from gas turbine systems
- Pollutant emission form gas-turbine power plants. SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) systems to control NOx emissions.
- Gas-steam power plants: heat recovery steam generator to improve efficiency.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Goal 7: Clean and affordable energy
Goal 13: Limate action
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