- Course
- Philosophy and ethics of relationships
- Study-unit Code
- A002068
- Curriculum
- Filosofia e psicologia
- Teacher
- Giulia Cenci
- Teachers
- Giulia Cenci
- Hours
- 60 ore - Giulia Cenci
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- M-PSI/04
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course's main objective is to provide students with knowledge about psychological development during the life span. The course will focus on the principal theoretical approaches and methodologies using in development psychology, especially referring to the childhood period (0-3 years). The course covers the main psychological theories of development; methods for developmental study; stages of physical, motor, perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, identity, emotional, and social development; factors and contexts involved in the development, in consideration of typical and atypical development. The course will describe the main contexts (family, school, peer group, culture) involved in development during the life span. Finally, the importance of the drawing and the play to development will also be examined.
- Reference texts
- - Psicologia dello sviluppo, Santrock J.W., McGraw Hill Education, 2021.
- Cassiba R., Attaccamenti Multipli (2003) Edizioni Unicopli.
- Piaget J., Lo sviluppo mentale del bambino (1964, ed successive), Einaudi
- Cannoni E., Il disegno dei bambini (2003), Carocci Editore, collana Bussole
- D'Amico S., Devescovi A., Comunicazione e linguaggio nei bambini, 2012, Carocci Editore, collana Bussole
- Szanto-Feder, A. (2014). L'osservazione del movimento nel bambino: accompagnare lo sviluppo psico-motorio nella prima infanzia. Edizioni Erickson
- Baumgartner E., Il gioco dei bambini (2002, 2009), Carocci Editore, collana Bussole - Educational objectives
- The main aim of the course is to provide students the disciplinary and epistemological knowledge of child development. It also intends to acquire methodological knowledge, study, and research procedures in the field of development.
The main skills will be:
• Recognize and identify the developmental norms of early childhood, specifically
physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development in order to prepare specific educational responses;
• Recognize the different types of functioning in the child (eg typical and atypical development) and the different educational needs to provide individualized and effective educational responses;
• Reflective thought in educational practices.
The aim of the course will also be the promotion of communicative, relational, and critical-reflective functions. The last goal is the acquisition of specific skills in child development that allow the student to grasp the specificities of the educational profession to develop professional identity and responsibility. - Prerequisites
- To understand the contents of the course, students must have the basic notions of general psychology. It will be also required a basic level of English language to understand research articles and videos. Finally, the students must have basic skills in the main technological tools in order to produce presentations on specific topics.
- Teaching methods
- The predominant Teaching Strategies consist of lectures in the classroom supported by multimedia tools such as slide support or videos. There are also seminars/group discussions and students’ presentations on specific research topics to promote greater autonomy.
- Other information
- For more information or to make an appointment, you can contact the teacher at giulia.cenci@unipg.it
- Learning verification modality
- The final evaluation will consist of a written test, except where expressly indicated. The test will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions with only one correct option and 1 open-ended question. The test will be passed with a minimum score of 18. The exam will last 60 minutes. The test aims to ensure the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Students will also have the opportunity to realize a presentation based on research articles that will be considered in the final evaluation.
Students with disabilities and/or DSA can choose between:
a) written exam with 30 multiple-choice questions test (only 1 correct answer) in 90 minutes. The exam will be focused on the global topics. The exam will be passed with a minimum score of 18.
b) oral exam with possible partition of the program, as previously agreed with the teacher. - Extended program
- 1. Introduction to developmental psychology;
2. Child development theories: psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, ethological, environmental theory.
3. Method and research designs in developmental psychology.
4. Prenatal development.
5. Physical, motor, and perceptual development.
6. Cognitive development: the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner.
7. Information processing approach: memory, attention, theory of mind, metacognition.
8. Psychometric approach and theories of intelligence.
9. Language development.
10. Emotional and affective development: emotions, attachment, and temperament.
11. The self and identity.
12. The family and parents.
13. Atypical developmental, ADHD and autism and learning disability
14. Children's play and drawing.
15. Social development, peers, friendship, and bullying.
16. Influence of culture and technology on development.
17. Play and Drawing