- Course
- Philosophy and ethics of relationships
- Study-unit Code
- A003048
- Curriculum
- Filosofia e psicologia
- Teacher
- Francesco Federico Calemi
- Teachers
- Francesco Federico Calemi
- Hours
- 36 ore - Francesco Federico Calemi
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Istituzioni di filosofia
- Academic discipline
- M-FIL/02
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Metalogical issues from Aristotelian syllogistics to AI.
- Reference texts
1) A text of your choice from (1a) or (1b):
1a) Susan Haack, "Philosophy of Logic,", Chapters 1, 4, 8-11
1b) Dario Palladino, "Non-classical Logics," Carocci, Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2) Martin Davis, "The Universal Calculator," (to be studied in its entirety)
3) Alan Turing, "Computational Mechanism and Artificial Intelligence"
4) Robert Gibbons, "Teoria dei giochi," Il Mulino, chapters 1, 2.
During the lectures, passages from Smullyan R., "What is the title of this book?", will be read and commented on (the text is no longer available: the Lecturer will select some passages and upload them to Unistudium in PDF format)
Students who have not already taken an elementary logic course may refer to the following textbook:
- F. Calemi, "Argomentare, dimostrare, confutare. Un'introduzione alla logica" Carocci
- Aristotle, "Organon" (any edition)
- Fabio Bellissima, "Fondamenti di matematica," Carocci
- George Boole, "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic,"
- Gottlob Frege, "The foundations of arithmetic," Laterza
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Tractatus logico-philosophicus"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Blue Book and Brown Book," - Educational objectives
- The aim of the course is to introduce the main topics of the philosophy of logic, metalogy and game theory also considered in their practical-ethical application.
- Prerequisites
- It is highly recommended (but not compulsory) to have attended an introductory course in Logic.
- Teaching methods
- lectures; exercises
- Other information
- - Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità e/o con DSA sono invitati/e a visitare la pagina dedicata agli strumenti e alle misure previste e a concordare preventivamente quanto necessario con il/la docente (https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa).
- Gli orari di ricevimento del Docente sono indicate nella pagina seguente alla sezione "Didattica": https://www.unipg.it/personale/francesco.calemi - Learning verification modality
- The final test will be structured as follows:
- 10 multiple-choice questions on program topics: each question will be worth 1 pt. sse correct.
- 2 open-ended questions: each answer to an open-ended question will be worth up to 10 pts.
Each answer will be judged on the following items:
1. Grammatical correctness.
2. Relevance and effectiveness of answers in relation to program content.
3. Level of articulation of the response.
4. Adequacy of disciplinary language used.
5. Argumentative ability.
Each of items (1)-(5) will be evaluated in relation to the following grid:
0 = insufficient 0.5 = sufficient 1 = good
2 = excellent
In addition to this, the Teacher may award up to a maximum of 2 pts. extra for each open-ended response as an additional reward in case of excellence. - Extended program
- - Principles of game theory (game classification, strategy spaces, pure strategies, mixed strategies, payoff functions, game representation)
- Resolution of games by elimination (possibly repeated) of dominated strategies
- Solving games by finding Nash equilibrium Solving games by backward induction
- The foundation problem between mathematics and logic
- The syllogism from Aristotle to Boole
- Cantor and set theory
- Frege: "Ideography" and logicism
- Metalogical properties of LP
- Correctness, completeness and decidability theorems of LP
- Extensions of LP: SOL, FOL, alethic and deontic modal logics
- Systems of non-classical logic
- The decidability problem - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
- 4