- Course
- Geology
- Study-unit Code
- 55A00015
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Francesco Mirabella
- Teachers
- Francesco Mirabella
- Hours
- 78 ore - Francesco Mirabella
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ambito geologico-paleontologico
- Academic discipline
- GEO/03
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Description of the types of data to measure, of the different types of measurements and of the methods to extrapolate the geological contacts on both map and cross-section.
Base maps in Italy
Independent drawing of a complete geological map and cross-section - Reference texts
- * Cremonini G. "Rilevamento geologico" Pitagora editrice, 1973;
* Damiani A.V. "Geologia sul terreno e rilevamento geologico" Editoriale Grasso, 1984;
* Butler B.C.M., Bell J.D. "Lettura e interpretazione delle carte geologiche" Zanichelli, 1991;
* Davis G.H., Reynolds S.J. "Structural geology of rocks and regions" Wiley & Sons, 2nd Ed.;
* Lisle R.J. "Geological Structures and Maps, a practical guide" Pergamon Press, 1988;
* Powell D. "Interpretation of Geological Structures Through Maps" Longman Group UK, 1992. - Educational objectives
- At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Interpret a geological map
- Draw a cross-section extrapolated down to 500 m below topography
- Understand the reference system of a topographic map and locate herself/himself on it
- Recognise and describe the main lithological types of the Umbria-Marche Apennines
- Use the compass
-Measure strike, dip, dip-direction of lines and planes
- Organise a field-book
- Draw attitudes on both a map and stereonet
- Draw a field-map of outcrops
- Draw a geological map and a correspondent geological cross-section
- Draw a sketch of stratigraphic relationships
- Write a note illustrating the surveyed geology - Prerequisites
- The student should have practice with the recognition of the main lithological types, know the Umbria-Marche stratigraphic sequence, be able to use the hand-lenses to recognize the microfossils, know the representation on both lines and planes on a topographic map, be able to draw a topographic profile and be able to read and interpret a topographic map.
- Teaching methods
- The course is organised as follows:
* classroom activity during the first semester on the ability to read and interpret a geological map and to draw a geological cross-section
* classes in the field to learn how to measure geological planar and linear structures, their location on a topographic map and their description
* final field mapping camp which consists in the field mapping of an area in about 6-7 days - Other information
- The course foresees both indoor and outdoor activities to learn the field mapping techniques.
- Learning verification modality
- The final evaluation considers the following products:
- evaluation of classroom activities during the first semester which consist in ho to draw geological cross-section on maps at different scales;
- evaluation on the daily activity done during the final field mapping camp;
- evaluation of the final products deriving from the field camp (geological map and cross-section)
- evaluation of the poster presentation which the student makes together with his/her mapping maps at the field camp. - Extended program
- 1. Introduction to the course, disciplines involved in the field mapping activity, materials and methods used in the field mapping.
2. Types of both sedimentary and tectonic usually mapped in the field. Sedimentary structures in both continental and marine environment, laminations, ripples, type of unconformities.
3. Types of tectonics structures. Modes of measure of faults, folds, cleavages, striations of fault planes.
4. Usage of the compass. Strike, dip direction and dip. Apparent dips, attitude parameters and their representation on the map. Bi and tri-dimensional geological objects.
5. Extrapolation of geological limits, attitudes and borehole data on a topographic map. The tree-points problem.
6. Examples of real geological maps. How to prepare an outcrops map, to extrapolate the geological limits on a map and to draw a geological cross section.
7. Relationships between real and simulated limits to understand the structure contour method to draw the limits.
8. The usage of stratimetric data to reconstruct an integrated geological cross section using both surface and borehole data.
9. Drawing of geological cross-sections based on geological maps at differet scales-
10. Final field mapping camp, drawing of an individual map, cross-section and stratigraphy.