- Course
- Geology
- Study-unit Code
- 55018609
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Laura Melelli
- Teachers
- Laura Melelli
- Hours
- 63 ore - Laura Melelli
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ambito geomorfologico-geologico applicativo
- Academic discipline
- GEO/04
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Climatic geomorphology. Mass wasting process. Fluvial morphogenesis. Quantitative geomorphology. Structural geomorphology. Karst morphogenesis, coastal-marine geomorphology. Elements of aeolic, volcanic, glacial and periglacial geomorphology. Cultural Geomorphology. Lectures on topographic maps. Field work.
- Reference texts
- Ciccacci S. (2019) "Le forme del rilievo. Atlante illustrato di geomorfologia". Mondadori università Ed, pp. 528. ISBN-13:
Dramis F., Ollier C. (2016) " Genesi ed evoluzione del rilievo terrestre. Fondamenti di Geomorfologia". Pitagora Ed. Bologna. ISBN: 88-371-1620-9. - Educational objectives
- Acquire the ability to interpret the landscape in a geomorphological point of view and carry out activities of geomorphological mapping.
Identification and definition of processes and forms for the purposes of prediction and prevention of geomorphological hazard. - Prerequisites
- In order to be able to understand and apply the information and techniques described within the course the students must have successfully passed the “Geografia fisica e Cartografia” exam. Moreover is necessary to have attended the course of “Geologia 1” (II year, first semester). It could be useful to attend at the same time the lessons of “Geologia 2”. A fundamental prerequisite, for the student planning to follow the course with profit, is to have the capability of understand the topographic and orographic elements on a topographic map. More broadly is important to have acquired the basic knowledge in order to recognize and classify the different kind of rocks and the concept of physical and chemical weathering, as described in “Geologia 1” course.
- Teaching methods
- Theoretical lessons and exercises. Ability to work in a team to produce oral presentation. Field work.
- Other information
- No other information
- Learning verification modality
- The exam includes an oral and a written test.
The written test consists in three tests.
1) A report is done where the geomorphological reading and interpretation of a topographic map (scale 1:25.000) are discussed. The recognition, the delimitation and the description of the Morphological Units are required.
2) Drawing the geomorphological landforms on a tracing paper. For the symbology the official legend of the Geomorphological Map (scale 1:50.000) is given.
3) Delimitation of an hydrographical basin and computation of the planimetric area in squared kilometres. The test will last up to three hours.
The written test is designed to test the ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge on a medium scale map. This exercise gives the capability to planning at the best every field activities in the Earth Science fields.
The oral exam consists in a discussion lasting about 20 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by students on the theoretical and methodological topics reported in the program.
The oral exam will also test the ability of communication of the students as well as the use of correct terminology and language and autonomous organization of the discussion on the topics of the program. - Extended program
- Theorical principles
- Role and objectives of geomorphology. Principles and classification of geomorphological processes. Agents, factors and conditions of morphological evolution.
- Climatic Geomorphology: morphogenetic system and morphoclimatic equilibrium with particular reference to climate changes.
- Mass wasting process and associated landforms. Slope evolution models. Weathering: mechanical and chemical . Solifluction, soil creep. Landslides: predisposing factors, triggering causes. Varnes Classification of Landslides. Recognition of different kinematics on the basis of morphological and morphometric characteristics of: niche , sliding surface, mass body. Classification WP / WLI.
- Fluvial processes and associated landforms. Threshold drainage network. Drainage density and river patterns. Longitudinal profile and balance of rivers: the genesis and evolution. Linear and areal erosion. Types of erosion (erosion, cavitation, abrasion, degradation), Hjulstrom diagram. Transport (competence, load limit). Sedimentation: procedures and morphotypes (flood plain, alluvial fans, delta). Relationships between river types and erosion, transport and sedimentation. River valleys. River terraces (climate, eustatic, tectonic, local, convergent, divergent). Types and causes of different types of cross section of a river, genesis and evolution of various types of track: straight anastomosed, meander.
- Quantitative Geomorphology with special reference to quantitative modeling of drainage river network. Hierarchical river network according to Horton-Strahler method. I and II law of Horton. The law of Schumm. The hypsometric curve. Normalized longitudinal sections and profiles. Knickpoints: meaning and interpretation. Identification of knickpoints along a longitudinal profile.
- Structural Geomorphology. Types and characteristics of the hydrographic network. Epigenesis. Antecedence. Superimposition. Catch river. Pattern basin: origins, evolution and structural conditioning. Evolution of the drainage network in the north-central Apennines as a consequence of recent tectonic. Morphotypes related to structural factors (cuestas, hogbacks, flatirons, mesas). Morphoselection.
- The karst morphogenesis: agents, factors and conditions. Epigean and hypogean karst morphotypes (microforms and macroforms). Deep water circulation in karst massifs.
- Morphogenetic system-shore marine environment. The concept of a shoreline. Wave motion: the genesis, propagation and modeling action. Types of coastline. Causes of coastal erosion, methods of protection and nourishment of the shores.
- Aeolic morphogenesis with particular reference to arid environment: agents, factors and conditions. Landforms related to deflation and alteration. Types of desert and their distribution. Erosion landforms. Mode of transport. Dune: genesis and evolution. Types of dunes.
- Outline of volcanic morphogenesis. Types of volcanoes and lava; conditioning of the hydrographic network, residual forms, morphoselection.
- Outline of glacial morphogenesis. Circus and glacial valley. Erosion, transport and sedimentation. Landforms associated with erosione and accumulation.
- Outline of periglacial morphogenesis and its significance in slope stability in relation to climate changes with special reference to the Alpine valleys. The Permafrost.
Interpretation of topographic maps
Reading and interpretation of topographic maps from a geological and geomorphological point of view with oral and written exercises. Processing and interpretation of geomorphological maps of different morphogenetic environments: the geomorphological legend.
Field work. - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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