Study-unit Code
Fisica medica
Silvia Caponi
  • Silvia Caponi
  • 42 ore - Silvia Caponi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction

The course presents advanced bio-photonic techniques. Starting from the fundamental aspects
of light-matter interaction, the course combines both experimental and theoretical aspects highlighting how structural and dynamical properties of biologically relevant materials can be obtained by advanced photonic techniques.
Reference texts

The following texts available on https://www.proquest.com/ will be suggested for specific topics:
- "Optics: Principles and Applications"
Kailash K. Sharma and Kailash K Sharma;
- "Photonics, Volume 4: Biomedical Photonics, Spectroscopy and Microscopy" David L. Andrews
-Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging
by Douglas B. Murphy, and Michael W. Davidson;
-Fluorescence Microscopy: From Principles to Biological Applications
Ulrich Kubitscheck.
Furthermore, the teaching material will be recommended and/or made available by the teacher.
Educational objectives

The course aims to introduce the emerging discipline of bio-photonics. Starting from the theoretical laws of photonic technologies, we will move on to the description of the main experimental techniques highlighting their fundamantal limits and their potentiality, to arrive at the presentation of relevant applications in the biophysical field. The main objective of the course is to provide students with the basis for: 1) understanding the fundamental processes underlying bio-photonics; 2) addressing the dynamic and structural characterization of systems of biological interest.
The main skills that the course aims to transmit are:
- knowledge and understanding of the fundamental physical laws underlying modern bio-photonics technologies.
- know-how to use and analyze the results of the main optical and spectroscopic imaging technologies for the dynamical and structural characterization of biological systems.
- to know relevant applications in the biological field

In order to understand the contents of the course it is advisable to have acquired knowledge of Mathematical Analysis I, Physics I and Physics II. It is also important to follow the lectures of the Structure of Matter and Quantum Mechanics courses in the first semester. The present course will refer to their fundamental concepts.
Teaching methods

The course consists of lectures (for a total of 6 CFU) on all the topics. The lessons will also be held with the help of video devices.
Learning verification modality

The assessment of the degree of learning includes an oral test, The exam will consist in a discussion ( of about 45 minutes )
aimed to ascertain the level of knowledge achieved and the communication skills with technical-scientific language appropriate to the topics. We will address both theoretical-fundamental and experimental topics concerning the methods of analysis indicated in the program.
Extended program

Bio-photonics course program
1) Elements of Classical Optics: complex refractive index; dispersion and absorption; Lorentz model of the classical harmonic oscillator; optical properties of materials; Laws of Snell and Fresnel; interference and diffraction.
2) Light-matter interaction: quantum approach; emission, absorption, scattering; energy levels; radiative and non-radiative transition; life time; quantum efficiency. Fluorophores and their absorption and emission spectra; Lambert-Beer law.
3) Instrumentation: light sources (discharge lamps, LED, LASER); light manipulation (diopters; lenses; spherical mirrors, filters, polarizers); Spectral analysis (prisms, gratings, FP); Detection (Semiconductors, Bolometer, (APD, PMT, CCD, CMOS).
4) Microscopies: optical microscope; resolution limit; optical microscopy techniques (bright field, dark field, polarization, phase contrast); fluorescence microscopy; confocal microscopy; super-resolution.
5) Spectroscopies: vibrational spectroscopies, Scattering Raman and Brillouin; fluorescence spectroscopy.
6) Imaging and Spectroscopic Imaging: applications in the biomedical field.
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