School of dental medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Stefano Pagano
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata

Dentals Materials - Intership

Code 50147902
Teacher Stefano Pagano
  • Stefano Pagano
  • 36 ore - Stefano Pagano
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/28
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction italian
Contents The course will provide the theoretical principles and clinical procedures for the use of the main materials of dental interest in all odontostomatological disciplines.
Reference texts Teachers of Dental Materials and Laboratory Prosthetic Technologies of Italian Universities "Odontostomatological materials and technologies"
Educational objectives The main educational objective of the course is the acquisition by the student of the operating procedures for the management, manipulation and use of the main materials of dental interest
Prerequisites Knowledge of the principles of general chemistry and basic physics
Teaching methods Preclinical exercises on simulators in the classroom mannequins
Other information none
Learning verification modality assessment of suitability related to the acquisition of the skills indicated by the program
Extended program Use of dental materials in conservative dentistry, endodontics, prosthetics, orthodontics and oral surgery
For each year the teacher will provide the student of the course with a detailed list of materials that, starting from the availability in the classroom mannequins, must be known in terms of times of use, methods of manipulation and principles of clinical use
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and wellness

Prostethic and Laboratory Technologies - Internship

Code 50148003
Teacher Stefano Pagano
  • Stefano Pagano
  • 54 ore - Stefano Pagano
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/28
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction italian
Contents The course will allow the acquisition of laboratory skills in the design and construction of prosthetic products, both fixed and removable, from diagnostic planning to clinical implementation.
Reference texts Umberto Buonanno "I denti umani" SAB edizioni
Educational objectives -Knowledge of the anatomical bases of the maxillofacial district
-Acquisition of skills in the planning of the prosthetic treatment plan, from aesthetic analysis to the clinical realization of the artifacts
-Acquisition of the skills necessary for the realization of a correct occlusal study of the patient, from the detection of impressions to mandibular kinematics
-Acquisition of professional skills for the planning and execution of prosthetic products
Prerequisites Theoretical knowledge of the implementation principles of the prosthetic treatment plan and of the prosthetic artifacts acquired during the lectures
Teaching methods Practical exercises in groups in the mannequin classroom on oral simulators
Learning verification modality Assessment of suitability of the acquisition of all the skills indicated in the program
Extended program -Aesthetic analysis of the patient
-Impression taking with analog and digital technique
-Assembly of the models in articulator
-Occlusal study of the patient
-Realization phases of both fixed and removable prostheses
-Principles of cementation, adhesive and non-adhesive
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Health and welness
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