Social work
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Alessandra Pioggia
  • Alessandra Pioggia
  • 63 ore - Alessandra Pioggia
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course provides basic training in health law and social assistance law, by examining the birth, evolution and structure of the relative systems. The course begins with the illustration of the role of the social rights in the Constitution, dwelling then on the notions of health and assistance as they are derived from the entire constitutional text. A section is dedicated to the principles shared by the two rights and to the distribution of the relative regulatory competencies between the state and the regions. The organizational models of health services and social services are then reconstructed, and finally, the integration between them is examined.
Reference texts
A. Pioggia, Diritto sanitario e dei servizi sociali, Torino, Giappichelli, 2020
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide students with a basic understanding of the tasks and organization of health services and social services.
The goal of the lessons series is to make understand how the functioning of services affects the mode of satisfaction of the rights to health and social care and to make acquire full capacity of interpretation of how the health and social services operate
In particular, at the end of the course, students must have:
- Knowledge and understanding of the organization of health and social services;
- Ability to apply the information gained in autonomy to deepen the knowledge of the administrative systems of health and social services;
- Ability to frame properly the role of the social worker in the operation of health and social services.
- Ability to communicate adequately with the organizations and to envisage possible solutions to organizational problems that arise in the management of services.
To address successfully the study of Health and Social Care Law it is important to have basic knowledge of Public Law. It is also useful to have basic knowledge of Administrative Law. These can be obtained by several three-year courses or by the study of recommended books for their preparation. During the course, the teacher will seek to report, time to time, what are the specific knowledge required to deal with the different partitions of the program.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures by the teacher, some discussion meetings, seminars and case studies.
Other information
The teacher is available to students to agree on further study of the topics of the course, also in relation to the specific interests of the learners. This supplment is optional.
Learning verification modality
The assessment is in two stages: an open questionnaire and an oral examination in which the student is invited to comment some of the answers given in the questionnaire. For not attending students there are only oral examinations
Extended program
The main contents of thecourse are: health and social public organization; Health right; Social assistance rights; The national healt care system evolution; regional health care system; hospital organization; social and health care pianification; private's involvment in health care system; the evolution of social assistance; social assistance reformes; social assistance system.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
The course promotes a culture of equality, including gender equality, by focusing on stereotypes related to vulnerability and care activities.
The course also aims to train professionals who deal with the health and well-being of the community, taking care of social and environmental sustainability.
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