Political sciences and international relations
Study-unit Code
Scienze dell'amministrazione
Stefano Giubboni
  • Stefano Giubboni
  • 63 ore - Stefano Giubboni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Birth, evolution and content of labor law. The sources of labor law. Freedom of association and unions activity. The collective labuor conflict: strike and lockouts. The contract of employment. The rights of employees. The obligations of the employee. The termination of the employment relationship. The protection against unemployment.
Reference texts
A. DI STASI, S. GIUBBONI, V. PINTO, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, il Mulino, 2022; S. GIUBBONI, I nuovi confini della subordinazione. Studi sul campo di applicazione del diritto del lavoro, Rubbettino, 2024 or, as an alternative, S. GIUBBONI, A. ROSSI, Infortuni sul lavoro e responsabilità civile, Giuffrè, 2022. Both texts are mandatory but students from the Department of Economics are exempted from studying chapters 17 and 26 of the first book and chapter 4 of the second book. Erasmus students can replace the second book with S. GIUBBONI, Diritto del lavoro europeo, Wolters Kluwer CEDAM, 2017.
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide students with an overview, with varying degrees of depth, of the main issues of labour law.
In order to be able to understand and know how to deal with the teaching, the student must have the knowledge of the institutions of private law and public law
Teaching methods
The course is structured as follows: a general part devoted to the fundamentals of collective labour law and the law of the employment relationship.
Other information

Learning verification modality
The final oral exam will be preceded by a written examination on the general part of the course.
Extended program
Birth, evolution and content of labor law. The sources of labor law. Liberty and unions activity. The collective labor dispute: strike and lockouts. Meaning, boundaries and type of employment. The creation of employment. The rights of employees. The obligations of the employee. The grounds for suspension of work and modifying events of employment. The termination of the employment relationship. The protection against unemployment. The special work contracts.
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