Political sciences and international relations
Study-unit Code
Relazioni internazionali
Riccardo Cruzzolin
  • Riccardo Cruzzolin
  • 63 ore - Riccardo Cruzzolin
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course is intended to introduce students to the theories and methods of ethnology. They will come initially
analyzed some basic concepts such as cultural models, ethnocentrism and inculturation, the relationship between
biology and culture. Some authors and the relative currents of history will then be examined
of ethnology. In particular, the following will be treated: evolutionism (Tylor, Frazer, Morgan), the
functionalism (Malinowski, Radcliffe-Brown, Evans-Pritchard, Douglas), historical particularism and
the school of culture and personality (Boas, Benedict, Mead), the French demoethnology (Mauss,
Durkheim, Van Gennep, Griaule), Levi-Strauss structuralism, the Manchester School
(Gluckman, Epstein, Barth, Turner), De Martino's historicism, dynamist anthropology (Bastide,
Balandier), Marxist anthropology (Meillassoux, Godelier, Harris) and the debate between formalists and
substantivists, C. Geertz's interpretive anthropology, perspectivism.
Reference texts
Fabietti U., Storia dell'antropologia, Bologna, Zanichelli
plus two texts of your choice from the following
Benedict R., Modelli di cultura, Roma-Bari, Laterza
Clifford J., I frutti puri impazziscono, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
De Martino E., La terra del rimorso, Milano, il Saggiatore
Douglas, M., Purezza e pericolo, Bologna, Mulino
Evans Pritchard E., Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Milano, Raffaello Cortina
Evans Pritchard E., I Nuer. Un’anarchia organizzata, Milano, Franco Angeli editore
Geertz C., Interpretazione di culture, Bologna, Mulino
Levi-Strauss C., Tristi Tropici, Milano, il Saggiatore
Mead M., Sesso e temperamento, Milano, il Saggiatore
Comaroff, Comaroff, Teoria dal sud del mondo, Torino Rosenberg and Sellier
Abu-Lughod, Lila Sentimenti Velari. Onore e poesia in una società beduina, Torimo. Rosemberg ans Sellier
Holmes, Douglas. Integralismi europei. Capitalismo veloce, multiculturalismo, neofascismo, Roma, Meltemi
Herzfeld, Michael, Sfrattati dall'eternità. La ristrutturazione neoliberista a Roma, Roma, Meltemi
Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo, Prospettivismo cosmologico in amazzonia e altrove, Macerata, Qodlibet
Lowenhaupt Tsing Anna, Il fungo alla fine del mondo, La possibilità di vivere nelle rovine del capitalismo, Rovereto, Keller
Kohn Eduardo. Come pensano le foreste. Antropologia oltre l'umano, Milano, Nottetempo
Educational objectives
Ethnology, in addition to having produced a knowledge of non-Western cultures, also has
stimulated a reflection on the dynamics of confrontation and encounter between colonizers and colonized. It
can therefore facilitate an understanding of the current relations between rich and poor countries
The exam does not foresee any prerequisites, but it is advisable, for the topics covered, to have carried out the examination of
sociology and contemporary history.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Learning verification modality
Oral examination
Extended program
The course is intended to introduce students to the theories and methods of ethnology. They will come initially
analyzed some basic concepts such as cultural models, ethnocentrism and inculturation, the relationship between
biology and culture. Some authors and the relative currents of history will then be examined
of ethnology. In particular, the following will be treated: evolutionism (Tylor, Frazer, Morgan), the
functionalism (Malinowski, Radcliffe-Brown, Evans-Pritchard, Douglas), historical particularism and
the school of culture and personality (Boas, Benedict, Mead), the French demoethnology (Mauss,
Durkheim, Van Gennep, Griaule), Levi-Strauss structuralism, the Manchester School
(Gluckman, Epstein, Barth, Turner), De Martino's historicism, dynamist anthropology (Bastide,
Balandier), Marxist anthropology (Meillassoux, Godelier, Harris) and the debate between formalists and
substantivists, C. Geertz's interpretive anthropology, perspectivism.
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