Political sciences and international relations
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Alessia Valongo
  • Alessia Valongo
  • 63 ore - Alessia Valongo
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Discipline giuridiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Natural persons. Rights of the individual. Legal person. Associations,
foundations and committees. Property and possession. Contract law and
parties's autonomy. Physiology and pathology of contracts. General
principles of civil liabilities. Family Law. Marriage. Civil unions and de
facto couples. Family crisis. Minors and parental rights.
Reference texts
For the general part, the following test:
1) P. PERLINGIERI (edited by), Istituzioni di diritto civile, Napoli,
Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, last edition.
For the special part, not mandatory: - A. VALONGO, Nuove genitorialità nel diritto delle
tecnologie riproduttive, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2017 (pp. 1-
Educational objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide basic training in the
field of Private law. The course aims at teaching appropriate legal
research methods and instruments, with the final objective of giving
students the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge in
resolving legal problems, through the teachings of lawmakers, courts and
legal scholars.
The knowledge of Italian language is required.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in the following way: - face to face lectures
regarding single topics of the teaching program; - practical training
(seminars) concerning some current affairs on the subject.
Students are invited to participate in the lectures bringing an updated
version of the civil code, the Constitution and the most important
relevant legislation. The seminars provide an active involvement of the
students, who will present practical law cases regarding the addressed
matter. Before each seminar the professor will indicate the study material
referring to a recent and significant decision of a law-court that will be
tipici. Cessione ed estinzione del contratto. Promesse unilaterali e titoli di
credito. Impresa e azienda. Successioni per causa di morte. Regimi
patrimoniali della famiglia e impresa familiare.
Programma esteso L’insegnamento di Istituzioni di diritto privato si compone di tre moduli.
Primo modulo: Persone fisiche e persone giuridiche. Il c.d. terzo settore.
Le incapacità. Le misure a protezione delle persone prive di autonomia.
L’amministrazione di sostegno. I diritti fondamentali della persona. I diritti
reali e le situazioni possessorie.
Secondo modulo: Autonomia negoziale a contenuto non patrimoniale:
trattamenti sanitari, atti di disposizione del corpo, procreazione assistita.
Autonomia contrattuale. Il contratto in generale. Principi generali in tema
di responsabilità per fatto illecito.
Terzo modulo: Rapporti familiari e parentali. Il matrimonio come atto e
come rapporto. L'invalidità del matrimonio. La separazione, il divorzio e le
forme volontarie di soluzione della crisi coniugale. Le unioni civili e le
convivenze di fatto. La filiazione nel matrimonio, fuori dal matrimonio e la
filiazione adottiva. Le nuove genitorialità nel diritto delle tecnologie
Obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Codice Descrizioneexamined by the students during the seminars on the basis of legislation,
judicial precedents and legal literature.
Other information
The students’ attendance to the course is strongly suggested.
The professor receives students before and after each lecture. The
student has to send an e-mail to arrange the date and the time of the
Learning verification modality
The final evaluation will be given through an oral exam of approximately
20 minutes. This final exam consists of 4/5 questions concerning the
whole teaching program and it aims at verifying the level of knowledge,
the learning and communication skills of the single students. Only for
attending students, the global evaluation can be divided in optional
phases: in addition to the final exam, three intermediate evaluation tests
are provided: the first and the second evaluation tests are written. The
evaluation test consists of a presentation, lasting about 15 minutes,
based on the research, study and comment of a judicial decision
regarding one of the central issus of the course. The scope of this second
evaluation is to check applying knowledge and understanding, making
autonomous judgements and communication ability of students.
Extended program
The course is divided in three modules. First module: Natural persons.
Rights of the individual. The legal person. Associations, foundations and
committees. Property and possession.
Second module: Contract law and parties's autonomy. Physiology and
pathology of contracts. Human assisted
reproduction and new forms of parenthoods. General principles of civil liabilities.
Third module: Family Law: marriage and relationship in the married
couple. Civil unions and de facto couples. Family crisis. Separation and
divorce. Filiation. Minors and parental rights.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
In coherence with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, numerous issues of economic, social and bioethical importance are addressed during the course, which pertain to life and health, technological innovations, gender equality and the reduction of inequalities.
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