Economics and culture of human nutrition
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesca Mercati
  • Francesca Mercati
  • 20 ore - Francesca Mercati
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course will provide basic knowledge on the anatomy of the aquatic animals of zootechnical interest. Initially the classification and general characteristics of fishes will be provided. Then, the description of the following systems will be addressed: integumentary, skeletal, nervous, digestive, respiratory, excretory, reproductive, circulatory. Sensory organs. In addition, a description of the main characteristics of bivalve and cephalopod mollusks will be provided.
Reference texts
Lecture notes and materials provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives
The course is devoted to the anatomy of aquatic animals of zootechnical interest. The main objective is to provide knowledge related to the organization of the main systems and to recognize and describe the macroscopic and topographical aspect of the organs of species of commercial interest. Through the knowledge gained the student will develop the following skills:
- the ability to recognize the organs of all systems and apparatuses through direct observation and through light microscope.
- the ability to describe the topography, the macroscopic appearance and the structure of the organs.
-The ability to use a correct scientific language to describe anatomical structures.
The knowledge gained will provide the basis for understanding subsequent courses of
acquaculture devoted to technical management of aquatic animals of zootechnical interest.
In order to understand the contents of the course, the student must have the knowledge on structure and cellular organization; therefore, he must have successfully passed the exam of Biology. It is also recommended to take first the exam of Livestock anatomy.
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
Lectures on subjects of the course. Lectures will be carried out through Power Point slides that will be made available to the students through Unistudium platform.
Learning verification modality
The exam is an oral test that consists of a description of the topics covered during the course and lasts about 20 minutes. Two or three questions are proposed relating to different apparatuses and organs. Moreover, during the interview schematic drawings and photographs of different anatomical structures that the student will have to recognize and describe can be shown. The purpose of the oral test is to assess the knowledge of the topic related above all to the macroscopic and topographic aspect; the appropriateness and effectiveness of the oral communication of the skills acquired through the use of a correct scientific language and an adequate anatomical terminology.
Extended program
The course aims to provide students with basic tools for learning anatomy of aquatic animals of zootechnical interest. After an initial premise describing the generalities of the course, there will be an introduction dedicated to the taxonomic classification of fish of commercial interest and to the description of the main characteristics of cartilaginous and bone fish (1 hour). Following, there will be the description of the apparatuses and related organs considering the macroscopic, microscopic and topographical aspects. Integumentary system: Skin, scales, pigmentation. Description of the external appearance of the fish and fins. (1 hour). Locomotor system: description of the axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton and dermis-skeleton. General description of the muscles (2 hours). Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord. Sense organs and lateral line system (3 hours). Digestive system: cephalic, anterior, intermediate and distal portions. Oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas (4 hours). Respiratory system: gills, swim bladder (3 hours). Excretory system: kidney (2 hours). Male reproductive system: testicles and male genital tracts (1 hour). Female reproductive system: ovary and oviduct (1 hour). Circulatory system: heart and circulatory system (1 hour). Anatomical characteristics of bivalve and cephalopod molluscs (1 hour).
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