Unit Aging physiology and gerontology

Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Silvana Diverio
  • Silvana Diverio
  • Giorgia Della Rocca (Codocenza)
  • Gabriella Guelfi
  • 12 ore - Silvana Diverio
  • 3 ore (Codocenza) - Giorgia Della Rocca
  • 10 ore - Gabriella Guelfi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
1. Demographics, biology and physiology of ageing. Gerontology, elderly patient and geriatric patient. Molecular theories and biomarkers of physiological ageing.
2. Epigenetics: environment and physiological ageing. Epigenetics and endocrinosenescence.
3. Evaluation of the elderly patient's behavioral and cognitive status of the elderly patient. Senile dementia syndrome. Emotional and social comfort of the elderly patient.
4. Chronic pain and palliative care. Assessment of quality of life. Health prevention and management of the elderly patient. Ethical dilemmas in geriatric medicine.
5. Multidimensional evaluation approaches. Teamwork and the care network. Evaluation and discussion of clinical cases.
Reference texts
Articles and material provided by Prof Diverio. Slides of the lessons.
Educational objectives
The course aims to offer a theoretical-practical training path on the following areas:
a) physiological and behavioral changes related to ageing
b) regulation determined by the environment (epigenetics: nutrition, physical activity and stress)
c) influence of animal management on welfare and behaviour
d) prevention and multidimensional approach to the evaluation of the elderly patient
e) cognitive syndrome of the elderly dog and cat
f) chronic pain and palliative care
g) ethical dilemmas in the care and management of elderly patients
Teaching methods
Theoretical-practical lessons in the classroom
Teamwork and brainstorming
Insights reports
Evaluation and discussion of clinical cases
Learning verification modality
Final report
Extended program
1. Demographics of aging and clinical implications. Gerontology, biology and physiology of ageing. Elderly patient and geriatric patient. The "fragile" elderly person. Molecular theories of physiological aging. Biomarker of physiological aging.

2. Adjustment of the living environment on aging (nutrition, physical activity, stress). Epigenetics, physiological brain aging. Epigenetics and endocrinology in aging.

3. Sensory and behavioral changes in the elderly patient. Stress and resilience. Assessment of cognitive and behavioral status. Senile dementia syndrome in dogs and cats. Emotional and social comfort of the elderly patient: enrichment programs.

4. Chronic pain and palliative care.
Assessment of quality of life. Health prevention and management of the elderly patient. Ethical dilemmas in geriatric medicine.

5. Multidimensional evaluation approaches. Teamwork and the care network. Evaluation and discussion of clinical cases.
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