Animal science
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Raffaella Branciari
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 85072003
Teacher Ombretta Marconi
  • Ombretta Marconi
  • 27 ore - Ombretta Marconi
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/15
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course gives to the student the technical and scientific knowledge of the technological operation involved in animal origin food process.
Reference texts Didactic material distributed by the teacher
LERICI CL, LERKER G - Principi di Tecnologie Alimentari. CLUEB, Bologna
FELLOWS PJ - Food Processing Technology: Principles and practice. Ellis Horwood Ltd. Chichester, UK
CAPPELLI P, VANNUCCHI V - Chimica degli alimenti. Zanichelli, Bologna
Operazioni Fondamentali, ed. P. Fantozzi, A. De Stefano, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Educational objectives The main aim of this teaching is to provide the students with the bases to develop then the study of the food process and the solution of the real problem of the food animal industry. The main acquired knowledge wil be:
Principles and applications of the mechanical separation Unit Operation
Sedimentation and centrifugation
Filtration Theory and application of the heat transfer Pasteurization and sterilization Refrigeration and freezing
Principles and applications of the techniques of the thermal separation Unit Operation Evaporation
Drying and lyophilisation
The main competence will be:
Choice and evaluation of the technological parameters for the management of a pasteurization or sterilization Choice and evaluation of the best technique of thermal and mechanical separation respect to the product to treat Optimization of the efficiency of a plant Solution of the problems of the food industry related to the maintenance and transformation.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the techniques described within the course, you must have succesfully passed the exam of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology. Knowlewdge of these teaching represents a mandattory prerequisite for students planning to follow this course with profit
The course is organized as follows:
Lectures on all the topics of the course;Pratical exercise in classroom;
Technical visit to some pilot plants to examine the equipments using for some food unit operations.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
Lectures on all the topics of the course;Pratical exercise in classroom;
Technical visit to some pilot plants to examine the equipment using for some food unit operations.
Other information Attendance: free
Learning verification modality The exam consists on an oral test. The oral tests consists on an interview of about 30 minutes to verify the knowledge level and the understanding capability of the student on the theoretical and applicative topics of the course.
Extended program Basic technical and scientific information on the knowledge of theory, principles and equipment in the unit operations adopted for the processing of animal foods. Food rheology; Heat transfer Unit Operations: Pastorization and Sterilization; Evaporation; Drying; freeze drying; refrigeration and freezying. Mechanical separation Unit Operations: Filtration; Membrane technology, Ultrafiltration and reverse Osmosis; Sedimentation and centrifugation. Innovative food unit operation for food preservation.


Code 85019305
Teacher Raffaella Branciari
  • Raffaella Branciari
  • 54 ore - Raffaella Branciari
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline delle produzioni animali
Academic discipline VET/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The module gives the student the theoretical and implementation principles of the food technology
processes and preservation techniques. Furthermore it gives knowledge on product quality, on laws
concerning production and preservation of foods of animal origin
Reference texts Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale, Point Veterinarie Italie, Milano, di G. Colavita, 2008. -La produzione igienica della carne edagricole- autore Tantillo.
-Microbiologia degli alimenti
fermentati, autori: Zambonelli, Tini, Giudici, Grazia, ed agricole, 2001
Educational objectives This course is part of the teachings dealing with the production and quality aspects of food of animal origin.
The main objective of the course is to provide students with the bases needed to address the study of the production chains of food of animal origin, the importance of the quality of the raw material, the processes of transformation and their implication on the quality and safety of production.
The main knowledge acquired will be:
Knowledge of production processes and processing of animal products.
Knowledge of the main classes of foodstuffs of animal origin (milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, fish products) related to industrial processes and technology; knowledge about food quality, and thethe current legislation of the sector. Knowledge of the techniques of conservation of food of animal origin
The main skills are:
analyze the different productions
identify the stages of production processes evaluate the most suitable parameters for good production and processing
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the techniques described within the course, you must have succesfully passed the exam of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology. Knowlewdge of these teaching represents a mandattory prerequisite for students planning to follow this course with profit
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
-lectures on all subject of the course
-laboratory exercises in the evaluation of the quality of food of animal origin
-visits to food industry
Students will be divided into groups of 15 for laboratory exercise and into maximum of 20 for visiting food industry
Other information For students with DSA, please contact the teacher
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test.
Oral test consists on an interview of about 1 hour long aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicated on the program.
the oral exam will also test the student communication skill and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
At the end of lessons for the module of Food technology phases. It is possible to hold up a written test . The written test consists of the solution of multiple choice test. The test has a duration of no more than 45 minutes and is designed to evaluate the ability to correct apply the theoretical knowledge, the understanding of the issues proposed and the ability to communicate in written form. Than the student has to hold up an oral test consists on an interview of about 45 minutes long aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicated on the program of Food technology process.
the oral exam will also test the student communication skill and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
Extended program Meat, meat products. (2 credits). morphological and physicochemical caracteristics of the
the muscle of meat animals (mammals, birds, fish). Meat: ,
composition, chemical and physical characteristics, quality aspects and factors affecting meat quality.
Principal Techniques of slaughtering (cattle, sheep pigs, poultry), classification and evaluation
the quality of pork and beef carcasses. Storage technologies and meatconservation . Preparations of meat and meat products: definition and classification,
fresh, cooked , the canned meat production technologies
B. Fishery products: (2 credits) definition and classification of fishery products,
molluscs, crustaceans, fish species recognition, fraud . Technologies of production of the major canned fish: production
surimi, cod, canned tuna. Production of cod and
rehydration process.
C. milk: (2 credits) definition, composition, chemical and physical characteristics,
heat treatment and storage. Description of the different types of milk trade. processing and preserving techniques. Cheese: definition, types, technologies
production, dairy products. description of the qualitative and nutritional aspects of typical products
and regulations.
Practical lessons
evaluation of quality raw meat (pH, color, tenderness)
- Production at the pilot plant of a product (meat or cheese)
-Identification of fishery products and evaluation of the freshness of the different species
Pratical Lessons directly in the food industry
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