- Course
- Investigation and security sciences
- Study-unit Code
- 40520406
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Maurizio Pertichetti
- Teachers
- Maurizio Pertichetti
- Hours
- 36 ore - Maurizio Pertichetti
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2020
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline economico-statistiche
- Academic discipline
- SECS-S/05
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The purpose of this teaching is to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamentals and methodology of the Statistical discipline necessary to give the students themselves the acquisition of the skills and ability to independently apply the technique in correspondence with professional situations for which it is recourse to this discipline is necessary. In this path, the teaching will be proposed taking care to develop in the students an interest in Statistics and to facilitate them in the acquisition of knowledge in its "integrity" using a more practical approach, obtained by resizing the considerable obstacle represented by the apparatus. mathematician and formalistic that supports the treatment of this discipline. This condition actually makes the study of Statistics encouraging even in those who are not familiar with Mathematical Analysis (derivatives, integrals, etc.).
- Reference texts
- The course uses 13 booklets made by the teacher as teaching material. This didactic material must be considered sufficient both for those who will be able to attend the lessons, and for the preparation of working students not in a position to attend the lessons.
- Educational objectives
- The educational objectives are: the ability to apply knowledge and understanding both in terms of synthesis and detail; independence of judgement, understood as the ability to produce independent opinions, arriving at coherent reflections on social, scientific or ethical issues; communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors; the ability to learn, understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy. With the effective learning of the contents, the students, at the end of the course, having acquired the necessary knowledge and understanding as well as the consequent skills, will have to consider themselves in possession of the ability to read and interpret the main economic and social evaluation indicators elaborated by official sources on the situation of the country and the rest of the world, as well as being able to produce them themselves, to investigate, represent and adequately describe the phenomena under study by establishing and measuring the possible existence of statistical relationships of dependence or interdependence, to independently plan and carry out statistical sample surveys as a support for relevant decisions.
- Prerequisites
- Possession of the elementary basic knowledge of mathematics, algebra, combinatorial calculus, plane geometry.
- Teaching methods
- Frontal lessons with slides. There are exercises during the lessons and a self-assessment test near the end of the course.
- Other information
- Compulsory attendance, except for working students. Support activities for students, on site by reservation, through group teaching sessions supplementing the conventional method. Reception activities, always by appointment, even in the case of individual students, especially if workers. For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
- Learning verification modality
- Consistently and consequently with the educational objectives, the test tends to verify the aspects referred to: the ability to apply knowledge and understanding both in terms of synthesis and detail; independent judgment, understood as the ability to produce independent opinions, arriving at coherent reflections on social, scientific or ethical issues; communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors; to learning ability, understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy. The test, which has always been written (except when crossing periods of contingency), is divided into 5 closed-answer theory questions, as a test of knowledge of aspects and characteristics of the statistical methodology and of the indices that summarize and describe the phenomena, and in 6 calculation exercises related to the construction of the main evaluation indicators of the existence of statistical relationships. The type and scope of the questions and exercises that are proposed are derived exclusively from the teaching material used to carry out the course, or from the content of the 13 booklets created by the teacher. The student has 90 minutes to complete the exam. As for cadence, the reference is that of the Degree Course Exam Calendar. With regard to the registration of the assessment, it is an Appeal with a single report.
- Extended program
- • Statistical methodology and data classification. Total statistical surveys (censuses) and sample surveys. The simple and double statistical distributions. The character, the scales, the modality, the frequency. Series and seriations. Examples of statistical tables of various contents.
• Graphical representations of the data. Diagrams in Cartesian coordinates, histograms, bar and circular diagrams, the pyramid of the ages.
• Statistical indicators. Rates, quotients, main statistical relationships (composition, coexistence, derivation, density), index numbers with fixed and mobile base. Examples and calculation tests.
• Measures of central tendency and inequality. Central values: analytical and position averages. Definitions, properties. Calculation examples. Concept of inequality, indices and their characteristics. The range of variation. The average deviations. The variance, the standard deviation, the deviance. The coefficient of variation. The Gini heterogeneity index. Concentration: concept, Gini concentration ratio, Lorenz curve. Examples and calculation tests.
• Theory of statistical relations. The connection. Conceptual plant. The construction of the theoretical and contingency frequency tables. Chi-square index and Cramer's normalized index. Examples and calculation tests. Regression and correlation. Conceptual plant. Regression analysis (in particular the linear one). Recall of concepts of analytic geometry. The regression line and the Cartesian plane. The least squares method. The linear determination index. The correlation and the linear correlation coefficient of Bravais-Pearson. Examples and calculation tests.
• Elements of sample technique. The concept of representativeness. The sampling plan. The size of the sample and the methods of extraction. Probabilistic and non-probabilistic samples. Simple random sampling and simple systematic sampling. Multi-stage stratified sampling in clusters. Sampling by reasoned choice and by quotas. Determination of the sample universes with reference to the concepts of combinatorics. The sampling distribution of the means and the central limit theorem.
• Elements of demographics. Censuses and survey units. Population from a static and dynamic point of view. Present and resident population. The structure by gender, age and marital status. The population from a dynamic point of view: birth and fertility, mortality, migratory movements. Concepts and definitions. The main ratios, indices / rates, for the measurement of the aggregates. Movement and population calculation. Official demographic statistics of the country.
• Job market. The main aggregates used in labor statistics and their measurement. Active, non-active population, employment and unemployment. Concepts, definitions and relative indices (rates). Official country job statistics.
• Methodological aspects for carrying out statistical surveys.