- Course
- Nursing and midwifery sciences
- Study-unit Code
- 50A00049
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- 5
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | 50A00050 |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Luisa Anna Rigon |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | * scienze infermieristiche |
Academic discipline | MED/45 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Code | 50A00051 |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Giovanni Pizza |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | M-DEA/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Body: enbodiment (Csordas) and techniques of the body (Mauss) Health: Cuhirchill's medical dictionary and anhtropolgical differences in the Theory of the body illness/disease/sickness Care |
Reference texts | Giovanni Pizza Medical anthropology Carocci, Roma, |
Educational objectives | Train future or current nurses to know the patient from the perspective of concrete experience and mediate culturally between patient and physician |
Prerequisites | Perfect knowledge of Italian LanguageIn order to be able to understand and know how to approach the course, the student must possess the general notions related to the context studied and the organization of the subject, both from the programmatic aspect and from the aspect of its presence and responsibility, notions that the student should already have acquired in the course of schooling. This prerequisite applies to both attending and non-attending students. |
Teaching methods | Lesson seminars films The prevailing teaching method involves frontal classroom lectures aided, when necessary, by multimedia tools; practical exercises in reading papers, translation and analysis and digital anthropology workshops applied are also planned, held by collaborators and scholars in the subject. In-depth seminars are also planned on pedagocial anthropology. |
Other information | Students will make final papers |
Learning verification modality | oral and written In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded. |
Extended program | Caring (to care) is distinguished from the forms of therapy administration because the former means, it means "paying attention." it is especially to this that anthropology that is taught to nurses looks. In this sense, medical anthropology is equivalent to the anthropology of care and corresponds to a social use of anthropological knowledge that in some ways diverges from applied anthropology, making the lesson of sTullio Seppilli, founder of Italian medical anthropology, its own. The following themes will be addressed:1. Medical anthropology 2. Figures of the body 3. Incorporation 4. Tarantism 5. Grief 6. Medicines and institutions 7. Healing pathways and efficacy devices In addition, some theories, practices and histories of medical anthropology in the contemporary international field will be exemplified. |
Code | 50A00052 |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Enrico Capodicasa |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Scienze umane e psicopedagogiche |
Academic discipline | MED/02 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italiano |
Contents | The Course is intended to provide the student with an overall vision of the evolution of medical treatment in a perspective of an ever-increasing awareness of the historico-cultural and scientific-metodology developments of the medical profession, making him critical participant of the roots, history and dimension of his future, the epistemologic characteristic, discoveries, applications and dynamic progress of professional, individual, anthropologic and social developments. |
Reference texts | Textbooks: • L.R. Angeletti, V. Gazzaniga: Storia, filosofia ed etica generale della medicina. Masson Editore, 2002. • R.A Bernabeo, G.M. Pontieri, G.B. Scarano. Elementi di Storia della Medicina. Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A, 1993. • B. Zanobio. G.Armocida: Storia della Medicina. Biblioteca Medica Masson. 2002. Any further integrative material will be supplied during the lessons. |
Educational objectives | At the end of the Course the student should: • Know how to fit into a historical perspective the evolution of concepts regarding the human body, health and illness • Have a dynamic view of the principal developments in the theory and practice of medicine • Have an overall view of the developments and the value of the knoweledge and medical-scientific activity which will enable him and provide him with an immediate and critical awareness of the progress made, state reached, debate about and the challenges facing modern-day medicine. |
Prerequisites | None |
Teaching methods | Lezioni frontali |
Learning verification modality | Final evaluation: This will be the sum of the average of makes obtained in the tests taken and passed in the single teaching courses. |
Extended program | Subjects of Lessons 1. Introduction to the history of Medicine. Medicine in its origins and the evolution of the concepts of illness. Paleomedicine and Paleopathology. Medicine in the first written documents. 2. Medicine in Ancient Greece and the Hippocratical revolution. Hellenistic Medicine and Alexandrinan library. 3. The medical schools of Ancient Rome. Galenic medicine. 4. Medieval medicine: Early Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages 5. Renaissance medicine and the birth of modern medicine 6. Medicine in the century of scientific revolution 7. 18th Century medicine 8. Medicine in the first half of the 19th Century 9. Medicine in the second half of the 19th Century 10. The state and challenges of modern medicine, discoveries, application of technologies, new diagnostic possibilities, prognoses, therapies and predictions. Frontiers in predictive and evidence-based medicine. |
Code | 50A00053 |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Renzo Zanotti |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | * scienze infermieristiche |
Academic discipline | MED/45 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Code | 50A00054 |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Francesca Fiandra |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | * scienze ostetriche |
Academic discipline | MED/47 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |