Electronic engineering for the internet-of-things
Study-unit Code
Consumer and aerospace iot
Francesco Santoni
  • Francesco Santoni
  • 72 ore - Francesco Santoni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Ingegneria elettronica
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course topics include various features related to remote and distributed data acquisition, aimed at providing skills enabling to design such kind of systems. To this aim, the requirements of a distributed measurement system are initially described, identifying functional blocks and propagation of information in practical scenarios. The course initially deals with data acquisition and processing, focusing on individual nodes. Then data propagation and more complex multi-node systems are considered. The considered practical scenarios include both classical wired and wireless solutions, including solutions for industrial applications and avionics, and wireless sensor networks.
Reference texts
Testi di riferimento TESTI_RIF Sì Feng Zhao, Leonidas J. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: an Information Processing Approach, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-1-55860-914-3, 2004.

Winston Seah, Yen Kheng Tan, “Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks,” www.intech.org
Hoang Duc Chinh and Yen Kheng Tan, “Smart Wireless Sensor Networks,” www.intech.org;

Dr. Geoff V Merret and Dr. Yen Kheng Tan, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Application-Centric Design,” www.intech.org; Feng Zhao, Leonidas J. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: an Information Processing Approach, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-1-55860-914-3, 2004.

Winston Seah, Yen Kheng Tan, “Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks,” www.intech.org
Hoang Duc Chinh and Yen Kheng Tan, “Smart Wireless Sensor Networks,” www.intech.org;

Dr. Geoff V Merret and Dr. Yen Kheng Tan, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Application-Centric Design,” www.intech.org;
Educational objectives
Main knowledge acquired:
Understanding of basic concepts related to distributed systems for data acquisition, propagation, and processing, with stationary or non-stationary topology, and remote instrumentation operation, using various wired or wireless communication protocols
Understanding of the architecture of a wireless sensor network (WSN), of a WSN node, and of the canonical problems solved using WSNs

Main competence acquired:
Capability of designing and realizing a distributed measurement system for environmental or process monitoring
Capability of selecting the proper data acquisition technique and interfacing to sensors
Capability of designing the architecture and the characteristics of a WSN
Capability of designing and realizing measurement nodes to be operated in a WSN
Teaching methods
Face to face, lab activities
Other information
Teacher can be contacted at
email: antonio.moschitta@unipg.it
phone: 0755853933
Learning verification modality
The final test includes an oral test and in a lab activity, to be described in a written report. The report contributes to the final mark with up to 10 points. The oral test contributes to the final mark with up to 20 points. The presentation of the lab activity and the oral test can be carried out in different moments.
Extended program
Teaching Unit – Introduction (2 hours)
Introduction to the course and presentation of the course topics. Definition of Distributed Systems and of distributed measurements. Main requirements and problems.

Teaching Unit – Data acquisition and transfer (38 hours)
Architecture and elements of a Data Acquisition system (DAS). Performance assessment of a DAS, test of A/D converters. Busses: introduction. characteristics, management. Busses for interfacing embedded systems and sensors, busses for monitoring and control of industrial systems, busses for avionic and satellite systems.

Teaching Unit – Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and data fusion (32 hours)
Wireless protocols for data transfer. Introduction to WSNs, canonical problems. Architectural requirements of a WSN node. The IEEE 1451 Standard. Energy budget and energy harvesting techniques. Propagation of information and sensor/data fusion techniques, Kalman filter and particle filters (hints). Tracking of a moving object using a WSN. Applications in avionic systems. Performance and measurement uncertainty. Synchronization of a WSN.
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