- Course
- Languages, comparative literatures and intercultural translation
- Study-unit Code
- A000166
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Hermann Dorowin
- Teachers
- Hermann Dorowin
- Hours
- 54 ore - Hermann Dorowin
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- L-LIN/13
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- German
- Contents
- Comedy in German Literature
- Reference texts
- G. E. Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm
H. v. Kleist, Der zerbrochne Krug
G. Büchner, Leonce und Lena
F. Raimund, Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind
J. Nestroy, Der Zerrissene
H. v. Hofmannsthal, Der Schwierige
F. Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker
Th. Bernhard, Die Macht der Gewohnheit
Bernhard Greiner, Die Komödie, Tübingen 1992
Winfried Freund, Deutsche Komödien, München 1995
Gerhard Scheit, Hanswurst und der Staat. Eine kleine Geschichte der Komik: Von Mozart bis Thomas Bernhard, Wien 1995
Ulrich Profitlich (Hg.), Komödientheore. Texte und Kommentare vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1998
Volker Klotz u.a., Komödie. Etappen ihrer Geschichte von der Antike bis heute, Frankfurt a.M. 2013 - Educational objectives
- Advanced knowledge of the genre of Comedy, of the studied authors and of the cultural and social context in which they operated.
- Prerequisites
- Good knowledge of the literary and cultural history of the German speaking countries; solid preparation in German language.
- Teaching methods
- Frontal lections and seminarial work
- Other information
- For the timetable of the lessons and the exam dates see the official Department calendar.
- Learning verification modality
- Final oral exam
- Extended program
- The course will investigate a genre, which in German literature is not widespread, but knows some magnificent masterpieces. While authors such as G.E.Lessing, H.v.Kleist and Georg Büchner addressed the comic genre in individual works, in Austrian culture comedy has more important popular roots, which can be studied in authors going from Raimund and Nestroy through H.v.Hofmannsthal to Thomas Bernhard. Finally, the Swiss Dürrenmatt will be approached as an author of grotesque parables that criticize our society. The aim of the course is not only to read these texts in their historical and cultural context, but to place them in the great European tradition of comedy (from Aristophanes to Plautus, from Commedia dell'arte to Shakespeare, Lope de Vega and Molière) and to investigate the various mechanisms of comedy.