- Course
- Languages, comparative literatures and intercultural translation
- Study-unit Code
- A000173
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Monique Carbone Cintra
- Teachers
- Monique Carbone Cintra
- Hours
- 36 ore - Monique Carbone Cintra
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- L-LIN/09
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Portuguese
- Contents
- Starting from the theoretical perspective of Cognitive-Functional Linguistics, a critical reflection on complex grammatical topics for Italian learners is proposed, paying special attention to metalinguistic awareness. The course focuses on some differences between the norms of European and Brazilian Portuguese, which will be analyzed from the perspective of teaching/learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language to native Italian speakers.
The contents to be covered during the course will be as follows:
- Introduction to the basic concepts of Functional-Cognitive Linguistics and differences with formalist currents (structuralism and generativism).
- Implications of these theories in the context of language education, with analysis of some teaching manuals of Portuguese as a foreign language
- Concept of "metalinguistic awareness" and its advantages for foreign language teaching-learning
- In-depth study of teaching techniques used for the development of metalinguistic awareness
- Grammar topics proposed by the Reference Framework, developed by the Camões Institute, for advanced levels - Reference texts
- • Abreu, A. S. (2009). Capítulo 5. Gramática Mínima (2ª ed.). Cotia (SP): Ateliê Editorial.
• Ançã, M. H. (2015). Revisitando a consciência linguística: apropriação do conceito por parte de futuros professores de Português. Calidoscópio, 13(1), 83-91.
• Ançã, M. H. (2018). Consciência metalinguística e educação em português. Atas das Jornadas de língua portuguesa: investigação e ensino, 71-81. Fonte: http://www.unicv.edu.cv/images/dicoes/Atas_das_Jornadas_de_Lingua_Portuguesa_-_IE.pdf
• Cecilio, L. A. O pretérito perfeito composto em português e sua interface com o italiano, in R. M. B. Meyer, A. F. de S. Albuquerque (eds.), Pretérito Perfeito Composto no Português para Estrangeiros: Fronteiras com Outras Línguas, Editora Livre Expressão, Rio de Janeiro, 2011, pp. 57-80.
• Gerhardt, A. F. (2016). Capítulo 3: Exercícios. Ensino de Gramática e desenvolvimento metalinguístico: teorias, reflexões e exercícios. Campinas: Pontes Editores.
• Faria, C.V.S. (2019) Tradução audiovisual em PB e PE: o que estudantes de PLE podem aprender ao comparar as duas variedades em um corpus de pequena dimensão. In: Rivista degli studi portoghesi e brasiliani. XXI. Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, p. 91-102
• Junqueira, L. B. (2015). O caráter social do funcionalismo e do cognitivismo. DLCV, Esp(2), 9-30.
• Neves, F. E. (2016). Conhecimento metalinguístico em uma perspectiva (meta)cognitiva – letramento linguístico acadêmico da/o estudante universitária/o. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade de Passo Fundo, 12(2), 473-495. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5335/rdes.v12i2.6400
• Osório, P., & Antunes, P. (2009). Para uma delimitação epistemológica do conceito de consciência metalinguística: um estudo de Linguística Aplicada. Revista de Letras, 91-107.
• Osório, P.; Leurquin, E.; Coelho, M. (2018) O lugar da gramática na aula de português. Rio de Janeiro: Dialogarts.
• Pilati, E. (2017). Linguística, gramática e aprendizagem ativa. Campinas: Pontes Editores.
• Silva, A. S. (2004). Introdução: linguagem, cultura e cognição, ou a Linguística Cognitiva. Em A. S. Silva, A. Torres, & M. Gonçalves, Linguagem, Cultura e Cognição: Estudos de Linguística Cognitiva (pp. 1-18). Coimbra: Almedina.
• Danesi, M., Diadori, P., & Semplici, S. (2018). Tecniche didattiche per la seconda lingua. Strategie e strumenti anche in contesti CLIL. Carocci.
• Peppoloni, D. (2018). Glottodidattica e metalinguaggio. La consapevolezza metalinguistica come strumento per l'acquisizione delle lingue straniere. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
• Roehr-Brackin, K. (2018). Metalinguistic Awareness and Second Language. New York: Routledge. - Educational objectives
- The course is an in-depth program aimed at the study of grammatical
concepts specific to the Portuguese language applied to the practice of
teaching this language, with a view to the development of metalinguistic
awareness. The main objective of this course is to bring students to the
acquisition of its general concepts and of methodological and critical
tools for the analysis of teaching materials and for the elaboration of
contents aimed at the development of a (meta)language reflection.
Specifically, at the end of the course the student is expected to be able
- Recognize the main theoretical concepts in cognitive-functional
- Reflect on the concept of "metalinguistic awareness" and its
implications in the learning of a foreign language;
- Take a contrasting perspective to complex grammatical concepts for
Italian students;
- Analyze similarities and differences between some European and
Brazilian Portuguese language structures and reflect on the implications
of this in the context of teaching-learning in Italy;
- to establish correlations between theoretical knowledge and teaching
strategies for teaching Portuguese as a foreign language;
- Analyze the grammatical contents of Brazilian and Portuguese
textbooks and propose additional activities based on theoretical
discussions, especially metalinguistic awareness - Prerequisites
- Students must have passed the CLA exam and have a language proficiency level equivalent to C1 (CEFR).
- Teaching methods
- The lectures have a seminarian structure. The lessons will be held in
Portuguese, with the use of p PowerPoint presentations and analysis of
textbooks. - Other information
- Attendance to the course is strongly recommended, given its applicationpractical character. Students are invited to register on the Unistudium
platform, which will be used for:
- make available some bibliographic materials, which must be
downloaded by students in advance
- to propose and collect activities that promote critical reflection on the
contents of the course and/or that require prior preparation by the
students for the discussions that will take place during the lessons - Learning verification modality
- Final written and oral exam with single grade. Non-attending students
should contact the teacher to establish supplementary materials.
At the CLA, the student must undergo, at the end of the cycle of practice
lessons (80 hours), a level test (level C1) to be considered preparatory to
the written and oral exam to be taken at the Department. The tests at
the CLA, to be carried out with language assistants, will be written and
oral, aimed at assessing the effective acquisition of language skills
established by the Common European Framework of Reference. The level
test will be evaluated with a score in thirtieths, which will give the
arithmetic mean with the grade obtained in the Department exam.
The verification will therefore be divided into several phases. With regard
to the Portuguese and Brazilian language course I, held by the teacher
responsible for the discipline, the tests carried out in exam or exemption
mode are structured in the following mode: written production in
Portuguese of a critical text on some of the topics covered during the
lessons and the respective oral presentation. The written text will focus
on theoretical topics and the oral presentation will be addressed to the
theoretical-practical module, that is, on the aspects of analysis of
textbooks and on proposals for didactic elaboration with exercises of
reflection (meta)linguistics. - Extended program
- The study of the Portuguese language and its different standards in a
context of teaching-learning of foreign languages, more specifically in
university courses engaged in vocational language training, should focus
not only on the socio-cultural aspects involved in the functioning of the
language, but should include a (meta)cognitive perspective that leads
students to reflect on the application of these concepts to specific
professional realities, such as in the field of teaching. The course will
focus, in a contrasting perspective, on complex grammatical topics for
Italian students, paying particular attention to metalinguistic awareness
in the treatment of European and Brazilian Portuguese standards.
Moreover, it is proposed to articulate these aspects with the main
recurrent concepts in the studies of linguistics applied to the teaching of
foreign languages, more specifically following the line of Italian didactics.
The course will be divided into two modules: theoretical and theoreticalpractical.
- The first module will consist of lectures focusing on the presentation and
discussion - from previous readings of scientific articles and chapters of
books - of theoretical concepts fundamental to the construction of critical
knowledge of learners - which should be articulated with the practical
activities of the second module. Students will have to make summaries
(written and oral) of the theoretical texts and participate in the
discussions in class.
- The second module will be mainly devoted to the analysis of the
grammatical contents presented in advanced textbooks and will involve
the active participation of students in individual seminars.