Archaeology and history of art
Study-unit Code
Stefania Petrillo
  • Stefania Petrillo
  • 36 ore - Stefania Petrillo
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian language
Modernity of sculpture.
Themes, techniques and formal research between the 19th and 20th centuries
Reference texts
For attending students:

R. Krauss, Passaggi: storia della scultura da Rodin alla Land Art, ed. italiana a cura di E. Grazioli, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1998.

F. Fergonzi, Filologia del 900. Modigliani, Sironi, Morandi, Martini, Electa, Milano 2013, pp. 217-260.

E. Crispolti, in Fontana. Scultore, catalogo della mostra (Mantova-Roma, 2007-2008), Electa, Milano 2007, pp. 20-35.

For non attending-students:

R. Krauss, Passaggi: storia della scultura da Rodin alla Land Art, ed. italiana a cura di E. Grazioli, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1998.

F. Fergonzi, Filologia del 900. Modigliani, Sironi, Morandi, Martini, Electa, Milano 2013, pp. 217-260.

E. Crispolti, in Fontana. Scultore, catalogo della mostra (Mantova-Roma, 2007-2008), Electa, Milano 2007, pp. 20-35.

Je suis l'autre Giacometti, Picasso e gli altri. Il primitivismo nella scultura del Novecento, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Lugano), a cura di F.P. Campione e M.G. Messina, Electa, Milano 2018.
Educational objectives
Know the hubs of the process of renewal of sculpture between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Knowing how to frame authors and works in relation to the cultural context and the possible contamination of languages ¿¿between visual arts.
Know the fundamentals of art history of the Twentieth century.
Teaching methods

Face-to-face with audiovisual material
Practical training
Seminar lectures
Field trips
Other information
Students with disabilities and/or SLD: for any information on University services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it).
Learning verification modality
Oral examination

The test, lasting about 30 minutes, includes questions on the topics covered in class starting from the recognition of the works, and on the texts indicated in the bibliography.
The ability to organize, critically rework and expose the contents appropriately through an adequate reading of the works will be verified.

Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for compensatory tools, dispensatory measures and inclusive technologies ensured by law, to be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of tests and exams. For general information, consult the page https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Disability and/or SLD Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it).
Extended program
The course will explore some of the founding moments of plastic research between the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. In the transition from nineteenth-century realism to the revolutionary modernist syntax, free from any narration, the following themes will be treated in particular:
Rodin's modeling between representation of the idea, naturalism and poetics of the fragment.
Medardo Rosso and his search for light.
Primitivism in Brancusi and Picasso.
Spatiality and movement in Boccioni's sculpture.
Visual sources and "plastic values" by Arturo Martini. The rediscovery of terracotta in the Thirties.
Movement, light and theatricality in Calder.
Lucio Fontana and the color of sculpture.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
4 Istruzione di qualità
5 Uguaglianza di genere
12 Consumo e produzione responsabili
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