- Course
- Sciences and tecniques of sports and preventive and adapted physical activity
- Study-unit Code
- A002323
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Andrea Galli
- Teachers
- Andrea Galli
- Hours
- 32 ore - Andrea Galli
- 4
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- IUS/01
- Type of study-unit
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Contents
- The course focuses on the sporting phenomenon in its associative, social,
ethical, moral, economic, normative and regulatory relevance, as well as
the legal implications connected to it, with reference to international,
European Union and national law. - Reference texts
- To be agreed with the teacher
- Educational objectives
- Assuming a normal basic training, reinforced by the concepts acquired by
the student with the teaching of the related subject in the three-year
course, the main objective is to provide the tools and skills necessary to
be able to evaluate, both from a factual and legal situation, situations
and facts connected not only to the performance of sporting activities,
but also and above all to their future work as tutors, teachers, instructors,
coaches and similar figures, in order to gain awareness of the importance
Programma esteso La rilevanza etico-sociale del fenomeno sportivo. Lo sport quale
strumento di diffusione dei principi etici.
Lo sport quale diritto da proteggere e tutelare, anche nella Costituzione
della Repubblica Italiana.
La conformazione istituzionale dell’ordinamento sportivo. I soggetti
internazionali e nazionali protagonisti del fenomeno sportivo, con
particolare riferimento alla figura dell’atleta, anche alla luce della riforma
dello sport del 2021. La riforma dello sport a tutela del genere femminile.
L’ordinamento giuridico sportivo e i relativi principi.
I caratteri dell’autonomia dell’ordinamento sportivo con particolare
riferimento alla legge n.280 del 17/10/2003
Ordinamento sportivo e diritto comunitario. Il caso Bosman e la
conseguente consacrazione, affermazione e sviluppo della figura dello
sportivo professionista quale lavoratore subordinato, a livello nazionale e
nell’ambito dell'unione europea. Gli effetti della sentenza Bosman sino ai
giorni nostri.
La riforma dello sport: i cinque decreti attuativi. Disposizioni in materia di
enti sportivi professionistici e dilettantistici, nonché di lavoro sportivo. La
nuova disciplina civilistica delle società e delle associazioni sportive
dilettantistiche. La nuova disciplina civilistica delle società sportive
professionistiche. Le nuove figure previste dal decreto n.36/2021. Il
vincolo sportivo. La tutela del genere femminile nella riforma dello sport.
Le figure del chinesiologo nei diversi settori sportivi. La riforma dello
sport e il codice del terzo settore. Il lavoro nello sport, con particolare
riferimento alla legge n.91/1981 e al decreto legislativo n.36/2021.
La rilevanza giuridica del fenomeno sportivo, in ambito civilistico e
penalistico e connesse implicazioni di diritto. Il fatto illecito nello sport ed
il suo intreccio con la responsabilità civile e penale e con l’ambito di
applicabilità della causa di giustificazione non codificata del rischio
sportivo o rischio consentito.
La responsabilità sportiva, civile e penale del precettore, insegnante,
istruttore, allenatore, quale possibile attività lavorativa futura dello
studente. Forme di prevenzione e tutela rispetto a queste responsabilità
Il lavoro nello sport, con particolare riferimento alla Legge n.91/1981 e al
Decreto Legislativo n.36/2021.
Il doping quale fenomeno rilevante nell’ordinamento sportivo -
internazionale e nazionale - e nell’ordinamento statale, con particolare
riferimento alla Legge n.376/2000.
La giustizia sportiva ed il suo intreccio con la giustizia ordinaria.
La contrattualistica nel fenomeno sportivo, anche con riferimento alla
dimensione economica dello sport.
of the role that the student will play to exercise, with the related legal
obligations and responsibilities, both from a pedagogical, technical and
supervisory point of view, in order to be able to prepare all the tools
aimed at allowing learners to be able to carry out sporting activities in
complete safety. - Prerequisites
- Bases of general culture and civic education
- Teaching methods
- Frontal lesons
- Learning verification modality
- Oral examination
- Extended program
- The ethical and social relevance of the sporting phenomenon. Sport as a
tool for disseminating ethical principles.
Sport as a right to be protected and safeguarded, also in the Constitution
of the Italian Republic.
The institutional structure of the sports system. The international and
national players in the sporting phenomenon, with particular reference to
the figure of the athlete, also in light of the sport reform of 2021. The
reform of sport to protect the female gender.
The sports legal system and its principles.
The characteristics of the autonomy of the sports system with particular
reference to Law 280 of 17/10/2003
Sports system and community law. The Bosman case and the consequent
consecration, affirmation and development of the figure of the
professional sportsman as an employee, at national level and within the
European Union. The effects of the Bosman ruling up to the present day.
The sport reform: the five implementing decrees. Provisions relating to
professional and amateur sports bodies, as well as sports work. The new
civil discipline of society and amateur sports associations. The new civil
discipline of professional sports clubs. The new figure is provided for by
decree no.36 / 2021. The sporting constraint. The protection of the
female gender in the reform of sport. The figures of the kinesiologist in
the various sports sectors. The sport reform and the third sector code.
Work in sport, with particular reference to law n.91 / 1981 and legislative
decree n.36 / 2021.
The legal relevance of the sporting phenomenon, in civil and criminal
matters and related legal implications. The unlawful act in sport and its
intertwining with civil and criminal liability and with the scope of
applicability of the non-codified cause of justification of the sporting risk
or permitted risk.
The sporting, civil and criminal liability of the tutor, teacher, instructor,
coach, as a possible future work activity of the student. Forms of
prevention and protection with respect to these responsibilities
Work in sport, with particular reference to Law n.91 / 1981 and
Legislative Decree n.36 / 2021.
Doping as a relevant phenomenon in the sporting system - international
and national - and in the state system, with particular reference to Law
Sports justice and its intertwining with ordinary justice.
Contracts in the sporting phenomenon, also with reference to the
economic dimension of sport.