Sciences and tecniques of sports and preventive and adapted physical activity
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50A00003
Teacher Luigi Bertini
  • Antonella Piccotti
  • Luigi Bertini
  • 16 ore - Antonella Piccotti
  • 48 ore - Luigi Bertini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline motorie e sportive
Academic discipline M-EDF/02
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction ITALIAN
Contents ANIMAL ASSISTED INTERVENTIONS IN DISABILITY (prof.ssa A.PICCOTTI) Technique, propaedeutics, didactics of assisted interventions with
animals in disability,
in particular with equidae
Reference texts Guidelines of the Ministry of Health - 2015
- Lecture notes and other material made available by the teacher and
available on UNISTUDIUM
- What is Pet Therapy "F. Cirulli M. Borgi - Carocci Editore - Bussole Rome
- Other texts can be indicated at the request of the student, based on the
area of interest
Educational objectives Knowledge of the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, concerning
interventions with equidae and application areas
Prerequisites Students must have already acquired knowledge about the various
disabilities and some psychiatric illnesses, in order to understand the
main activities of interventions with equidae
Teaching methods Lessons in PRESENCE or Mixed Didactics (as indicated by the University) -
Laboratory exercises in the stables - Power point presentations - Videos -
Other information Attendance is required, also considering the laboratory activities
Learning verification modality The assessment methods will verify the outcome of the activities carried
out in terms of participation, in depth analysis, ability to link the topics
covered. The verification of the achievement of the objectives will include
an evaluation in progress and an oral examination for those deemed
Extended program * Theoretical part:
• Short presentation - Assisted interventions with Equidae - history of the
human-animal relationship - Classification of interventions (Ministry of
Health) -
• Activity assisted with animals
• Communication and relationship with the horse - Ethological aspects of
the horse - Activity assisted by the horse
• Communication and relationship with the donkey - Ethological aspects
of the donkey - Assisted activity through the donkey
• The guidelines of the Ministry of Health
• Educational contexts and animal mediation
• Areas of implementation of the IAA - Application of the IAA in disabilities
and / or in some psychiatric diseases
• Relational Intellectual Disability
• Deafness and Sport
• Autism - ADHD / DSA - Down Syndrome - DCA and IAA
• Equestrian Technique, Safety Harnesses
• The Equestrian Recreational Activity - Presportive Activity in Equestrian
• Paralympic Equestrian Activity and compensatory aids
• From Pre-sport to Sport - Athlete Testimonials
• Integrated disciplines and compensatory aids
Activities in the stables: Interventions with equidae in subjects with
various types of disabilities
Monothematic seminar: EQUESTRIAN VAULTING: possible psychosocial
rehabilitation tool in DCA -
Experiences in the Horses & Butterflies Project


Code 50A00004
Teacher Fabio Massimo Botti
  • Fabio Massimo Botti
  • Raffaele Blasi
  • 40 ore - Fabio Massimo Botti
  • 16 ore - Raffaele Blasi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline motorie e sportive
Academic discipline M-EDF/02
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction italian language
Contents The role of the functional tests in in designing a fitness training program and monitoring its effectiveness. General principles in test application. how to collect, process and interpret results for training and research. Evaluation methods for anthropometrics, condition, coordination and skill
Reference texts "pdf" from the slides presented during the lessons.

Weineck J., L’allenamento ottimale, ed. Calzetti e Mariucci, Perugia

- Apprendimento motorio e prestazione. Schmidt R.A., Wrisberg C. A..Società Stampa Sportiva, Roma.

Further readings:

- Bosco C., la valutazione della forza con il test di Bosco, Società Stampa Sportiva, Roma.

Buckley J. Exercise physiology in special populations. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier

- Craighero. L. Neuroni Specchio Il Mulino ed.

- Enoka R. M., Neuromechanics of human movement, Human Kinetics.

- Magill. RA Motor Learning and Control. Mcgraw – Hill ed.

- Maud P.J., Foster C. Physiological assessment of human fitness. Human Kinetics

Payton C.J., Bartlett R.M. Biomechanical evaluation of movement in sport and exercise. Routledge, Oxon

- Willmore E Costill. Fisiologia dell’esercizio Fisico e dello Sport. Calzetti E Mariucci ed.
Educational objectives At the end of the course the student is expected to have acquired the theoretical and practical knowlwge necessary to adequately choose evaluation tests in a fitness program
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of biology, biochemistry physiology, pathology, biomechanics and sport science acquired in the basic curse of motor sciences are desirable. However, at the beginning of the curse an evaluation test, aiming to define the knowledge of the propedeutical arguments will be performed and the lessons will be accordingly tailored.
Teaching methods face to face
Other information For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality 2 progress evaluations with multiple choice questions aimed at verifying the learning level about the arguments described in the lessons and a final oral exam designed to assess the degree of retention of the contents, and the associative skill of the student
Extended program Propaedeutical elements

Essentials of anatomy and physiology of the organs and systems primarily involved in the motion and physical exercise: musculo-skeletal system as biomechanical effector, the nervous system as control system. Cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Elements of kinesiology: plans and reference axes of the human body. Postures and movement patterns. Elements of biomechanics: elements of physics of the vectors, levers, moment of force and its measure units, the skeletal muscle as a vectorial force generator,

Principles of human movement and training science:"The integration of information from multiple sensory modalities allows for the creation of internal representations of the body relative to the surround essential to produce effective motor commands. Motor principles. Closed loop and open loop control of movement. Classification criteria of human motion The mirror neuron system: implications for the control of movement, learning and relationality. The motor program: omparison of theories and models. Laterality, dominance and transfer

Planning of the training program.Physical training definitions and principles. Response to the training stimulus: changes during and immediately after exercise (fatigue and recovery). Long-term adaptation processes following the exposure to a workload. Eterochrony of the adaptation processes. Effects of workloads repeated over time: the adaptation reserve.

General principles of physical training. Structure of a training program. Sport science and nutritional principles.

Temporal structure of the training program. Variables of the exercise : volume, intensity, frequency, density, complexity. Motor skills an motor abilities. Principles and methods of Strength, Endurance, agility, rapidity training. Principles of training of coordinative abilities: rhythm, balance, reaction, orientation, differentiation, transformation and mating. Motor learning. Learning without specific training. Memory and learning. Look out. Theories of motor learning and stages of learning. Stability of learned skills, adaptability vs. specificity.

The performance profile and the development of a training program.

Function assessment techniques: their role in designing a training program and monitoring its effectiveness. The definition of athlete’s performance profile as a prerequisite for an individualized training programming. Organization and schedule of a functional evaluation session. Basic statistic methods in sport science. Specificity and sensitivity of the measurement methods. Validity, stability of a measurement method. Factors affecting test repeatability. General characteristics of an evaluation test. Physical and physiological variables and measure instruments. Anthropometric measures. Measures of time variables, Kinematic measures Kinetic measurements.Physiological measures. Electrophysiological and functional imaging techniques open a window on the effects of training on the control system.

The Need for methods integrating biomechanical, functional and neurophysiological measures.

Testing condition:Force: Test isometric force.Testing maximal dynamic force and explosive force Test of reactive force. Evaluation of the impulse of force and muscle drive. Tests for sprint and velocity. Rationale for the construction of force-velocity diagrams. Bosco’s coefficients of elasticity and coordination. Metabolic efficiency rating estimates with capacitive platforms. Endurance and aerobic capacity tests. Rests of rapidity and of reaction capacity. Speed- accuracy relationship. Test for cyclical movements.

Joint mobility. tests

Testing coordination and skill:Tests for the motor differentiation ability. Test reaction. Static and dynamic balance control: field tests and instrumental measures. Evaluation of dexterity. Qualitative analysis of gesture Electromyography and intermuscular coordination

Motor learning: retention test and transfer stability
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