Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giovanni Pizza
  • Giovanni Pizza
  • 36 ore - Giovanni Pizza
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Discipline antropologiche, storico-geografiche e psico-pedagogiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Theories of body, health and disease in anthropological perspective

Clinical ethnography and practices of care in transcultural perspective
Reference texts
G Pizza, antropologiamedica, Carocci Roma
Educational objectives
Teaching provides the main opportunity to learn the entire historical framework of medical antropology-and to measure oneself against ethnographic methodologies It is also a fundamental objective of the teaching to provide students with the basis and tools to deal with a cross-cultural discourse of anthropological-medical interpretation; therefore, the main knowledge acquired should cover:
1) Acquisition of cultural mediation skills in the clinical context.
2) Acquisition of cross-cultural capacity in the doctor-patient relationship.
3) Humanization.
Perfect knowledge of Italian language. In order to be able to understand and cope with the course, the student must possess the general notions related to the studied context and to the organization of the subject, both from the programmatic
aspect and from the aspect of his human presence and responsibility, notions that the student should already have acquired in the course of schooling. This prerequisite applies to both attending and nonattending students.
Teaching methods
The prevailing teaching method involves frontal classroom lectures aided, when necessary, by multimedia tools; practical exercises in reading papers, translation and textual analysis and digital medical anthropology workshops applied
are also planned, held by collaborators and scholars in the subject. In-depth seminars are also planned.
Other information
Students will do written papers at the end of the course.
Reception is done online with an appointment to be made with the lecturer in class
Learning verification modality
The examination includes a final oral or written test of the student's choice: The oral test consists of a discussion-colloquium related to the topics covered in the course and/or explored in depth in the recommended texts. The written test consists of.
open questions.
The tests serve to ascertain the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis skills, achieved by the student. In addition, the oral interview will test the student's ability to communicate what they have acquired with method, ownership of language and exposition. The written test will also test synthesis and text-writing skills. The length of the exam will vary depending on the progress of the test itself. The examinations are designed to test:Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding in relation to the material read and studied in the course.Autonomy of judgment, conceived as the ability to produce independent judgments from the interpretation of a data base, arriving at coherent reflections on social, scientific or ethical issues. Communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors both in writing and orally; Learning skills, understood as the skills necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy.Students with a recognised disability : DSA must contact the lecturer during lessons.(https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa)
Extended program
1. Medical anthropology
2. Body figures
3. Embodiment
4. Tarantism
5. The pain
6. Medicines and Institutions
7. Healing Paths and Efficacy Devices
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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