European legal integration and human rights
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Massimo Billi
  • Massimo Billi
  • 24 ore - Massimo Billi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
In the first part of the course will be examined the most relevant features
of the EU legal system. It will follow an analysis of the rights a
obligations of the undertakings that decide to operate in a different EU
Country, both through the opening of a branch or of a subsidiary and
through the mere supply of goods and services from the Country o
origin. To this aim, the rules provided for the undertakings established
abroad and active in Italy will be studied. During the course,
consequences of the freedom of movement of goods, people and capital and the economic and monetary union will also be examined and, at the
end, the rules on competition law and State Aid will be analyzed as well.
Reference texts
Trattato di Diritto Societario Europeo, a cura di P. Montalenti, Giappichelli,
last edition or E. Pederzini, Percorsi di diritto societario euro
Giappichelli, last edition
Educational objectives
The course intends to provide students with the main notions of European
trade law, knowledge of the system of sources of Community Business
law, in particular of the structure and content of the EU Treaty, th
Directives and Regulations;
the objective is to offer students the tools through which to understand
the sources and institutions of Business law and acquire the related
technical terminology and in particular:
knowledge and understanding
students will acquire adequate knowledge of the legal system of the
European Union. They will therefore be able to understand
mechanisms of this Order in the implementation of fundame
freedoms and community policies and the corresponding intern
discipline of implementation and compliance;
ability to apply knowledge and understanding
at the end of the course the students will be able to apply the notions
received in order to understand both the development of community law
and the relationships between it and the internal legal system;
autonomy of judgement
the achievement of autonomy of judgment by the students of the course
in question is based on the study, during the course, of practical cases,
on which the same students will be asked to give their own evaluation;
communication skills
During the course, students will be asked to interact with each other and
with the teacher, in order to increase their ability to communicate;
learning ability
the students' learning ability will be stimulated through continuou
dialogue with the teacher and, through the indication, by the teache, , of
explanatory documents of the different institutes that will be covered.
no requirement
Teaching methods
lessons and seminars
Other information
attendance at classes is highly recommended.
Learning verification modality
oral examination to evaluate the knowledge of european business law
principal topics.
Extended program
Principles of European business law: First Directive (now 2017/1132/UE),
Second Directive (now 2017/1132/UE), Twelfth Directive
2017/1132/UE), Fourth and Seventh Directive (now 2013/34/U
Directive 43/2006/CE, Market abuse Directive (2003/6/UE, from July 2016
reg. 596/2014/UE and Directive 2014/57/UE), Reg. 2157/2001/
(Societas europea), Takeover Directive 25/2004/CE.
Freedom of establishment (Court of Justice decisions).
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Teaching contributes to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030.


Code A001396
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Massimo Billi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Giuridico
Academic discipline IUS/04
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)


Code A001396
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Massimo Billi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Giuridico
Academic discipline IUS/04
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
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