Legal services
Study-unit Code
Law and technologies
Marco Canonico
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A003007
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Marco Canonico
  • Marco Canonico
  • 18 ore - Marco Canonico
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline IUS/11
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The Catholic Church as a legal system. The object of canonical judgment. Types of judges and courts. The canonical process. The appeals. Elasticy of order, equity and supreme goal of the salvation of souls.
Reference texts M. CANONICO, L’organizzazione della giustizia nella Chiesa Cattolica, in Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, Rivista telematica (www.statoechiese.it), n. 10 del 2024, pagg. 19-85.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
Educational objectives The course aims to offer users a basic knowledge of financial institutions and issues of interest and relevance of the subject, with a study of specific themes and critical evaluation of the relevant issues, in order to achieve the student's cognitive and applied tools for to face and understand the issues underlying the organization of justice in the Catholic Church.
Prerequisites For the understanding and application of the topics object of teaching it is important to understand the fundamentals of object lessons of annuity previous course.
Teaching methods The course is structured in lectures in the classroom with exposure issues as part of the teaching. They will be organized seminars and tutorials on specific topics and issues of particular relevance.
Other information The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, are followed the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
For updated information, please visit: http://giurisprudenza.unipg.it/index.php/didattica/appelli-esami
Learning verification modality The assessment will be made at the end of the course in a collegial way by a single oral examination, lasting a few minutes, consisting of questions to the candidate on the subjects of education, aimed to examine the level of knowledge attained by the student and the degree capacity by the same to deal with in a conscious and rational issues underlying the content of the material.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the series of lessons if necessary and to take the exam from the first available session after the lessons themselves have ended, therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.
Extended program The Catholic Church as a legal system. The object of canonical judgment. Types of judges and courts: the pontiff as supreme judge; bishops and diocesan courts; the special courts responsible for dealing with matrimonial cases; the tribunals of the Apostolic See; other bodies, not having judicial nature, which are responsible for dealing with specific proceedings. The canonical process: ordinary litigation; the oral litigation process; the matrimonial process; the criminal tial; further procedural indications. The appeals: the appeal; the complaint of nullity; the restitutio in integrum; the new proposition of the case. Elasticy of order, equity and supreme goal of the salvation of souls.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.


Code A003008
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Marco Canonico
  • Silvia Angeletti (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore (Codocenza) - Silvia Angeletti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline IUS/11
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction The course and the exam will be held in Italian
Contents The second course module is aimed at offering an introduction to religion law against the background of the recent challenges that digital technologies pose to individual and collective religious beliefs and practices. Bearing in mind traditional definitions and national and supranational legal protection of freedom of religion or belief, it will be assessed how and to what extent technologies as AI and metaverso or neurosciences are rapidly changing the religious landscape while determining the need of adjusting and accommodating the legal discipline of religious rights.
On the other hand, it will be highlighted the active role exerted by religions and religious leaders in confronting the ethical challenges posed by digital technologies and AI in particular, at the same time evaluating the adjustments and changes that digital society determines over religions.
Reference texts The learning material will mainly consist of legal and religious official documents, sources and Journal articles in Open Access, which will be indicated and/or uploaded in Unistudium all along the course. To be updated on learning material, please check Unistudium and the teacher personal webpage:
For further information, please contact:
Educational objectives Against the background of the overall objectives of the Course in Law and Technologies, this second course module evaluates the outcome of digital technologies on religious experience, looking at the adjustment of traditional religious confessions and the development of legal protection of freedom of religion or belief. Specific objectives will be:
Gaining an overall knowledge of legal regulation of religious freedom, at national and international level, in order to understand the dynamics and challenges produced by digital technologies in this field.
Gaining specific knowledge on the role of digital technologies and neurosciences over religious experience, in a binary pattern. Firstly, the need to readjust traditional forms of legal regulation and protection of freedom of religion or belief due to new technologies. Secondly, accommodations techniques by religious confessions and the contemporary evolving of new religious experiences; the active role of religious confessions in the global debate over AI and digital technologies.
Ability to assess issues and problems and to clearly and logically expose them.

Prerequisites No mandatory prerequisites. Access is open to students from plural curricula, to whom no prerequisites are applied. Additional material shall be suggested by the teacher to make up for lack of knowledge of basic legal definitions.
Teaching methods Term two. Lectures and slide presentations, at times with Italian or foreign speakers. Group works, case-law discussions in class. Students are expected to actively engage in class discussion and to participate in students’ individual or group presentations. Attendance is not compulsory but it is highly recommended.
Other information For any further information on the course activities, assessment and examination, please contact: silvia.angeletti@unipg.it
Office hours shall be online in Teams or in presence at the Law Department. To be updated: www.giurisprudenza.unipg.it/personale/silvia.angeletti
Students with disabilities may be given specific support upon request. Please, find more information on the webpage: https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa

Learning verification modality For both attending and non-attending students, the final evaluation will consist of an oral exam (questions and answers) over the I and the II module. Active participation in class and presentations during the second module will be considered for the purpose of the evaluation.
The exam will be based on the study of learning material that will be indicated by the teacher as well as on the study of the topics discussed in class and of the learning material advised on Unistudium. Students not attending classes are also invited to check the material advised on Unistudium.

Extended program Specific topics are subject to change in accordance with the course development:
Religions before digital technologies and neurosciences: changes, challenges, adjustment and new forms of religious beliefs and practices
Religions online and online religions
The active role of religious confessions in ethically managing the new challenges of artificial intelligence
Legal definitions of religion and belief and the protection of freedom of religion: introduction to key concepts and new models and methods due to digital technologies
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 4,5,10,16
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