- Course
- Legal services
- Study-unit Code
- A003055
- Curriculum
- Law and technologies
- Teacher
- Cristina Costantini
- Teachers
- Cristina Costantini
- Hours
- 42 ore - Cristina Costantini
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- English
- Contents
- The course will be structured in two parts.
The first part, with a methodological and interdisciplinary perspective, will be devoted to the study of three main issues: the disciplinary specificities of comparative law; the different forms of artificial intelligence; how the use of artificial intelligence can influence the formulation of a new form of comparative law.
The second part examines particular fields of private law in order to explore and analyze the interactions between law and technology, as well as the evolution of legal institutions in the digital age. - Reference texts
- The attending students will be expected to discuss and comment upon the didactic material provided during lectures, and the course will conclude with a written paper (to be presented orally) on some of the most interesting arguments. The attending students may elect to discuss two chapters from any of the following books at their discretion: W. Barfield, U. Pagallo, Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar. 2020; T.H. Davenport, J. Glaser, E. Gardner, Advanced Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, 2022; E. Karner, B. Koch, M. Geistfeld, Comparative Law Study on Civil Liability of Artificial Intelligence, European Commission, 2021. Students who will not attend the course are required to study W. Barfield, U. Pagallo, Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar. 2020 (chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11).
- Educational objectives
- The teaching focuses on providing students with an interdisciplinary and comparative understanding of the basic legal principles and rules associated with artificial intelligence.
The main knowledges that students will acquire will be:
- knowledge of the main methodologies of Comparative Law;
- critical understanding of the mutual relationships between Law and culture; law and society; law and other fields of knowledge;
- understanding of the various regulatory paradigms applicable to AI in relevant fields of private law.
The main skills that students will acquire will be:
- understanding of the relevance of interdisciplinary dialogue to the study of AI;
- autonomous application of acquired knowledge to understand legal issues associated with the use of artificial intelligence;
- identify ethical issues associated with the use of artificial intelligence;
- engaging actively in discussions about legal texts and cases from different legal systems regarding artificial intelligence. - Prerequisites
- In order to be able to understand and to know how to tackle the course, students must have the basic notions of private law and public or constitutional law. This precondition is valid for attending and not attending students.
- Teaching methods
- The course is organized as follows:
- lectures will deal wit all the issues and problems of the course program;
- presentation of slides in order to facilitate a better understanding of the discussion topics;
- delivery of learning and teaching materials to be commented on for the purpose of encouraging active participation by the students. - Other information
- Attendance is highly recommended.
- Learning verification modality
- The exam includes only the final oral test consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth through recommended texts.
The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language, and of exposure, what he has acquired.
The duration of test varies depending on the performance of the test itself. - Extended program
- The course will be structured in two parts.
The first part, with a methodological and interdisciplinary perspective, will discuss the following topics:
- methods and functions of comparative law;
- identification of the main forms of artificial intelligence;
- explanation of the relationships between law and technologies;
- popular culture representation /through literature and cinema) of legal issues associated with the use of artificial intelligence.
The second part, with an operational perspective, will discuss the following topics:
- artificial intelligence and legal personality;
- artificial intelligence and tort law;
- artificial intelligence and medical practice (questions and legal issues). - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
- 4, 5, 9
Code | A003055 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Cristina Costantini |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline giuridiche d'impresa e settoriali |
Academic discipline | IUS/02 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Code | A003055 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 4 |
Teacher | Cristina Costantini |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline giuridiche d'impresa e settoriali |
Academic discipline | IUS/02 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |