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Study-unit Code
Operatore giudiziario e della p.a.
Marco Canonico
  • Marco Canonico
  • 54 ore - Marco Canonico
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Sources of ecclesiastical law. Freedom of religion. Relationship between State and religious denominations. Italy and the Holy See. The Agreement of Villa Madama. The constitutional jurisprudence. The European Union. The canonical order and the government of the Church. The Holy See. The canonical marriage.
Reference texts
G. BARBERINI – M. CANONICO, Diritto ecclesiastico, Giappichelli, Torino, 2013; G. BARBERINI – M. CANONICO, Elementi essenziali dell'ordinamento canonico, Giappichelli, Torino, 2013; G. BARBERINI – M. CANONICO, Fonti normative di diritto ecclesiastico, Giappichelli, Torino, 2013.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
Educational objectives
The course aims to offer users a basic knowledge of financial institutions and issues of interest and relevance of the subject, with a study of specific themes and critical evaluation of the relevant issues, in order to achieve the student's cognitive and applied tools for to face and understand the issues underlying the phenomenon of religion.
For the understanding and application of the topics object of teaching it is important to understand the fundamentals of object lessons of annuity previous course.
Teaching methods
The course is structured in lectures in the classroom with exposure issues as part of the teaching. They will be organized seminars and tutorials on specific topics and issues of particular relevance.
Other information
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, are followed the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
For updated information, please visit: http://giurisprudenza.unipg.it/index.php/didattica/appelli-esami
Learning verification modality
The assessment will be made at the end of the course in a collegial way by a single oral examination, lasting a few minutes, consisting of questions to the candidate on the subjects of education, aimed to examine the level of knowledge attained by the student and the degree capacity by the same to deal with in a conscious and rational issues underlying the content of the material.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the series of lessons if necessary and to take the exam from the first available session after the lessons themselves have ended, therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.
Extended program
Definition and sources of ecclesiastical law. Religious freedom: historical and philosophical aspects of law and positive. The freedom of religious confessions. The legal status of the relationship between the State and religious denominations. Italy and the Holy See. The Agreement of Villa Madama. The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. The European Union and religious denominations. Characteristics and peculiarities of the Order canon. The hierarchical constitution of the Church and the government. The legal personality and diplomatic activity of the Holy See. The canonical marriage.
The information provided also applies to working students, non-attending students, disabled students and/or students with DSA and Erasmus students.
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