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Study-unit Code
Operatore giudiziario e della p.a.
Luisa Cassetti
  • Luisa Cassetti
  • 36 ore - Luisa Cassetti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course of Constitutional law (9 CFU) will describe the evolution of the democratic Institutions with special attention to the organization of powers and the development of the sources of law.
Reference texts
A.PISANESCHI, Diritto costituzionale, G.Giappichelli, updated version. The updated text of the Constitution and some fundamental laws concerning public law are available at UNISTUDIUM platform. Some recorded lessons (authored by Prof.sa L.Cassetti ) together with several pantries (pdf) are available on the mentioned online platform. Pantries are a guide for a better understanding of concepts and basic notions. They are just a support tool and do NOT substitute the analysis and the study of the above mentioned book.
Educational objectives
The course of Constitutional Law aims to enforce the achievement of the basic notions of public law and issues of modern constitutionalism, with special attention to the study of the sources of law and guarantee of fundamental rights.
The study of Constitutional Law needs a good level of general knowledge, that includes the historical background of Italian democratic institutions.
Teaching methods
Blended Course (Lessons face-to-face, On line Seminars and eLearning tools)
For students with disabilities and/or DSA, we follow the University guidelines contained in the following link https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-dsa#strumenti
The teacher is available to provide working students and students involved in the Erasmus program with basic information regarding the organization of the course and the recommended texts.
Other information
The consulting hours of Prof. Luisa Cassetti (and Avv. Silvia Ricci, Tutor ) will be available online (www.giurisprudenza.unipg.it).
With regard to the Degree Thesis, students can ask for information to the Professor during her consulting hours or can ask her for an appointment by e-mail (luisa.cassetti@unipg.it).
Learning verification modality
Oral Examen.
The aim of the oral examen is verify the level of learning and the ability of the student to reasoning.
Extended program
1. The CLASSROOM LESSONS (36 hours) will cover the following issues: The Republican constitutional order. The relationship between different legal orders. State and sovereignty. Methods to exercise sovereignty. Political representation and popular participation. The Italian Republic between State, regions and local authorities. Regionalism and federalism.The Italian form of government. The organization of powers. The Parliament: organization and functions. The Government. Constitutional principles of public administration.The President of Republic: role and functions. The Judiciary power: organization and guarantees. The reform of the judiciary. Authority and freedom. The guarantees of fundamental rights.The judicial protection of rights. The Italian jurisdictions.The Constitutional Justice. Organization and functions of the Constitutional Court. The decisions of the Italian Constitutional Court. Sources of law. The Constitution and the other sources of constitutional level. Law (statutory) reserve. Primary sources. Secondary sources and “delegification”. Community sources. Sources of regional order. Customary law. Atypical sources and reinforced laws. The system of legal sources: criterion to solve
2. The e-Learning lessons available at UNISTUDIUM, will be updated, including the Chapter “Glossario” for the students of the Curriculum “Law and Technologies.


Code A000712
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Luisa Cassetti
Learning activities Base
Area Costituzionalistico
Academic discipline IUS/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code A000712
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Luisa Cassetti
Learning activities Base
Area Costituzionalistico
Academic discipline IUS/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
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