Unit Territorial Regeneration and Sustainability
- Course
- Politics, administration, territory
- Study-unit Code
- A001420
- Curriculum
- Politiche del territorio
- Teacher
- Mariano Sartore
- Teachers
- Mariano Sartore
- Mariano Sartore
- Hours
- 21 ore - Mariano Sartore
- 42 ore - Mariano Sartore
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Sociologico
- Academic discipline
- SPS/09
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course aims to analyze how the topics of urban renewal and sustainability were born, their evolution and, at the end, to underline their relevance in the current contest.
It also gives the empirical instruments that allow students to elaborate policies and practices to reach those objectives of urban renewal and sustainability - Reference texts
- Cristina Bianchetti, Spazi che contano, Donzelli, 2016, isbn 9788868435400
Marco D'Eramo, Il selfie del mondo. Indagine sull'età del turismo, Feltrinelli, 2017, isbn 9788807105272
David Harvey, Città ribelli, il Saggiatore, 2013, isbn 9788842818366
François Jullien, L'identità culturale non esiste, Einaudi, 2018, isbn 9788806235925
Henri Lefebvre, Il diritto alla città, Ombre Corte. 2014, isbn 9788897522942
Serge Moscovici, Sulla natura. Per pensare l'ecologia, il Saggiatore, 2005, isbn 9788842812548
Francesco Musco, Rigenerazione urbana e sostenibilità, Franco Angeli, 2016, isbn 9788856806106
Bernardo Secchi, La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza, 2013, isbn 9788858106648
Giovanni Semi, Gentrification. Tutte le città come Disneyland?, Il Mulino, 2015, isbn 9788815258038
Richard Sennett, Costruire e abitare. Etica per la città, Feltrinelli, 2018, isbn 9788807105357 - Educational objectives
- The main aim of the course is deepening the topics and their issues. It also has the aim to create an environment that gives the opportunity to utilize the skills that they reached during their training course and to elaborate a final paper that is the result of a systemic, interdisciplinary and multiscale approach (considering all its elements: the project, argumentative and cognitive ones).
- Prerequisites
- There aren’t specific prerequisites. It necessary that students have well gained the competences during their training course
- Teaching methods
- The course is divides in two different part:
face to face lessons (with seminaries) (about 2/3 of the course)
Empirical laboratory (group and individual analysis, with the assistance of the Professor) of significative case studies (about 1/3 of the course) - Other information
- I The materials necessary to draw up the project will be available on the Unistudium platform; there, students could find some bibliographical references or other materials (such as projects drawn for national and international competitions)
The Professor will be available according the information published on his web personal page. - Learning verification modality
- The final evaluation is the result of the discussion of two papers that every student should write during the course; those papers are related to the case studies analyzed during the course. Students also will give a face to face exam, about the theorical part of the program. They could prepare this part using the specific bibliography that the Professor will give them and they could propose specific texts, according to their interests.
- Extended program
- The first part of the course will analyze the topics of urban renewal and sustainability, their evolution and the current issues related to those themes. Given the main instruments to understand these matters, the laboratory starts, about a specific case study. The Professor will give a methodological scheme and for empirical analysis. The class will discover the places involved in the case study, thanks to visits, interviews to local inhabitants, meeting people etc. At the end of these practical activity, students should write a paper about this experience. The second case could be faced also with small work groups (two students)