Politics, administration, territory
Study-unit Code
Management delle amministrazioni e dei servizi
Enrico Carloni
  • Enrico Carloni
  • 63 ore - Enrico Carloni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to provide (a) advanced knowledge on the profiles of administrative activity in relation to interests; (b) in-depth knowledge of the issues of administrative transparency, anti-corruption and public decision-making processes in the relationship with citizens and stakeholders. Specific contents of the lessons will be shared with attending students at the beginning of the course.
Reference texts
For non-attending students: (a) for the 6 CFU exam: E. Carloni, L'anticorruzione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2023; and also (b) a book chosen from E. Carloni, Il paradigma trasparenza, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2022, or L. Torchia, Lo Stato digitale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2023.
For non-attending students who take the 9 CFU exam, in addition to the texts indicated, the study of a text chosen from among the following is required: E. Carloni, M. Mazzoni, Il cantiere delle lobby, Rome, Carocci, 2020; or B. Ponti, Attività amministrativa e trattamento dei dati personali, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2023; A. Travi, Pubblica amministrazione: burocrazia o servizio al cittadino?, Milan, Vita e Pensiero, 2022.
Non-attending students who wish to agree on a different path (including students who intend to request the study of texts in English) can arrange it with the teacher (at reception, or by contacting him via email).
For attending students, texts and materials will be agreed in the classroom at the start of the lessons, but the study of the volume E. Carloni, L'anticorruzione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2023 will in any case be required.
Educational objectives
The aim of the course is to provide students with: (a) updated elements of understanding of the administration and its transformations; (b) in-depth skills in relation to administrative activity and its complexity (between secrecy/confidentiality and transparency, between legality and efficiency; between caring for general interests and pressure from particular interests; between bureaucratic traditions and changes (regulatory/cultural/multilevel) (c) in-depth expertise in specific sectors of administrative law (anti-corruption/transparency/digitalisation/participatory procedures)
There are no specific prerequisites other than those relating to the course of study. Substantive previous knowledge pertains to a basic knowledge of public law and administrative law. During the lessons, the teacher will try to guarantee an alignment of the basic knowledge.
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, group or individual work also with the analysis of specific cases
Other information
It is recommended to check the "unistudium" website for any updates or specific indications that may be necessary due to regulatory changes. For further information, the teacher can be contacted by email.
Learning verification modality
The verification during the exam will be with an oral exam (oral interview, with three questions on different topics of the course). During the course, for attending students, written exemptions (with mixed mode: partly closed-answer quizzes, partly open questions to be developed on one page) and work subject to specific evaluation may be provided
Extended program
The program foresees the study of the topics of anti-corruption, transparency and open government and in particular therefore the deepening of the following topics:
Anti-Corruption and Corruption; The prevention of corruption; The development of the anti-corruption system and its governance; Corruption prevention strategies and plans; Conflicts of interest and interest pressure; Integrity and behavioral duties of the official; Transparency in the anti-corruption system; Public contracts and corruption prevention; Transparency: principles and roots; Transparency and access to information; Information duties and publication obligations; Transparency, secrecy and privacy; The digitization of public administrations; Automated decision-making processes
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
In particular: goals 11 and 16
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