Unit Economics of Social Enterprises

Social policies and social work
Study-unit Code
Impresa sociale
Mirella Damiani
  • Mirella Damiani
  • 54 ore - Mirella Damiani
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course is divided into two main parts. The first part examines
theoretical issues on the following topics: failures of the First and Second
sector. The second part analyzes the role of the social enterprise, its aims
and strategies, pros and cons.
Reference texts
Becchetti, Bruni, Zamagni,
Microeconomia, Un testo di economia civile, Il Mulino.
Educational objectives
The course has the following objectives:
(i) knowledge of economics to understand the role of the social
(ii) knowledge of pubblic policies to promote the social responsability of
the firm;
(iii) ability to read scientific economic articles on the topics of the course;
(iv) ability to produce a short essay.
The training objectives are knowledge of the main and specific topics of civil economy and the evolution of this discipline in recent decades. In this context, a particular space is devoted to corporate social responsibility on the topics of social sustainability (contrasting inequalities) and environmental sustainability (energy efficiency and green investments).
Basic notions of microeconomics
Teaching methods
The first part is based on theory lectures.
The second part has policy and empirical contents and it will be
dedicated to the discussion of articles proposed by the teacher.
In case of health emergency conditions, the teaching will take place in mixed mode.
Other information
Knowledge: with the support of scientific articles on some central topics on fair and sustainable welfare issues;
Capability: support students’ capability to analyse and evaluate statistical documentation relating to the course topics;
Communication: enhance communication skills with written assignments on the topics covered in the course.
Learning verification modality
Written exam.
The written exam permits an evaluation of student’s understanding of the main themes related to social enterprises, with particular regard to the processes that economic actors can play in contemporary economies to pursue social aims. Passing the examination requires analytical capabilities and clarity of presentation.
Extended program
Market failures:
Imperfect competition;
Asymmetric information;
The second sector;
Pubblic goods;
The failures of the public regulation.
Common goods and self-organizations.
The social enterprise: pros and cons.
European experiences.
Italian experiences.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
1. No poverty
3. Health and well-being
5. Gender equality
13. Climate Action
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