- Course
- Geosciences for risk and environment management
- Study-unit Code
- A000942
- Curriculum
- Geologia applicata alla salvaguardia e alla pianificazione del territorio
- Teacher
- Daniela Valigi
- Teachers
- Daniela Valigi
- Hours
- 35 ore - Daniela Valigi
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2024
- Offered
- 2024/25
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline geomorfologiche e geologiche applicative
- Academic discipline
- GEO/05
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Hazard and Risk. Landslide and hydraulic risk. Risk legislation. The Hydrogeological Management Plan (PAI). Soil slope stability analysis with the limit equilibrium method. Mapping of the areas exposed to floods and landslides. Identification of the main protection actions to reduce or remove the hydrogeological risk: structural and non-structural measures (e.g. flood forecasting system and land-use planning).
- Reference texts
- Pranzini G. & Tanzini M. (2018) - Rischio Idraulico e Idrogeologico. Previsione, prevenzione e progettazione degli interventi per la riduzione dei rischi. Dario Flaccovio Editore.
Gisotti G. (2012) - Il dissesto idrogeologico. Previsione, prevenzione e mitigazione del rischio. Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo.
Frumento S. (2014) - Il rischio idrogeologico in Italia. Guida pratica, Cause del dissesto, Strumenti e tipologie di intervento. Wolters Kluwer Italia.
Caivano A. M. (2003) - Rischio idraulico e idrogeologico. Procedure di pianificazione, verifica, controllo e gestione delle emergenze. Epc (Roma).
Ciabatti M. (1982) Elementi di Idrologia Superficiale. Coop. Libraria Univ. Ed. Bologna.
Copies of the slides, reports and papers presented in class by the teacher. - Educational objectives
- The course aims to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge for understanding hydrogeological phenomena and related risks.
In detail, students will acquire knowledge on:
- Estimate of the maximum flow rate of a river;
- Triggering factors of landslides;
- Hydrogeological risk assessment;
- Monitoring techniques for selecting the most appropriate and reliable alert systems according to the type of phenomenon;
- Management of emergency phases during extreme rainfall events related to the ongoing climate of the Mediterranean area.
Main skills:
- Be able to interpret thematic cartography and critically analyze geological and hydro-meteorological data;
- Be able to interact with Local and National Authorities (Civil Protection, Region, Prefecture, etc.), aiming to activate operative protocols during crises induced by hydro-meteorological events. - Prerequisites
- In order to follow this course with profit, the student must have basic knowledge of applied geology and hydrogeology useful to understand the effect of the human impact, produced by the main engineering works, on environmental systems.
- Teaching methods
- Teaching consists of classroom lectures and field trips. Some technicians of local government authorities dealing with the hydrogeological risk will be involved in specific seminars.
Following is a brief description of teaching methods:
- Classroom lectures: the topics are presented to students who are stimulated and involved during the lessons with questions and opinions on the issues discussed, also through the illustration of selected case studies.
- Field trip: students are involved in some fields concerning hydrogeological instability and monitoring. - Other information
- The attendance of teaching activities is optional but strongly advised. - Students will have to use spreadsheets and perform exercises in the computer room.
For exam and lessons dates, please see the following website:
Office address:
Section of Applied Geology, Geomorphology and Hydrogeology Department of Physics and Geology.
Via Faina, 4
06123 – Perugia
tel. +39 075 5840305
skype: daniela.valigi - Learning verification modality
- The exam consists of an oral test aiming to ascertain the student's knowledge, skills, and abilities in communicating and solving the problems related to hydrogeological risk. The questions concern the topics discussed during the course, considering theoretical and practical aspects.
Information for students with disabilities is available at http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa - Extended program
- Definition of Risk.
Flood and landslide risk regulations. Hazard and Risk Maps. Illustration of the Central Apennine Flood Risk Management Plan (PGRAAC). VAS and ARS. Hydrogeological development plan of the F. Tiber basin (PAI).
1) Hydraulic risk
Estimation of short-term maximum rainfall. Extreme Values of Precipitation. River regimes.
Estimation of the peak discharge with empirical and semi-empirical methods. Rational formula. Definition of the runoff coefficient. Analyses of annual maximum series of peak discharge with statistical-probabilistic methods (Gumbel). Return time.
Analysis of the flood hydrograph. Separation of baseflow, interflow and surface runoff. Rainfall-runoff models. The Unit Hydrograph.
Estimating effective rainfall with the FI method and the Soil Conservation Service - Curve Number method is based on the soil type, the use of the soil and the soil moisture conditions before the flood event. Estimation of the peak discharge with the SCS-CN method.
Identify the main protection actions to reduce or remove the hydrogeological risk: structural and non-structural measures. Flood mitigation works (dams, river diversion, embankments, bridles, brushes, walls). Water protection plans.
2) Landslide risk
AVI project, IFFI project. Introduction to slope stability analysis with the limit equilibrium method. Safety factor. The infinite slope and the methods of slices: Fellenius method, Bishop method, Janbu method, Spencer method, Morgenstern-Price method. Examples of solutions with SLOPEW commercial software. The NTC 2018: Safety factor in seismic areas, excavation fronts, natural slopes. Taylor's abacus: application cases, critical height in Drained and Undrained conditions, numerical examples. Description of some mitigation and stabilization techniques. Stabilization by drainage systems: sub-horizontal drains and draining trenches. - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
- The course aims to provide theoretical and practical tools to mitigate landslide and flood risk also in relation to climate change.