Geosciences for risk and environment management
Study-unit Code
Geosciences for environmental sustainability
Simonetta Cirilli
  • Simonetta Cirilli
  • 68 ore - Simonetta Cirilli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Learning activities
Discipline geologiche e paleontologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Sedimentary processes - transport and deposition and structures. Facies analysis and depositional architectures. Data collection strategies in the field and subsurface. Methods for the interpretation of sedimentary environments
Reference texts
text books
James N.P & Dalrymple (2010) - Facies Models 4. GEOtext6. Geological Association of Canada
Nichols G. (2009) - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 2nd Edition, 432 pages, Wiley-Blackwell

additional texts
Reading H.G. (2004) third edition- Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy . Blackwell Science. pp.689.
D. Emery and K. Myers (2009) - Sequence Stratigraphy. pp.304. Wiley¸
Richard C. Selley (2000)- Applied Sedimentology, Second Edition . Academic press
Tucker M.E.: Geologia del sedimentario; Flaccovio Dario Editor
Roger. M. Slatt (2007) - Stratigraphic Reservoir characterization for petroleum geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers. Handbook of Petroleum exploration and production, Vol.6, John Cubitt (Ed), Elsevier , pp. 478.
Educational objectives
The course is one of the core subjects of the first semester of the Master's Degree in Geology for Energy Resources and aims to provide, as its main objective, theoretical and practical knowledge of the key concepts in sedimentary geology.
The primary knowledge and skills acquired by students will be:
• Ability to recognize the main sedimentary structures and the sedimentary processes that produced them, and to relate them to possible sedimentary environments
• Ability to recognize depositional architectures from surface data (outcrops) and subsurface data (well logs), and to reconstruct the depositional scenarios that produced them over time and space
• Ability to reconstruct and correlate sedimentary depositional sequences on both small and large scales
• Ability to extrapolate subsurface geology from surface data (outcrops)
• Ability to connect the acquired knowledge to the exploration of renewable and non-renewable geo-resources.
To understand topics related to sedimentary geology and apply the acquired knowledge, the following prerequisites are necessary:
• Essential basic preparation in general geology topics
• Useful basic preparation in the depositional dynamics of modern environments
• Useful knowledge of sedimentary rocks and the fundamental processes of their formation
• Useful knowledge of classification schemes for sedimentary rocks
• General understanding of basic principles of stratigraphy
• Familiarity with field geology
These prerequisites apply to both attending and non-attending students.
Teaching methods
The course includes both theoretical and practical lectures. It is organized as follows:
- Frontal lectures on the topics of the course
- Periodical exercises on the topics covered by the lectures
• Seminars and work groups.
• At the end of the course, interdisciplinary field trips are planned.

Additionally, during the course period, on a voluntary basis, there is a discussion of a case study to be conducted individually or in small groups on a topic identified by the instructor together with interested students. The presentation involves discussing the sedimentological and stratigraphic characteristics of a specific geological area and any implications in the field of georesources; identifying its geological context, methodological approach, available data, possible hypotheses regarding depositional environment and its development over geological time. The presentation lasts 15 minutes (approximately 15 slides) and includes questions and further discussions from colleagues and participating faculty members. The purpose of the assessment is to train students to work in groups, interact with colleagues, synthesize and develop solutions independently. It also aims to test and improve presentation skills.
Other information
The course aims to deepen students' understanding of the setting and evolution of depositional systems within the framework of major geological and geodynamic processes. Application of this knowledge to sedimentary geology and applied geological topics, particularly focusing on the exploration of renewable and non-renewable geo-resources.
Learning verification modality
The exam is an oral test. The purpose of the exam is to verify acquired knowledge, the ability to correctly apply basic concepts of sedimentary geology, and the ability to quickly understand and resolve the issues presented.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or learning disorders, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
Transport and deposition processes
Main sedimentary structures
Sedimentary environments with examples related to reservoirs, source rocks and seals
Terrigenous-clastic depositional systems and deposits (e.g., aeolian, fluvial, deltaic, transitional systems)
Carbonate depositional systems and deposits: shallow water (e.g., carbonate platforms and ramps); slope and proximal basin; basins and deep basins
Carbonate-evaporitic depositional systems and deposits
Facies analysis and depositional architectures, geometries, and relationships between sedimentary bodies
Dolostones and dolomitization
Relationships between depositional environments and the development of reservoirs and source rocks
Sequence stratigraphy: applications to major depositional systems. Vertical and lateral distribution of systems tracts and associated facies, and the placement of reservoirs, source rocks, and seals.
Clastic system response to changing sea level and rates of sedimentation.
Carbonate systems response to changing sea level and rates of sedimentation.
Building and classifying sedimentary models.
Relationship between sedimentary facies, diagenetic processes and reservoir quality
Facies and Subsurface Facies Analysis.
Data collection strategies in the field and subsurface.
Methods for the interpretation of sedimentary environments.
Use of outcrop analogues.
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