Optics and optometry
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giovanni Carlotti
  • Giovanni Carlotti
  • Maura Graziani (Codocenza)
  • Luca Gammaitoni (Codocenza)
  • 29 ore - Giovanni Carlotti
  • 34 ore (Codocenza) - Maura Graziani
  • 7 ore (Codocenza) - Luca Gammaitoni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Discipline fisiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Reflection and refraction on flat and spherical surfaces. Lenses, mirrors, optical aberrations. Optical instruments (the eye, microscope, the telescope, the slide projector, the camera, the prism spectroscope, etc.). The polarization of light. The colors.
Reference texts
"Elementi di Ottica Generale" - Ferdinando Catalano, Ed. Zanichelli
"Occhiali. Un manuale di ottica oftalmica." A. Rossetti.
"Optics", Hecht
Educational objectives
Provide students with the basic knowledge to understand geometric optics. In this way, our aim is to enable students to understand the principle of operation of the main optical instruments. Moreover, the student should be prepared to carry out experiments in the lab, having clear in mind the relevant theoretical foundations and implementing a correct experimental methodology, also considering the data analysis and error handling.
The main skills that the course aims to transmit are:
- be able to use the fundamental physical laws of geometric optics to understand the reflection and refraction of light and its possible applications in optical technologies.
A basic knowledge of the laws of mechanics and electromagnetism in the way they are usually taught in high school.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into lectures trying to stimulate students' response and interest.
Other information
The student is encouraged to develop a "curiosity driven" approach to this discipline.
Learning verification modality
The exam includes a written test where in some questions the student's knowledge of the theory and his/her ability to solve simple exercises are explored. At the student's discretion, the writing can be supplemented by an oral interview. The purpose of the interview is to verify the degree of understanding and mastery of the topics requested by the teacher.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
The reflection of light:
-transparent, translucent and opaque materials
-specular and diffusive reflection
-Reflection on flat mirrors
-Law of refraction starting from the Huygens principle
-Law of refraction starting from the optical beam
-Fermat's principle
-real and virtual images
-reflection of point sources and extended sources

Reflection on spherical mirrors:
-equations of the spherical mirror
-spherical aberration (stigmatic, achromatic, orthoscopic optical system)
-Equation of the mirror in Gauss optics
-Reflections on mirrors of extended bodies: magnification
-Convex mirror and concave mirror
-Real and virtual images

Refraction on a flat surface:
-Snell's law
-Construction by refracted wave front using the Huygens principle
-Construction by refracted optical beam
-Fermat's principle for refraction
-Flat diopter
-Refraction of a spherical wave on a flat diopter
-Refraction of an optical beam on a flat diopter
-Image of a body extended over a flat diopter: transverse magnification

Optical Foil and Optical Prism:
-Refraction through an optical foil
-Optical prism
-Prismatic deviation angle
-Angle of minimum deviation
-Optical dispersion
-Abbe number
-Prismatic power
-Applications of optical dispersion
-Limit angle, total reflection
-Applications of total reflection

Spherical diopter:
-Conventions for the spherical diopter
-Refraction on a spherical surface
-Equation of the spherical diopter in Gauss optics
-focal points and focal distances
-focal plane
-Refractive power of the diopter
-Refraction of extended sources
-Transverse magnification
-Angular magnification

Thin lenses:
-Refraction through a thin lens
-Points and planes
-Nodal Points and Optical Center
-Lens maker's formula
-Gaussian equation of thin lenses
-Newtonian equation of thin lenses
-Transverse magnification
-Longitudinal magnification

Thick lenses:
-Focal distance
-Effective power and nominal power
-Frontal power
-Analytical research of the principal planes
-Power of a thick lens immersed in heterogeneous transparent media

Combination of lenses
-Effective power
-Frontal power
-Method of successive lenses
-Method of principal planes
-Convergence and divergence of a thin lens system

Optical aberrations:
-Aberrations to the third order
-Spherical aberration of a diopter
-Spherical aberration of a thin lens
-Position and shape factor
-Coddington system
-Field curvature
-Chromatic aberration

Optical phenomena:
-Glitter of the stars
-Apparent position of the sun and the stars
-Color of the sky, sunrise and sunset
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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