- Course
- Digital tools for the buildings, environment and territory sustainable management
- Study-unit Code
- A002936
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Giovanni Mochi
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A002939 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Camilla Sorignani |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Altro |
Area | Altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro |
Academic discipline | NN |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Code | A002937 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 3 |
Teacher | Eliana Martinelli |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Edilizia |
Academic discipline | ICAR/14 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Lectures and exercises will deal with the following issues: architecture and site; drawing and design; the elements generating architecture; the type; the environmental preexistences; the system of relationships; from reference to design. |
Reference texts | CASABELLA n. 509-510, 1985, I terreni della tipologia, gennaio-febbraio, Elemond Periodici, Milano. Collotti F., 2002, Appunti per una teoria dell'architettura, Quart Verlag, Luzern. Collotti, F., 2018, Idea civile di architettura – Scritti scelti 1990-2017, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa. Frampton K., 2015, A Genealogy of Modern Architecture: Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form, Lars Mueller, Baden. Grassi G., 1980, Architettura lingua morta, Electa, Milano. Le Corbusier (Jeanneret C. E.), 1973, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, Milano. Loos, A., 1972, Parole nel vuoto, Adelphi, Milano. Rogers E. N., 1997, Esperienza dell’architettura, Skira, Milano. Rossi A., 2009, Autobiografia scientifica, Il Saggiatore, Milano. Rossi A., 2018, L'architettura della città, Il Saggiatore, Milano. Semerani L., 1993, Dizionario critico illustrato delle voci più utili all'architetto moderno, Edizioni CELI, Faenza. Tessenow, H., 1981, Osservazioni elementari sul costruire, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano. Further detailed references will be given for the diverse exercises proposed. |
Educational objectives | The course aims at providing methods and interpretative-evaluative strategies for developing design skills through the control of compositional techniques and increasing knowledge of settlement and environmental dynamics in different contexts, with a focus on the relationship with preexistence. |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge of architectural drawing. |
Teaching methods | Lectures will deal with architectural and urban composition, with a specific focus on the compositional processes related to urban, environmental, and territorial preexistence. Lectures will aim at delving deeper into the various design tools and the theoretical and technical knowledge required for understanding and transforming the environment and territory. |
Other information | None |
Learning verification modality | The evaluation of the mandatory individual exercises comes before the exam, which consists of an oral test about the notions learned during the course, the texts suggested, and the theoretical references studied. |
Extended program | The course aims to give the students the basic tools for starting a design process. Therefore, the following issues will be addressed: architecture and site; drawing as a tool for design; the notion of type, character, language, and order in architecture; the system of relationships between architecture, city, and landscape; building with the preexisting; from reference to design. |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | Sustainable cities and communities |
Code | A002938 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 3 |
Teacher | Giovanni Mochi |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Edilizia |
Academic discipline | ICAR/10 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | italian |
Contents | The concepts of environmental sustainability for construction, health and circular construction; Environmental quality certification systems; Examples of good practices in the field of environmental sustainability and circular building; The contents of the theoretical lessons will be applied within the laboratory activity |
Reference texts | Gulli R., 2014, Recupero sostenibile del patrimonio costruito in ambito sismico, Edicomedizioni; Guardigl, L., 2018, Edilizia e ambiente, Edicomedizioni; Ferrante A., 2013, AAA Adeguamento, adattabilità, architettura. Teorie e metodi per la riqualificazione architettonica, energetica ed ambientale del patrimonio edilizio esistente, Bruno Mondadori; Rapporti OISE 2014-2015; Culture della sostenibilità, Rivista scientifica internazionale – various years |
Educational objectives | The course aims to provide the basis for a correct interpretation of concepts of very broad significance and to specialize them for both the new and existing construction sector |
Prerequisites | Knowledge of building systems and construction technologies |
Teaching methods | Lectures with insights on individual topics |
Other information | None |
Learning verification modality | Oral verification of the knowledge acquired on the contents of the didactic module; the outcome of this evaluation contributes, together with the other module and the laboratory, to the final mark. |
Extended program | The teaching contents will be dealt with in frontal lessons with the aim of specifying which elements are to be considered necessary for an adequate approach to the topic of sustainability in buildings. The program of lessons will therefore address the following topics: The concepts of environmental sustainability for construction, health and circular construction; Environmental quality certification systems; Examples of good practices in the field of environmental sustainability and circular building. |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | Sustainable cities and communities |