Sustainable materials and processes engineering
Study-unit Code
Materiali per il green building
Giovanna Ramaccini
  • Giovanna Ramaccini
  • 60 ore - Giovanna Ramaccini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to impart technical and scientific knowledge in the field of indoor space design through the identification and application of eco-sustainable design criteria.
Reference texts
Lerma, B., De Giorgi, C., Allione, C. (2011). Design e materiali: sensorialità, sostenibilità, progetto. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Manzini, E. e Jégou, F. (2003). Quotidiano sostenibile. Scenari di vita urbana. Milano: Edizioni Ambiente.
Papanek, V. (1995). The green imperative: ecology and ethics in design and architecture. London: Thames and Hudson.
Vezzoli, C. (2016). Design per la sostenibilità ambientale: progettare il ciclo di vita dei prodotti. Bologna. Zanichelli.
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide students with the tools to analyse and manage the design of interior spaces through the application of design criteria guided by the principles of environmental sustainability, transversal to all human activity and specifically aimed at the wellbeing of the individual. In this sense, the course aims to provide students with knowledge of both a theoretical-analytical and technical-designing nature, in order to prefigure innovative scenarios. In particular, the course intends to investigate the use of natural elements (or in any case inspired by nature) as a design strategy to increase the conditions of human well-being and health in interior spaces, with reference to both the private and collective spheres.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into theoretical lectures and design activities.
Other information
The professor will communicate with students for exam results and/or course materials via www.unistudium.unipg.it
Learning verification modality
The examination includes an individual oral test focusing on the discussion of theoretical content and the presentation of design activities. These tests are aimed at ascertaining the level of cognitive, critical and relational skills, as well as the ability to use the technical disciplinary language. The colloquium will take place at one of the scheduled exam sessions on the dates previously published on the Department's website (https://ing1.unipg.it/).
Extended program
Acquire knowledge of the main methods and strategies for the development of low environmental impact project actions;
acquire a basic knowledge of the regulatory framework on environmental sustainability, both at national and international level;
acquire a basic knowledge of the concept and criteria of biophilic design;
develop an awareness of potential innovative scenarios in terms of sustainable design;
develop an awareness of the importance of an integrated project approach.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
3, 7, 11
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